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Everything posted by dyla350z

  1. Sell the tyres on ebay &go stock 45 profile,nissan spent millions desgning the 350z they know best,most mods on the 350z are sutle changes as its a pretty good car out of the factory imo
  2. Recommend the uprev,car feels so much better
  3. And the race was won by alex was both secondhand for sale on the forum last wk.
  4. With a rope! i would have no problems towing with mine but it would depend on the quaity of the driver i was towing,when towing get the car behind to do most of the braking(better if there car is running due to the brake servo)they brake when you dab your brakes,keep tension allwys on the tow rope & a too long tow rope is worse than a too short 1,fixed bar tow is best if you have the option.
  5. Rretty sure its the master or slave,which one or both shall i replace? & yes when i know what route im taking i will PM ZMANALEX.
  6. No bargain,i just sold my standard alloys no tyres £80,tyres are half worn & not premium branded.
  7. Are take 1,bring it with you when you do my detail,Garry.
  8. My son is an slr geek & he says the nikon d series are the top of the pile.
  9. I thought that with the x missus,i was wrong,get rid,get a newr model with less miles on the clock,handles better & the rides better.
  10. Ask mark at abbey for his opinion,im no expert but like i said ide go for a salvage lump with low miles,you dont here about many major engine problems on the zeds,sounds like the engine may of had a hard life before you owned it.
  11. Ide consider a re-con engine or a low milage salvage engine,i will cost a min of 2k but they may strip yours down & find other problems,re-the oil ide ditch the 5-30 & put some semi syn 10-40 in, the fully syn will at the mo be to thin & p**s through the rings.
  12. Looks a great time & puts the Zed owner's to shame who put the cars to bed when the first frost arrives.
  13. I got mine for free but i spend 3k a year with orange,just checked & unless your an existing customer out of contract you will have to pay £89.95 for the handset,i love mine & well worth it imo
  14. Go direct,some networks are doing them free(orange & voda)whatever cashback you get will only go on the contract,avoid all 3rd partys.
  15. Bout an hr away,maybe some other south east members will show some intrest.
  16. If you get a few down south London/Surrey area let me know.
  17. Please tell me then why we have a 50 post rule for Zeds, your statement that "We cant vouch for the history of the car or know much about them" applies to many zeds up for sale on here. I can't see the difference between selling a Zed or any other car. Your right on the vouch bit,you could see a members car a dozen times but still not know if it was a dog,like i said before the difference between seling a zed or other car is you wont join to sell the other motor but if there wernt a 50 post rule people would just join to sell there zed.
  18. Rule makes sense to me,you aint gong to join the club just to sell a non 350 but you might just to sll a 350,good luck with the sale,same colour scheme a my old supra.
  19. imo the best aftewmarked hu units are the pioneer avic 920bt,intergrated bluetooth,touch sceen satnav ect.
  20. Not for me,are be sticking to abbey,seems silly to have to take it to an indy who knows more about the 350 than nissan,glad they worked out for you
  21. 100+ posts & you will lose the hopefull,cant comment on the 370 but my 350 handles well,had a scooby & in slower tight bends the scooby is better,faster bends the 350 is a match,as for going back to a scoob the z is light years ahead,i found the scoobs are cheap & nasty,in the wet & 0-60 are the only + points,check quaility of tyres,4 wheel alignment,wheel offsets,the z takes getting use to but imo the best 30k sports car
  22. Yes if your coming off a pop or aftermarket you should gain twice that.
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