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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. cool thanks for help il have a read around and run another diameter past you all before i buy some wheels
  2. hmmmm this is getting confusing so basically look for some wheels with an offsett of -20 for fronts most wheels ive seen have 8" front 9.5" rear so thats what ive been going for and will carry on doing Thanls for help the search continues.........
  3. must be 35mm and put a decimal in by accident. it says 8" fromt 9.5" rear but also has that 8.75j in message not sure if that was eant to be there?? so even if right not worth the bother if it compromises handling etc??? im wanting 18s have not go brembos so could you reccomend a fitmant spec where i dont have to use spacers??
  4. thanks , i have non brembos so would that be ok for my car??
  5. Hi came across a set of wheels with this diameter 5x114 (says nissan fitament) 3.5 ET (dont know what ET is??) 18 inch rim says rim width is 8.75j (not sure as wouldnt the rears be different width to front??) 8" front 9.5" rear would these fit the Z without spacers etc and what tyre size would i need??? any help would be appreciated
  6. yeah i think i got spotted, im the one with the blacked out bit under grill in south croydon
  7. anyone got one??what they like??
  8. or put ling long tyres on them for budgets sake My god what was that lexus owner thinking...looks like its suspension has collapsed
  9. Haha im not magyver but who knows maybe one day lol Funny enough me and my mate came across some R35 wheels guy had written car off and 3 out of 4 wheels were damaged 2 pretty bad...were gonna try and blag them for the Z but at £800 for damaged wheels was bit t risky for me...knowing us they would have come out square
  10. yep just regular mid pipe with box cut out and pipe put in place, i wired brushed the hell out of it to get rust off but i think your referring to how silver it is, thats heat/rust resistant stuff (no more flange rusting for me....hopefully)
  11. cheers husky was reading your legendary write up on rear box sounds like might be an epic one for me lol (i think we share the same ground when it comes to mods...do it your self and see or do it yourself then have it fixed) we do get it right sometimes tho
  12. As the government have messed me up with all there job cuts and everything else cuts while putting everything else up... money was stretched. Pesky rusting of mid pipe flange hit the Z (thought it would never happen to me lol) as everyone does wanted bit more punch out of exhaust if replacing it but cant justify paying £100+ for just mid pipe here it is total cost to me £25 (if you can blag an old mid pipe and can weld) definately more noise and bit more punchier on low revs
  13. Hi all ive trawled through threads for hours, anyone got a write up or something on removing rear box.....i know its straight forward im more worried bout getting it off the hangers so looking for some advice or guidance to make that process easier,and of course some pictures .
  14. im on lookout for blade pssenger door(again) if anyone has one Thanks
  15. Get it welded, may have centre section for you il have to check if its still in garage or GF threw it lol
  16. Which belt is this one?? i mean were does it go on car??
  17. Hi after a centre section exhaust gasket or a couple if possible,fairly thick if anyone has got any???
  18. Thanks for comments @LRF4N lol well sold diffuser so nismo skirts and spats prob (in blade) i think will go down ok,gonna trial fit skirts while exhaust getting done today will try get some pics Got loads of good feedback when took it out last night....now i think i can drive round without getting laughed at lol il prob bond splitter on (tried selling N1 bumper-no one wants it,so will spray and just have second option for front)
  19. yeah wheels are gonna be priority v soon,il keep that in mind..i love those rota gtrs not sure if i can scrape 850 plus tyres at mo, got anything else? reason being brembos sitting in cupboard so gotta get them on and custom centre pipe going on 2mo...and gotta get another door ...bucks going out lol
  20. nope even i was shocked at mates price but did brilliant job,was banging head sorting how black line would come down from grill,got it right i think would of been around 100-110 if i did it like this first time round think i wasted fair bit of gloss black paint
  21. lol was going for angles but fence got in way,tried zooming it in,didnt work lol spraying (twice lol)... cost £140
  22. Lol after getting shot down on first attempt im hoping this time has worked out better (at least improved) i await your comments lol
  23. looking for 70 or 73mm inner diameter mild steel tubing around 50cm worth in length cheers
  24. I am interested in bonnet and both doors(dont ask) please can you give me price for all and separate cheers
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