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Everything posted by jumping350

  1. na bloody thing whines at me when i do that ts weird cos there was power going to contrller too well off to pay £75 for new battery on my bicycle lol
  2. thats what i thought is a bit strange it happened at same time but looks like battery is dying as stereo turned on then just died really strange as no indication of dying battery up to this point any one know of good battery place in surrey??also mines an import are the batteries different?
  3. why have indicator windows if they just tell you wrong thing started on 12 then slowly went down to about 9!!do you reckon spec controller just finished off whatever was left in battery??
  4. its got a little window you can see through and its shining green ....shows white if loosing charge and shows red if battery is knackered?? ok il go chec volt think again it might of been 12 il look is strange as fairly new battery and was fine yesterday no hesistance in starting at all?? only beenproblem since i lugged spec controller in all power and everything seems fine to everything too
  5. Hi all got a D! spec controller this morn car was fine yesterday went out to car unplugged accelerator plug plugged in controller correctly set up car wouldnt start sounded like battery was dying almost fired then just died out...took controller out replugged everything back in car still wont start .... thouhgt might be battery so took that out and its indicatng green so battery is fine and shows 8 volts when ignition is on?? any help asap im stuck now thanks
  6. will agree done same thing to mine but sprayed it...what spitter is that?? looks better in flesh viewtopic.php?f=11&t=48475
  7. been doing that for months skipping gears cruising in 6th but your so tempted all the time to blast it and all that hard work is undone so easily lol at 134.9 a litre is a good enough excuse for me
  8. thanks alex that saved me a messy job and an angry result drop us a pm on the prices for both also is it worth the hassle to change the clutch line??does it make much differnce?
  9. i have none brembo brake set up at the moment will be upgrading soon, my question is do the braided lines only work with specific brake types i.e can i use the lines on my non brembos in the mean time then just swap the callipers over when i get the brembos using the same lines??? not sure if there are non brembo braided lines and brembo braided lines?? any help much appreciated also got braided clutch line...that hard to fit??
  10. got an n1 bumper and side skirts replica ones for sale if interested?? unfitted and un painted
  11. does a d1 controller thingy bring about any better mpg results??
  12. haha love the thread cant beat a good old jap car..i still got my turbo charged civic coupe - m.o.t station wont touch it though cant be bothered to keep taking everything off and back on again to renew it (lot of things to take off) and next to that is my Gen 2 mr2 which had its bottom end bearing fall out civic was savage as a FW couldnt drive in straight line and kept spinning the mr2 (engine over back wheels) so the zed is a great compromise...never had the heart to get rid off them..want to restore them this summer now
  13. still looking and praying lol anyone got one??how come someone else got one in the other thread?? my god i miss everything im just gonna drive doorless from now
  14. good luck finding a door ive been looking for months now if its just scratch id have it sprayed mate doors are like gold dust especially in the colour you want, my mate might even have a crack at fixing my severely dented passenger door as its just a joke to find reasonably priced one. yeah front wing off all internals out that awaits me lol not looking forward to that, if your only in pompey and you come to surrey at all my sprayer will do that a lot cheaper he would spray my door for about a 100 but thats mate rate let me know if your interested
  15. i was heading down reigate road towards epsom you were heading the other way off roundabout ...you only had one headlight working...was quite funny sleeping surrey got two loud zeds blasting in each direction
  16. those dials look nice but also look like a needle snapping incident
  17. i sometimes work for the council so know a few people so hopefully the fat cats at the top can open their wallet, it is riduculous the size of the pothole i was shocked when i went back and looked, will have to get car checked out now again and see what they say
  18. thats job 1 for tomorow before the cretins fill it in and info on the squeeling??sounds like when you press the brakes and your pads on way out but does it all the time
  19. Problem one hit basically a crater left by superman now my front left wheel continuosly squeels and whines anyone know what that could be??? cost to fix?? i got some pics below...now what do i do with them ??who do i go to to claim?? sorry bout props had nothing else to use to measure hole i have got other pics for evidence to the third pics my lighter in it!!!
  20. genius id have to dive out the passenger one though thats the buggered one then run in front ....sorted least i will feel better bout the doors i missed out on now nice one
  21. sounds about right for nissan, i took my import in they told me to go away lol said they were 'unfamiliar' with imports
  22. you know it mate a gunmetal spotless one is better than a blade silver with huge dent and scrape on it my mates got loadsa kyo paint for me anyway just a pig to strip one door and rebuild on another!!i lost two blade silver doors aswell one on here one on ebay both under £100 i wanted to run myself over in the zed couldnt figure out how though
  23. hmmmm getting a door off a guy and he insists to me the car is not gunmetal grey but thats the code thats printed
  24. is this the right colour for the zed??if so is that the gunmetal code or the blade silver???
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