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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. cheers husky its on there that is one hell of a useful link for couriering stuff
  2. thanks guys thats some sound advice il get onto it... its just door shell so il have fun ripping mine apart and rebuilding this one!!! god anyone know how much a door weighs???
  3. good news i got a door for my stacked zed bad news is no one will courier it for less than £300 dont suppose anyone could do a pick up for me if they are heading to london...will assist in fuel cost etc oh yeah prob someone who isnt driving a zed at the time (wouldnt fit) cheers
  4. are you the bidder doogy? 'ive been told there is a turbo charger in it' my god.... why can i see an air filter then!!!!
  5. amazingly was rummiging round my z bits and found the spare key which actually starts the zed!! was shocked..now im sure if something happens to the other key (that has buttons) my alarm would still go off or immobiliser (nissan one) i have two immobilisers if i use the spare key??? can i get the button part recoded on a blank key??
  6. ive lived in london all my life its shocking, you do have to have a certain driving style to survive in london but it tends to be more aggressive and all about timing lol a lot of people roll out of junctions instead of stopping at them just to push in..proper dangerous. but dont get too disheartened it happens to the best of us i werent involved but other day behind a pimped out white supra.. plenty of space supra goes to over take cyclist...cyclist gets the hump?? i just sat behind him then bit of traffic cyclist bangs on supras window swears at him rides in front of supra at 4 mph turning around swearing and all sorts...more traffic.... cyclist is about four cars in front at lights guy in supra gets out and launches something hits cyclist on helmet/neck cyclist falls off bike gets back on and pedals like no ones business across grass and down some side road...i drive past where it happened and what do i see rolling on the floor...an unopened coke can...ouch thats gotta hurt! lesson dont swear at people
  7. no they just tried to screw the middle and upper class, id rather they screw the upper class then the lower class at least upper class will survive ok
  8. feel for you mate thats worse than my door!!!at least his insurance will pay, mine was my fault = me paying
  9. thought id move and chuck this replica in for good measure hahahaha http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/KIT-CAR-350Z-REPL ... 19c647dfbc
  10. either way were always gonna get a bad deal no matter whose in power but at least labour just dont flat out say screw all the poor/middle class people
  11. i saw that can see what your saying but its not shocking yet, actually looks ok with the roof up i think
  12. have you got tuner nuts in different colours??or nuts that can fit on my rota gtrs with a socket round them???
  13. whether C&C did anything wrong or not i dont care its about time someone yelled at those two muppets
  14. Usually drive with it on but off on certain days whens its nce, had jdm 17s would kick in all the time even in bone dry conditions, had it on in the wet and still slid into a concrete posts (poor door im still looking!!!) I think tyres are a major major thing with tcs ive had rota gtrs on for 3 weeks now with super steels all round even in the torrential rain tcs hasnt come on once...i turned it on and off earlier just to make sure it was still working
  15. i would taki it to a garage if your not really confident, and if its 370..not worth sheering a bolt on that then paying to sort sheered bolt, easiest way i found to get the nut off was blow torching it...im a bit dangerous and done this on a trolley jack and axle stands and the exhaust popped out fine.(that was on a 8 year old imported nut that lives outside in ALL weather) you may not be that dangerous though your best bet if you really want to do it yourself is give garage a fiver (they will get more leverage on a ramp) to crack nuts bring it home and then easy as pie
  16. anyone ever got one?? they look awesome http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/Cosworth-Plenum-C ... 35b29b8235
  17. lol i already got one dent dont need no more
  18. cycle lanes work if they stay in them but they always have to cross over to other side etc if they want to turn right so thats were the danger bit comes in i think, guess its not big enough of a problem for anyone up there to worry about yet...imagine you had to to pay bicycle road tax that would be pretty mad
  19. but you dont need a license to ride a bike thats where were stuck arent we? comes down to who can be put at blame everyone saw it as i hit him even though my car went from 0-3mph in straight line and he swerved around the roundabout easiest thing for them all was to blame me...believe me i tried everything to get some blame put on cyclist they werent having it for instance who would you blame in this scenario???
  20. put it on axle stands exercise done and you dont have to wait for good weather then lol
  21. let me enlighten you on my cyclist experience f***** hate them!!!! driving to work one evening very dark... approach roundabout see nothing to right or left all of sudden cyclist comes bombing down road on black bike dressed in black i slam brakes on and clip cyclist he goes over bonnet (after 8 months of grief can finally look back and laugh at that bit) he braked aswell so total impact of hit was about 3 mph bike was fine he was fine some lady decided to call police cause im young of ethnic minority i believe lol and drive a zed! and an ambulance aswell for good measure....police said waste of there time ambulance says waste of there time, any ways in the mean time someone hacks into my bank account 2 days later and my insurance direct debit fails and they cancel my insurance!!wont allow me to pay in full or outstanding cos knob jockey cyclist put in a claim...i had 1 option from insurance pay in full and take out a new full policy...errrr 2 insurances no thank you...reinsured with someone else and thought the bell end wont claim hes not even hurt and bike was spotless...zed wasnt humungous scratch!!!didnt miss a day off work no injuries ambulance said nothing wrong with him so i gave big fingers up to privelage insurance...turns out no matter what the situation (he had no lights no helmet no reflectors and dressed in black clothing bombing it over a roundabout) if a motor vehicle hits a cyclist no matter what situation motorists fault...apparantly we have more of a duty of care towards cyclists and pedestrians than the other way round. new insurance wont take on claim so now am currently paying 2 insurances for the zed!!!!! one to cover claim one so i can drive on the road people will claim for anything these days and cyclists seem to do it more and more and 9 times out of 10 its there fault.i live in london and its shocking see a cyclist dont go anywhere near them more unpredictable than your zed in the rain sorry had to get that off my chest lol Cycle license all the way mate my wallet can vouch for that
  22. now theres a question will a convertible door fit on hard roof zed??any takers on that one?? they look the same lol
  23. still need passenger door, any colour door will do now im sick of trying to park with only the right side showing any standard bonnets out there would be in need too i continue to await........
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