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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. Ive had a look at this Keysers suggestion is best option really, anything else wont get you enough height for the price so you might aswell get 2 decent trolley jacks this was the other option I was looking at http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/CAR-LIFT-MOBILE-SCISSOR-LIFT-GREAT-FOR-HOME-WORK-USE-brand-new-CE-/321773548263?hash=item4aeb32b2e7
  2. anyone help on the above post? am i ok to run the mocal thermostatic plate (with oil cooler lines) next to the oil filter with another sandwich plate between that and the engine block? all should work as normal?
  3. Hi Mark, not got there yet, just trying to sort the oil cooler out before I tackle the starting issue
  4. no word from Mishi so guessing they cant find out at the moment, basically im trying to put a sandwich plate on top of a sandwich plate, one is thermostatic the other wont be, which way round should they go when installing? i.e non thermostatic (off engine)- thermostatic (going to oil cooler) - then oil filter? This is the order I need them in , is this ok?
  5. good shout thanks, I did that 10 minutes ago they will ring me back, worst thing is ive just found a sandwich plate with everything on it I need may just have to get that rather than piece this one together, we shall see what mishimoto comes back with
  6. as you can see from this plate its says in the statement it has a 1/8NPT thread for sensors (which I dont need and thought thats a standard sensor size anyway) http://www.mishimoto.co.uk/mishimoto-thermostatic-oil-sandwich-plate.html
  7. Right im confused, I need to block the ports for the oil cooler lines on below sandwich plate I have http://www.mishimoto.co.uk/oil-sandwich-plate-m20-silver.html I rang Mishimoto but there not sure and said it should be 1/8 NPT - I thought 1/8NPT was for the oil temp sensor (which is tiny) anyway I googled it like the guy told me and came back with this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-8-NPT-Hex-Head-BLACK-SOCKET-BLANKING-PLUG-BUNG-BLOCKER-Male-Fuel-Oil-Adapter-/371003488680?hash=item566187f9a8 It looks right but could be a really close up picture of a tiny bolt anyway on some of the google results it comes up with the right looking bolt but also comes upn with the tiny blanks for the oil temp sensor anyone know what it is? its obviously got to be quite a big bung as its blocking the oil line holes up
  8. ive got a silver bonnet if any good to you?
  9. Thanks Mark much appreciated il check it out and get back to you
  10. yep fuel return system,570cc injectors, colder plugs and uprev maf, that doesnt sound to bad if its just new plugs I can live with that. Thanks Mark thats epic il drop you a PM now
  11. Il take a look thanks, yes one step colder plugs are in already
  12. Thanks Alex do you happen to have any UK terminals at the moment? with fuse bit as well
  13. ok seems my battery is dead now so maybe that was the problem it has been mentioned to me a few times that my tiny jdm battery might not cut it, so any links to a better battery on imports? what amp should I get? or do i swap terminals round for UK ones as il get a better battery choice? My current battery below
  14. Yes got big injectors in, il take a look at crank and cam sensors , granted its not tuned but should still start and idle? it does chug into life then chugs straight out again, il give it sometime to clear though it has been sitting there for two weeks since I last started it
  15. Surrey, its meant to get booked in with Jez after the oil leak was sorted
  16. Any forced induction guys help would be appreciated Cars is not tuned yet! Anyway since its been home its been started once to move out of garage and put back in where i discovered a small oil leak by the sump (nothing major) So today decided to try and tackle it, started the car reversed her a bout 4 metres and turned off, jacked car up had a look and decided not to touch anything and sump needs to be taken off so put car back down removed Veilside and was going to turn here around and put in backwards so can remove the sump another day. Car started moved it forward about 3 metres it chugged and died and now wont start. Car appears to have spark and fuel (FPR regulator comes on fine) oil pressure is fine, there is some smoke out the back now but i suspect because it hasn't been tuned anyway, smell of fuel is present but again probably because it is running rich. Car has started but died immediately afterwards. Ive checked everything i think in my power and all seems accounted for, im going to put more fuel in and try one more time just to see if it makes a difference. Could this be fuel bucket issue? its a chugging type action thats happening oh and only code that has come up is ignition timing, ive also cleared this code and still the same, i do have the option on my datascan to reset the ecu is this worth a go? Any thoughts welcome
  17. yeah I get the same problem however just scissor jack it up a bit and slide jack underneath thats only on the front though , the rear is just straight off the diff
  18. I think the wiring is something to do with the bluetooth/handsfree the actual bluetooth bits are in the centre cubby but the wiring/plugs is under the tray...thats what /i was led to believe as I dont have it, and someone mentioned I needed that there to run bluetooth
  19. my Veilside is fibreglass and I had bottomed it out a lot, i fitted metal skid plates to the underneath so that now takes the brunt of it,
  20. 2nd dibs if blue man doesnt take it
  21. glad to see it didnt need paint and back to clean smooth lines
  22. I know its quite a gap, my cat used to sleep in there all the time before the plate went in
  23. small update, checked car over to make sure all is ok, seems good so far. Had to shave more off the Veilside to get intercooler to fit properly with it, sits perfect now now have to problem of where the number plate will go , as I think it will block too much of intercooler in its old spot
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