Lol he should be banned from the car. My parents know I'm really fussy with mine and don't like to go anywhere near it incase they scratch it.
Mine you that's fine with my, a few years ago dad parked behind my car in the drive and didn't put the handbrake on. It's a steep drive and overnight his celica rolled into my car and pushed it into the garage doors. Not happy I could tell you.
Then last year I got my own back unintentionally. I bought a nice 3 year old Saab convertible and was reversing up the drive. Unfortunately I stalled, panicked, hit the wrong pedals, missed the brake and rolled the car right through a huge flower box and half way through their living wall. Saab was indestructible, only a few paint scratches and no panels out. Wall didn't come off so well and had to be rebuilt.....opps.