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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Both a DE and an HR in our household. Not a lot of difference driving wise really, HR has a lighter clutch and the steering seems a bit lighter too, but this could be simply down to differences from vehicle to vehicle. . DE has slightly better pickup at low revs but the HR engine seems a bit smoother all round and has less rattles. The clunk I get when changing from 1st to second when cold is less obvious in the HR and driving at night is a better experience in an HR as the headlights are a noticeable improvement. Pete
  2. Yes, I remember my mate who is a photographer telling me just 15 years ago that digitals would never outsell standard cameras and who would have thought in 1980 that by the mid 90's that only a handful of vinyl records were being sold. If you'd have told somebody in 1950 that within 20 years every single steam locomotive in Britain would have been scrapped it would have been laughable really. Pete
  3. I drove an S2000 with about 5k on the clock way back in 2004 or 2005. Only had a brief drive with a very nervous owner sitting next to me so it's difficult to give a detailed breakdown but my opinions were fairly positive. Certainly had a lovely smooth engine and the car felt tighter than the Zed. The only drawback seemed to be the lack of legroom and the interior seemed a bit cozy but overall it was an interesting experience. Pete
  4. Ha, if petrol is no longer available how will we make tyres, it takes 7 gallons of oil to make a single tyre, can we synthesize enough materiel to make billions of tyres each year? Pete
  5. U.K white's are very rare, they were only made for a short time and will be on an 08 or 58 plate and will have a bulge bonnet. Pete
  6. Very true, you see more women driving them than men, the lady down the lane from us has a gigantic black one and lives on her own. I very much doubt that a lot of the owners are true car enthusiasts though. Pete
  7. I'm not too sure, there was a 2 year gap between the introduction of the coupe and the roadster (350Z) I can't think of another roadster that came that long after the coupe. Pete
  8. They're just status symbols (all of them really). Less than 5% of them will ever go off road (unless they crash), you rarely see them with more than 2 people onboard and 4x4 only comes in really useful about 3 or 4 days a year around here and probably 1 day a decade in London. This one really looks no different to me than all the other 4 x 4's out there in the same way that all boy bands sound the same to me . Pete
  9. I can't remember the exact details but one manufacturer is introducing battery exchange stations, worryingly though, I saw a TV advert for a car that at the bottom of the screen said there was a monthly battery rental charge, can't remember which one but that's just an age thing . It's actually the Nissan Leaf £70 a month rental. Pete
  10. Hmm, I've seen a couple of white ones locally, one was a roadster, the other a coupe looked like it had been wrapped. Is this one an import, ie square plates? Pete
  11. I believe that some manufacturers starting with Win 8 don't put a recovery image on now. Our Compaq laptop didn't have one, we had to buy a Compaq recovery disk. Pete
  12. Well. the first thing I would do would be to rule out an HD problem. It could be that a bad sector has developed on a file required for booting or the disk itself is failing. You need to remove the HD and run a disk test on it in another machine, you'll need a 2.5" USB cage to do this or you could make a bootable USB stick with some disk utilities on it. There are other possible causes, bad memory stick, corrupt file(s), missing file(s) or a virus. Pete
  13. That'll be Squee . Welcome to the forum, I'm just over the border in Buckley. Pete
  14. JetSet

    first 350z

    +1 (almost ), All cars sold in Japan have a 180 kph limiter (works out at 112mph) Welcome to the forum BTW . Pete
  15. Hmm, all electric would be pretty expensive, hybrid not much cheaper really. Pete
  16. I've always liked American Cars, they were so much more interesting than the rubbish we turned out in the 50-early 70's. However, my enthusiasm waned somewhat when I hired a Buick V8 many years ago in California. It was just awful to drive and the suspension setup gave a couple of people on the trip motion sickness . Luckily, we shared the driving duties and it just ate up the miles on the freeways. Pete
  17. Indeed, if you can get past the thing on the boot and the EBay rear lights then it's a decent price. Rear thing would have to go but I can't make out how its attached and how much damage would be done removing it. I could live with the rear lights and the wheels aren't that bad . Pete
  18. I had the same thing many years ago on a Capri, all the electrics working, but on the odd occasion the engine completely dead when I turned the key, no click or anything. I eventually traced it to a loose cable connection on the starter motor. Pete
  19. 10k seems very low, so it's either been driven very hard or the previous owner was driving too close to the vehicles in front and thus constantly on the brakes, is the front end covered in stone chips? Pete
  20. To be fair Pete you seem to have broke really lucky with yours. I know you've always maintained its been a-ok so there's at least one happy customer. I think I had one of the last ones he fitted, slightly different spec to the earlier ones but I guess it's due to expire any day now ...anyway, it's miles better than the birdview on Caroline's roadster . Pete
  21. Last heard of in Australia . Pete
  22. Mine's worked faultlessly since it was fitted in 2010 . Pete
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