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Posts posted by djrm

  1. RSLee is the guy to speak too...


    He knows this stuff inside out... and also carries PROPERLY DIVORCED spares...




    Thanks dude - PROPERLY DIVORCED is the keyword here... I bought one a while back and it wouldn't work because it was still married to the donor car's ECU!!! :rant:


    Thanks ;)

  2. Hi everyone!


    I am after a replacement for my Bose stereo which has never worked.. I think there is a Nissan made one that is better, am I right?


    Anyone have one for sale or know where I can get?




    Ryan B)

  3. Ola!


    Just wanted to find out some information... How much do we reckon it would cost to have the below black wheels refurbed to their previous state in the bottom photo? In a sort of gun-metal grey metallic colour?


    OR what about DIY with spray cans? Any good??




    The wheels:



    Their previous state:



    Thanks!! B)

  4. Hi guys and girls!


    Is anyone on here going to the F1 at Silverstone this year? I am, and I have 1 ticket for Corpse D corner that was a Birthday Gift... Only problem is, I just looked on the site now to book another ticket for a mate to come with and they are all sold out! Is anyone on here going and got a ticket for that corner?

    I don't want to buy it, I just want a freind while I'm there!! lol...


    Ryan B)

  5. No no no! Dnt use system restore or reformat...


    It's probably a spyware program that makes it look like you have a virus and prompts you t buy their own software to remove it... It's all fake...


    Download Malwarebytes Antimalware... Start in safe mode and install, then scan once in safe mode and once in normal windows mode...


    This should remove the problem, I do PC repairs in my shop and this is THE most common virus problem I deal with...



  6. Wow, so sorry to hear this!! I get mad enough when a grit lorry sprays my car when driving let alone some bellend acting like that.... I would have knocked his head off!!


    I would get it resprayed, don't mess about with chips away... And besides, he has to pay so go for the best option for the car, which is a respray! AND there may be slight dents that need to be flattened out...


    As for the money side. Get a written wrote from a good repair place, go with the common mate that you both have to his house and give him the bill. Tell him that as is his fault he really should pay. If he doesn't, go to the police... It's vandalism at the end of the day!!


    Good luck mate, hope you sort it!

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