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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. Ok maybe on my own with this one so I went for it anyway. Somehow the braided line had worked its AN fitting loose with all the wrestling to get it in place..lucky I double checked before I put the oil in Took everything apart again and re tightened everything and popped everything back in one go this time and double checked everything was tight. Few pics of reinstall Gauge plate with ground down washer on under adapter bolt, not restricting anything now and the same method with washer in Mocal thermostatic plate, (really suprised how spot on I was with the washer size it fits bang on also doesnt look like it is interfering with anything so thats all tightened down now to and everything together added 5 litres of oil for now and let it settled, had a quick check and no leaks so far from anywhere, will leave it over night and if the same will add couple more litres and start her up
  2. Thanks Ricky, yeah I would of liked to have used just one but because of the design of sump its flat and wide so there needs to be some clearance for the lines and AN fittings. Based on your picture (which is really helpful by the way) it shouldnt matter which way round the lines go from the sandwich plate to the oil cooler so thats one thing checked off list
  3. Right was pretty unimpressed with how the sandwich plates wouldn't tighten up so got some washers to put in between the adapter bolt and the plate to allow the bolt to clamp the plate down. Here is picture of washer on gauge plate and tightened down properly now wasnt happy with how much the washer covered the rest of the plate area and sensor so ground two washers down Fitted first washer in between gauge plate adapter bolt and happy its not restricting anything now and that's in place against the block. Now the Mocal was tight but still would move slightly so ground the second washer down so it fits in the gap (circled in red) and the adapter bolt goes on top of it and tightens it down brilliantly My question is... 1.The gauge plate is fine with a washer but will this cause a problem with the Mocal plate and where the washer is? not much info on this so just looking for a bit of advice on this really 2. does it matter what side the oil cooler lines go to the oil cooler? 3.Is this setup ok? ie do I have all the right bits in the right places in order for me to just fill up with oil now and turn her over? Everything tightens down fine now with washers in place just being a bit cautious about it all really, Im looking to start her tommorow to check for leaks if it appears I have everything in order from above Thanks for any help
  4. absolutely chuffed for you mate and it does look pretty awesome on the flat bed...shame mine never made it up there Awesome figure too I bet Monday cant come soon enough, great drives ahead
  5. if it helps some info I found out on length of return line measured for me when I was trying to do this 2850mm inclusive of AN fitting
  6. How you getting on with FRS Jetpilot? made any progress? ive nearly finished my build just have to pressure test everything and secure all hoses once and for all in there desired spot! I was trying to go for the cheapest build with the minimum amount of parts when I started...I think ive ended up buying nearly everything now Once I had got more than half way and done more reading I figured just do it properly now or something might go wrong and essentially your selling yourself short on power and reliabilty for what you have available
  7. jumping350

    Fuel return

    yeah you just got to get the other bits they sell them individually as well as a kit, it doesn't save you that much to be honest but knocks the price of a FPR off it
  8. jumping350

    Fuel return

    I was gonna go down this route but many people told me not to and in the end was a lot of messing about with things I didnt know and when it comes to the fuel supply/return you dont really want to mess about with it or risk leaks. CJM kit are all machine made and a properly tested bit of kit etc with everything exactly the right size, and Charles is brilliant with any info needed. Fuel bucket needs to be modded, swirl jets drilled out , bigger fuel pump and loads of other stuff I got Bennett to do I like you already had a regulator so just bought the return line, output fitting kit, rail return line and the correction kit which saved a few pennies along the way over buying a full kit
  9. I have one they are awesome and sound great not loud at all on normal driving but livens up as you push on, price wise not sure but not many knocking about these days maybe in the £500 bracket,
  10. Ive did what Bullet suggested and got some free off cuts from the shop but not got round to sticking them to the wall, haven't sat in the drivers seat for over 2 months so no need to as of yet
  11. Really sad to see this, my thoughts are with the family, more people like Martin needed in the world
  12. This is my temporary garage, the one im waiting for is much wider but it looks quite deceiving as there is quite a bit of room down the left hand side. I also parked as close to the wall as possible and the left hand side of the car is jacked up so its leaning towards the wall, it literally is as close as you can get to the wall without touching once the car is back down and level there's enough room to maneuver in and out, I have markers on the wall and the roof beams to make sure I don't hit the wall, lots of fun
  13. meshed all the holes in the bumper the other day, modelling mesh is really good and easy to mould round things and then I sprayed them black and stuck them down, bit of protection now for oil cooler and intake duct Got a couple of goodies to finish off and add a bit of bling BOV filter - which will quieten down the sound but in the odd circumstances that a vacuum is created it will also stop baby Racoons getting sucked in Just about missed my oil cooler lines but may wrap them with something just in case and some new engine bling Although my Mrs says I have the most uncoordinated engine bay she has ever seen, I dont care it all works took the opportunity to take a couple of pics - nothing special though Bonnet up Bonnet down, just to make sure everything fits
  14. awesome car and colour enjoy your day out tomorrow
  15. Reluctantly putting this up for sale, pretty rare and in all the years I have been on here (and collecting all these bits) have not seen many of these items pop up especially the red carbon bits. Selling as a whole set! 1x Red Carbon engine cover (with V6 3.5 embossed into it) 1x Red Carbon Battery surround (attaches over stock cover) 1x Red Carbon Brake Fluid surround (attaches over stock cover) 1x Black Carbon L black cover surround (very rare) 1x Black Carbon R black cover surround (very rare) 1x Zed Shed sticker Free All in good condition 2 small cracks on battery cover (cant see either when fitted) Slight crack from one of holes on radiator cover but really hard to see in picture and a one or two slight rub marks from bonnet but once again not very noticeable. As mentioned these are all real carbon and were a great fit on my car Dress up your whole engine bay at once. £300 collected from Surrey or am driving to Birimingham next Monday if anyone up north is interested
  16. Trial fitted bumper back on and made sure everything cleared Induction pipe hooked up Just need to sort the mesh out and clean it
  17. Awesome buddy! Great feeling when it turns over and you hear the noise That is also one bling looking engine bay some great mods in there, love the catch can and plenum
  18. Thanks guys, actually looking at the front end alone brings a smile to my face driving it ....cannot wait Still got a few little bits to sort but that's the major things done now, I also forgot about the oil temp gauge so wiring all that in and running it to drivers area is now also added to the list! May have to wait till after Christmas for dyno but will see how much progress I make and how bad the weather is
  19. But...I wasnt finished there!! Having done my build for nearly two years Ive read about a bit! Some suggest its not the greatest place for the filter to go as its right behind the bumper and the Veilside is even worse because its kind of housed in there with no direct air flow. So what to do? yes, make a CAI for my CAI I got this stuff which is really strong and looks cool It magically bends most ways and retains its shape all the time So I begun to route it through any gap I could find that went near the filter Pretty much spot on if you ask me Started to put everything back together again!! and finished routing piping I made sure the diameter of the piping was big enough to fit over the right hand side hole of the Veilside bumper when it goes back on and routed the piping so it sits right in front and can secure over holes neatly. Just cable tied for now until I can get some more clips The finished article!! Quite a busy front end now but at least all the holes in my bumper serve a purpose now I also have bought some of this fine modeling mesh (im spraying it black) which is really easy to shape/glue snuggly around all 4 holes to stop debris etc coming through which il do over the weekend After the bumper bits, sorting out bracket for number plate and filling with oil and turning over to make sure shes ok,, she will be off to Jez
  20. Today I feel I hit a milestone Finished off oil cooler, all nuts thread locked and everything tight and in place..its rock solid Braided lines tightened...now just need to fill her with oil Next task the CAI for the Vortech, started out with these and sized them up and got enough jubilee clips for the cause The dremeling was long, a process of grind, check, grind, check, charge dremel come back and same all over again until I got the stupid pipe in! Turbinetastic But alas this was not enough, it need wiggle room in various places so the silicone hose could fit around it which the trusty dremel came out again Eventually got it to this point and everything would... I hope fit After much wrestling and swearing and dremeling I finally got the 90 degree elbow in place I had to remove the crash bar to get the gigantic filter behind it which was fun seeing as I had just permanently mounted the oil cooler Then much more dremeling to get the last pipe in place and the air filter to fit properly but a snug fit Finally in place and ready to be tightened in position
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