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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Bulge bonnet on older Zed (mine) and on a genuine 313 (Andyvvc). The darker the colour the better they show up! Pete
  2. Don't miss it? When I first got the car I couldn't even find it . Pete
  3. Easy mistake, flashed a couple of Celica's . Pete
  4. The HR engine on the 07's is slightly taller than the DE engine, so the earlier bonnet just won't fit. You can however fit the bulge bonnet onto the earlier cars, quite a popular mod. Pete
  5. JetSet

    DPE Wheels

    Nice style but the ones on that Zed look very dirty or badly corroded to me. Pete
  6. Changing your car can be a dilemna when you have a vehicle that's not giving you any problems and anything you buy that is 5/6 years old is a leap of faith really. Nice car though the Honda, it'll hold its value quite well and there's not many of them about. Pete
  7. Temper Orange and yes, they are indeed rare. Pete
  8. JetSet

    Facelift bumper

    In theory it is but then again the washers should work too and mine has passed 2 MOT's with them frozen solid. On the other occasions when they haven't been frozen the car has passed but they obviously haven't actually tested them as there were no signs of the stain pattern that occurs when they're fired off. Pete
  9. I guess there must be other marques that wave/flash, but can say for sure that it doesn't include The Z4, MR2 ,TT or Celica, just one wave between the 4 of them. Owned an RS Turbo for 12 years and not a single wave , the only car I've had that got you lots of waves was in fact an MG Midget Pete
  10. Probably get a dressing down from Admin , or be asked to resign. Pete
  11. Aiden, You never really know how an older, established cat will accept a kitten into the household. It rarely goes smoothly at first but usually settles down within a few weeks, often to a tolerance level TBH. One of our cats from many years ago hated all the other cats we had at the time but at the other end of the scale we adopted a huge feral tabby who was quite happy to curl up to the other cats. Pete
  12. Thanks, I usually handle the loss of one of our cats pretty well but on this occasion it really got to me quite badly. It maybe the fact that we never found her, to put closure on it so to speak. Anyway, I can console myself with the fact that if we hadn't have coaxed her in her life span would have been considerably shorter. Pete
  13. Sad to report that we have now lost another cat, in fact mother of the cat that died recently. She was at least 16 years old, I first saw her in our garden in 1997 and until a week ago was pretty healthy but had some sort of fit then just wandered off to die in the way that feral cats often do. Yes, she'd been with us for 14 years, it was 2 years after we first saw her that she started coming into the house and she still retained something of a wild streak and for such a small cat had a larger than life personality. We're both going to miss her really badly. Pete
  14. Spotted today around 4 near Mold. Thought it must be Caroline till I saw the reg , began YS 58. Pete
  15. Indeed, the reason? Almost certainly due to the sun going through a new minimum. The Sun is now at it's quietest point for a century and it's likely to stay that way for at least one more 11 year cycle, possibly longer. These quiet periods are well known to science, the last period was called the Dalton minimum, the one before that the Maunder minimum and these both coincided with periods of global cooling, the famous Frost Fairs on the River Thames were during one of these minimums. Most people think of The Sun as being in a constant state, it's there shining away in the sky but at the surface there's a lot going on. The lack of activity means the Suns output is down maybe only 0.1% but that's enough to have quite an effect on the weather we see on Earth. Pete
  16. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a replica without the slots, which adds to the confusion as It has a square number plate recess which all chargespeeds do. Thing is, I can't find any reference to it being a U.K car or a GT. Pete
  17. It sure is a lovely looking Zed but worth maybe 10.5k absolute max I reckon. Pete
  18. I had some Accelara's on for about 5,000 miles, decent enough in the dry, poor in the wet. I guess these tyres are made from a fairly hard compound as there wasn't that much wear on them. Pete
  19. Dave Nurrish went from a supercharged 350Z to a Smart Car . Pete
  20. Perhaps he rounded down and missed remembered a Zero from when he read it? 7825/7 = 1118 which is about 1000 rounding down... Nissan did limit the number of vehicles to around 120 a month which would mean 1,400 cars a year roughly. Because of the limit and the very high residual values at that time, large numbers were imported from Japan and the peak years were 2004 until the end of 2005, that I imagine is why "how many left" is showing so many Zeds registered in 2004/5. Not many facelifts were imported due to unfavorable exchange rates and falling U.K prices (and availability) Pete
  21. First one was a 350Z Import roadster on an 04 plate on the A55 near Holywell, pulled alongside me to give me a wave, second was a 370Z Coupe with black stripes on the side 11 plate I think parked in a lay-by near Northop. Pete
  22. Yes, seems to be a bigger problem in The States. Just a thought but the 3.5 engine was built at 2 sites, one of them in Kentucky or at least somewhere in The Deep South, just wondering about quality control. Also 98 Ron isn't easily available in some rural parts of The States, could be a factor. Pete
  23. Yes, reversed The Zed into a 2 foot high post at The MOT station, quite a thud, the diffuser took a bit of damage but the bumper was fine. Next time I went up there with Caroline's Zed I pointed out to her the post I hit and just underneath it were chunks of other peoples tail lights . Also reversed Caroline's Zed into a low wall, just touched it really so no significant damage. Pete
  24. The only problem I can think of is that the 313's with factory SatNav's have a different way of mounting the SatNav in the dash, they don't have a cubby hole but I've no idea if the 313 SatNav units are different in any way and while this isn't the first post I've seen about retro fitting a factory SatNav I don't think anyone else has actually attempted it. Pete
  25. Welcome to the forums . I read on here once that the 313 roadsters have a slightly different exhaust note (but of course that could be a load of rubbish ) Pete
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