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Posts posted by djrm

  1. wd40 won't help, doubt even plusgas would as its not rusted. the throttle body allen bolts are put in place with a tiny amount of thread lock if i remember rightly so the first crack will do it, after that takeing them on and off is easy.


    also when you do the main bolts up use a torque wrench as the settin gis very low, they actually tighten up after a few heat cycles. if you over tighten them, and then run a few heat cycles you can make them very hard to remove or worse.


    Thanks mate, I readto tighten them back up to 100inch/pounds using a torque wrench...

  2. where abouts are you? it dosen't matter wether you take off the throtle body or not its up to you. ;)


    OK thanks :)


    I am in Essex dude... ;)



    ahh too far for me to come and help you :lol: ive got to take mine off tomoz so could do you a step by step guide if you can wait? but with the looks of it ur almost there anyway, get yourself the allen keys that are on a handle bit like a swiss army knife and that will give you the leverage ;)


    Thanks mate, I am going to have a crack at it again tomorrow, going to put some WD40 on them overnight to help and get allen keys with more leverage and reach but if you want to take some pics and get them on here.... feel free!! :D

  3. Right, Husky, you say don't remove the throttle body but andlid, your link says do remove it?


    Which should I do?? The problem is that the allen bolts holding the throttle body on are extremely tight... All I have is allen keys and they don't have enough leverage... Is it best to go out and get an allen wrench or would some Wd40 help the situation???


    Thanks guys :)

  4. Haha ok then so most care must be taken when replacing.... Noted....


    I have taken almost all of the screws out now, just wanted to clear up a few things with a couple of pics, just need to be sure about this before I tear it open and mess it all up lol...


    This pipe on the left, can I just disconnect? Is it just an air pipe?



    Do I need to remove the air control unit (I'm assuming that's what it is) Or does it come off with the plenum?



    Do I need to remove these 6 bolts from the top?



    Thanks :)


    I know I'm a newbie to this, just want to be sure about it though! :D



  5. Hi,


    MW Sorted me out last week.


    I have them and they do make a difference, woth every penny.


    I will be posting pics off before and after.




    Cool! Notice any handling difference??


    There is a big thread on that subject if you search :thumbs:


    Pro's - Look B)

    Con's - Dull steering and tram line a bit


    Haha yeah I saw that thread... Had a good read though! I had 50mm spacers on just the rear of my FTO and never noticed anything... Mind you I am not a crazy driver and prefer the looks of the car to all out "track style" performance... Problem is that in general every day road use, you never really can have TOO much fun without constantly worrying about a copper in a hedge waiting to rob you of your money.... lol


    Ryan B)

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