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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. Thanks gsexr, il check them out, dont care london is london at this point I just want a bloody adapter
  2. Thanks Sam, that's not the current problem but im sure that will rear its head after i sort this one out! The silver adapter above is the mocal one which works, the other two fit below it but wont screw into thread above, I suspected this would be the same on the engine and when I got there low and behold it wouldn't screw onto engine thread, mocal one went on with ease so both gold ones are no good even though the right metric etc
  3. Ive had double rage today and its about to turn into triple rage with this oil cooler! Does anyone have an oil filter sandwich plate adapter bolt I could have (in london or Surrey area) I will replace with a mishimoto one next week but need it this weekend if possible Picture below Typically I have 3 of them all m20 x 1.5 but only one works (middle one)
  4. jumping350

    Impreza Sti

    looks mint Ian, epic daily driver!, ive got a white bugeye ...where few and far between (in saloon anyway)
  5. try some of the traders on here but generally tell them they are non brembo, euro car parts have them I got mine from there before
  6. All the best Steve, great adventures ahead so a lot to look forward to!
  7. yeah i know, sometimes dont get back from work in time, plus cant stand it when we go from lap 2 to lap 11 after 4 minutes
  8. I hate the BBC missed everything all year
  9. Thanks Alex, il go get some and hopefully the end of my oil leaks!!
  10. Ive taken my sump off and nearly ready to put it back on which RTV should I use for gasket?? Is this ok? http://www.halfords.com/workshop-tools/garage-equipment/head-gasket-exhaust-repairs/loctite-5699-premium-silicone-grey-gasket-maker-sealant any recommendations appreciated
  11. Looks like an awesome trip, isnt this where that massive drift through the crowd was in Tokyo Drift??
  12. I think your prone to the OEM ones going again so a bit of a false economy, most people get SGS ones because they can be uprated and if they have a heavy spoiler on the back they will need this to keep the boot up
  13. Cheers mate, ports are ok as I have 1/8 NPT sensor, yeah its just the adapter and if its right thread for oil filter, I dont know what stock one is other then the adapter is meant to be m20 x 1.5 I hate all threads and pitches since doing the s/c install there is waaaay to many
  14. Went and charged battery over night for a fiver, i must of just left zed for around a week sitting in my garage, was gonna take sump off thought I would just try one more time before I replaced the plugs...fired up first time a bit sluggish but ok, bit of smoke out the back, left it to idle and warm up, all smoke cleared and idle just as she did before Must of soaked the plugs when I switched her off last time without warming up properly and the weak battery didnt help
  15. would this do the job? http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/190838229117?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT
  16. yes, you would have to do what is mentioned above and put a small 'u' braided hose between ports
  17. yes sorry inbox clear, as evilscorp said would need to be a loop system until your oil cooler is fitted
  18. So this isnt needed now as need something else for the zed, Mishimoto Sandwich plate for oil coolers - has 2 oil temp ports Also includes the adapter for your oil filter Normally £54 Still sealed in original wrapping £30 delivered
  19. So a sandwich plate no good for what im doing then? Il have a look at those gauge plates you mentioned, this is bit more involved than I first thought
  20. That sounds like a plan cheers buddy, heres why im doing it my new sump is too wide so when one sandwich plate is on the oil lines wont clear sump as also another sensor is in way, so was looking to space it out to clear sump, tbh the first sandwich plate was just for oil temp (which I can live with out for now) I need to get it sorted and mapped really. Technically if it travel down the threaded pipe filled oil filter filled mocal plate, would it not fill one side of the Mishimoto sandwich plate which I could tap an oil temp sensor into as it has bungs both sides
  21. Thats a good point I was thinking about that while looking at it now does the oil come out of the hole in the engine? (the one the oil filter threads into), shouldnt it travel up the the two adapter bolts and then into the oil filter fill up my other sandwich plate (mocal) then through the oil lines....if that were the case then first sandwich plate wouldnt get any oil in it at all...i think
  22. Ah mines the other way.... engine - sandwich plate for gauges (non thermostatic) - Sandwich plate for cooler (Thermostatic) - Oil Filter Would that work?
  23. just a small update Mishimoto got back to me and told me it was an AN10 fitting (trusted them and didnt bother to check as i gave them part number etc), bought some AN10 bungs.....its AN8 Ordered some AN8 bungs now so lets see if that does the trick! I hate all oil stuff this week
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