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Posts posted by djrm

  1. I am transferring the Registration from my FTO to my new Z and have all the papers filled out and ready to go however, it is so unclear about how to pay?? I want to use a cheque as that seems easiest to me but it says nothing about who to make it out to or even where to send the forms?!


    Can someone help please? Anyone else done this? How did you go about it... I have heard that you can do it at the post office, this true?





  2. Looks good dude! Just be careful.. I had a cover on my FTO and left it on for about a week once, always kept it clean etc and when I took it off it had faded the paint on the roof! Must have been a reaction between the paint and the sun / rain... :(


    Just be careful ;)


    Mine was on for a month and a bit with rain sun and all sorts of weather and not a sign of any damage, this cover seems to be :thumbs:


    Ahh that's alright then :) I think mine may have had something on it anyways... No idea what though!

  3. Looks good dude! Just be careful.. I had a cover on my FTO and left it on for about a week once, always kept it clean etc and when I took it off it had faded the paint on the roof! Must have been a reaction between the paint and the sun / rain... :(


    Just be careful ;)

  4. aren't there some downs to having spacers?


    Yeah the car drives at probably 95% it's normal agility but to be honest, I never race around anyway, too many speed cameras and coppers about these days for that so looks are more important for me :)


    Cannot believe how much better it looks with such a small adjustment... hate how car manufacturers make errors like this lol... IMO when the wheels are hidden away inside massive arches it totally spoils the lines of the car!

  5. Hi there!


    I bought a zed a few weeks back now, got a bluetooth adapter for it which the phone pairs with no problems. However, when I make / received a call, I can hear the other person talking but they can't hear me?


    I did take my Head Unit apart before fitting the adapter to install an aux lead and after refitting the head unit the buttons on the front don' t work not but sound etc still does... I think I must not have connected the fascia back on properly or something....


    Could that have anything to do with it??

  6. Nice Job. I dropped a screwdriver down exactly the same place and never saw it again. Must be some sort of black hole down there.


    Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one then! B)


    Yeah I didnt think there were any moving parts back there, always best to check though!


    I started the car up after re-assembling and it's all running fine! There was a squealing noise to start with coming from the plenum but I tightened one of the bolts a bit more and it stopped :) Must have just been air being sucked in... I didnt do the bolts too tight as I read that you mustnt.


    Let it idle for about half an hour then took her for a drive, all is well!


    Thanks to everyone for your help!


    Ryan :teeth:

  7. 5a3fe8e0.jpg


    Got it back in after a bit polishing!


    Would love to get it a bit more perfect but I need the car tonight.... I will take it off sometime again and buff it right up but for now it looks a hell of a lot better :)


    Only thing is while doing up the allen's holding the throttle body on, I dropped an allen key down toward the exhaust manifold at the back :blush: Stupid I know.... Are there any moving parts that side of the engine?? I looked everywhere for the thing but it's dissapeared!! When it dropped I heard a noise as if it landed on the floor or something metallic... ideas on where it might be??? Is it unwise to start the car??? :(

  8. RIGHT! I got it off and have started polishing, first with wire brush attachments on a drill... this is my progress after about an hour.. :)






    Also, when re-assembling, is there anything I should clean / watch out for? Like I have read to be sure not to catch the seal and tear it etc... Is there anything else?? :)


    Everything look ok here?



    Seal seems good to me ;)


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