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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. have a check under driver and passenger seat theres is an air bag connector under there sometimes unplugs itself when moving seat back and forth if both plugged in im stumped
  2. i need some of that superman grease mine wouldnt budge
  3. done mine 2 week go in middle of road lol hardest parts if any are 1.Cracking exhaust nuts (blow torch the hell out of it and big extender bar) 2. Removing from rubber hangers (Brute force or just unbolt hangers took me 10 mins to unbolt) Put grease on hangers and scorpion will actually just slide back on job done
  4. yikes £700 wow thats dear, if you spent that much already you might aswell go whole way and get most out of it...if not now maybe in few months,talking personally wasnt going to get any cats but love the sound of my exhaust so much cant really keep driving round at 4.5k just to hear it ...so im going cat route too now..go for it
  5. interested in lights you still got them??
  6. hey tarmac i saw a thread that said you were looking at going into other jap car parts civics etc, did you go down that route in the end?? Ive got a shed load of 96-00 civic parts including a t3/t4 turbo brand new just a thought if
  7. a nismo N1 body kit, bunch of standard stuff, exhaust,lights, JDM 17s with tyres, bose head unit, and some other stuff i forgot lol but prob no use to you? me thinks il have to wait for pay day then or a second hand one to come along Thanks
  8. Hi all as above mentioned if anyone has these at a good price or have few zed bits around for possible swap
  9. ive got a set lying around for sale if anyone saw this and missed out
  10. what size spacer should go on rear??
  11. Was getting woried about offset after talking on here but it was Fronts 9x18 e35 Rears 10x18 e30 there in line with car and dont look too odd to me i can see now why people lower them and bring them out wider but im more than happy with how it looks,thought i might have a slip light issue after more reading however slammed them on put foot down nothing but grip have had heads turning all morning so far
  12. Yeah my cats the nuts like that almost slept through delivery other day if it werent for him lol he looks like that too..... here they are finally on make a real difference in myopinion best mod yet by far!!
  13. its a joke isnt it then they say 'oh well we cant guarantee it will be there before 12pm....then why do you tell me and advertise it will???? haha my gf just told me same thing i gotta build a chest of drawers now, positioned cat by the door he will make enough noise if someones there
  14. try here http://www.japanparts.com/db/partslist. ... 91&VOLKEY= or envy maybe
  15. Gonna kick fed ex guy when he turns up delivered before 12pm my a**
  16. gtrs silver ones, would of gone on yesterday but stock nuts wont fit
  17. Im up in antricipation of my wheel nuts being delivered (come on fed ex) then on go the Rotas finally glad to unbolt the oem JDM 17s dont do it much justice will post some pics of the badboys when there on
  18. haha speaking of which got N1 kit sitting in my room, maybe trial fit before weather switches again
  19. nice il look around, gotta get those 17s off even my girl said it was crying out for wheels productive week new exhaust and new wheels ......what next
  20. Cool thanks for help i did try research lol but also get told a lot of stuff that conflicts so after doing that since 6am this morning thought would be quicker just to give my problem and get a response as i gotta make a decision or somene else will have them. Cool i can get a spacer through someone anyway so 15mm it is then Looks like il get them then yay new wheels finally
  21. there actually being given to me at a very good price if i was too look for ones with right ET would probably pay hell of a lot more, they are 18s by the way if that helps at all, Are spacers available for this ET then??how much are they really?? Know what your saying about ET but if they go on and look nice with not to much worry then im happy
  22. right found a set of rota gtrs that have come off a 350z im even more confused now than ever!!!!here are the dimensions:front 9" ET 35 rears 10" ET 30 These seem to be the rims for the 350z everywhere i look for them, however in above post was mentioned 35mm ET was no good for car, but these as you can see have them, are these gonna be ok for my car???????
  23. personally wasnt to keen on them does anyone have a pic of them on blade silver car?been offered them in a swap for something else not 100% sure on them had set on my civic turbo they looked nice but were in black and these are silver, its the lights or leave it and money goes towards carbon bonnet
  24. hi all after one of the above if anyone has one (and passenger door/bonnet lol) cheers
  25. heres one for you, what about those universal multifit rims with like 8 bolt holes??is the Z a common size that would fit this supposedly universal fitament??as long as offset is correct if i get spacers would that help with offset issues??i cant find (except for proper expensive) wheels with less than 30mm ET sorry for mad questions just trying to see what i can get away with without and with a spacer
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