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Everything posted by Hubbs

  1. Do all 350's come with the LED rear lights or HID headlights? they look nice and gotta be on Also, is it worth getting spacers for the wheels? one thing I have noticed about the Z is the wheels look alittle inset which kinda takes away from the agressive look, also the tyres seem a touch chunky, not that low profile looking, shame. Would spacers work well instead of new alloys with different offsets? would be cheaper hehe
  2. ^ OK cheers alloys are 18'' 5Zigen GN Pro's, +48 and I do have spacers. Look crap you say!! how come? stick out too much? rub on the arch aswell? I have noticed the 350 wheels are inset, would look better flush methinks but Im not gonna mess with it this time, if the Zigens don't fit then no matter. The 296 high rev 07 sounds good, Im thinkin that right now just one question, is that a UK spec only or is 296HR available on Jap spec (auto)?
  3. ^ Yep, I know of the mod bug and I have seen there modded 350's hehe they had one there awhile ago that was up to 800bhp!!! fastest one in Europe I was told!! and they always have that nice silver 350 which did have some cool black alloys, they're off now though. My humble Honda Accord always stands out amongst the monsters Abbey have on show haha Im sure they giggle at me taking it there as most people have power cars lol but as we all know Honda are the best really
  4. Thanks for all the info guys, Really I just gotta know about the Jap auto and UK man, Im curious about the Jap auto (3.5 V6 only) and why its auto and only 5speed? how come the UK version is man and 6speed? surely the Jap version is slower overall no? acceleration? As its pure Japanese I would of thought the import would be better than the UK man, the Japs know what they're doing when building super saloons hehe Im more used to driving auto but I do have a man license, also being London an auto does make life easier hehe....just need to know which is faster Im also confused with the engine specs... Upto 2005/6 - VQ35DE engine - 276bhp then there was the VQ35HR (High Rev) engine - 296bhp And then the newest models are 313bhp I wanna get a 3.5 V6, if I can 06 upwards but it depends on cost of course but I didn't know there were so many engine variants. The 313bhp Im guessing would be 09 onwards? or 10, surely there can't be much difference between the 276 and 296? and would any of this even figure on a Jap 3.5 V6 version? or does age matter with the Jap ones too? As for maintenance I would be going to Abbey for everything probably..unless the dealer is ok and doesn't rip me off like Honda do/did grrrr Currently with Adrian Flux for insurance, cheapest quote yet was £830 from someone on gocompare (can't remember), Im 32 and have 11yrs NCB with a clean license, anyone reckon I can do better?? I can't believe the age of some of the owners here!! so young and with such high performance cars!!! surely you must pay tonnes!!? my friend at work had a scooby R32 special edition, he's 35, good clean license and was paying about £900 odd, you guys must know some good companies do tell. Don't all 350's come with Brembo's?? Still need a wheel freak to help me with the 5Zigen's offset +48? surely they would Basically the 296bhp sounds good, sounds about right, liking that as I doubt I can afford anything too new, would that be about 07?? brembo's? Jap auto? anything I may need to check or know?
  5. Constantly skint!!?? that doesn't help my nerves haha Abbey are good yes but maintenance worries me
  6. Hello everyone Not an owner yet but very possible in the near future, just getting my thoughts together on what to do...hence my first thread viewtopic.php?f=9&t=39373 Currently with a Honda and I get it serviced at Abbey Motorsport so Im in South London. Thanks for any advice
  7. Hello everyone, newbie here and hoping to own a 350z next yr if all goes well Just have some questions if you guys can help me....hope this is the right section for this 1. What would be the roundabout cost of a regular service (estimate) and a more expensive service? eg. 6yr service (estimate) 2. I have some 18'' Zigen GN Pro alloys, +48 offset, will they fit on a 350z? 3. I have heard of the Japanese import 350 and that its auto, A. Can you get a 3.5 V6 Jap import auto? B. If so would it be as fast as the UK 3.5 V6 man? as it is auto, C. Any difference between the two engine or interior wise? D. Is it true you get cheaper road tax on an import car? (presumably the Jap 350 would come under this) E. Would insurance be cheaper with the Jap import? F. Would the 350 be cheaper to maintain/service than other Jap high performance cars eg. Evo, Subaru, Skyline, Type-R etc.. Hope Im not asking too many questions just trying to narrow things down abit before I make the leap hehe Im kinda pondering an Impreza too you see (big Jap car fan, currently own Honda Accord...slightly modded) Thanks for any help
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