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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I've done several sections of it. Mainly in Arizona but also parts in New Mexico and California. The road through Oatman in Arizona is quite something, the section that runs through the delightful sounding town of Peach Springs was quite boring TBH although I did this bit in 1981. Pete
  2. I've had mine for 6 years and 9 months with just 17.4k on the clock. Works out to around 2.7k per year. Since I off loaded The Clio last year my mileage has inched up a bit, but TBH I only used the Clio for the run to the shops. Pete
  3. There's also these, a cheaper option. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ion-Video2PC-USB-Video-Archiving-System-/110977220582?pt=UK_Sound_Vision_Other&hash=item19d6c1ffe6 Pete
  4. It's not that expensive to send them off. http://www.thevhsconverter.co.uk/ I'm not sure if you get a modern VHS player with a USB connection...I bought a USB turntable with the intention of converting my vinyl records to CD but in the end just used it to play my old LP's Here you go, no longer manufactured but possibly second hand ones on EBay http://www.ionaudio.com/products/details/vcr-2-pc Pete
  5. Update....new amber warning issued, now covering South Wales, parts of The Midlands, East Anglia and entire Southern half of the country! http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/public/weather/warnings/#?tab=map&map=Warnings&zoom=5&lon=-3.50&lat=55.50&fcTime=1382918400 Pete
  6. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2474792/UK-weather-turn-nasty-half-term-storm-St-Jude-approaches.html T Could be nothing but it's very unusual for the Met Office to issue an amber warning 5 days in advance!!! Some of the models indicate a more Northerly track ie North West England and North Wales will take the biggest hit but the Met Office are saying The South West, South Coast and South East are in the firing line. Should know more in a couple of days. Pete
  7. That's a very basic import, for example it doesn't have the aerokit and the steering wheel has no buttons. Car looks O.K but is probably overpriced by £500-£600. Pete
  8. Yes, Caroline bought me a kindle last Xmas, which I thought was a complete waste of money....I now read about a book every week . Pete
  9. Pretty sure that's a U.K car with a remote control birdview satnav, you can't even get a picture up on the Jap satnavs. Pete
  10. There's a lady around here who I'd estimate to be around the 75 mark who drives a Chysler Crossfire ! Pete
  11. I guess it depends where you live, snow is pretty rare where I live (apart from last winter ) which was the first time since 2007 there was any appreciable snow on the ground. I just make sure I've got anti freeze in my washers, clean the headlights and rear lights every couple of days and keep the rest of the car reasonably clean. Pete
  12. I don't have a big house, it's actually quite small but I am surrounded by fields or waste land on three sides and my garden is fairly large aound an acre. On the 4th side about 50 yards away there is a busy road but the cats never go near it, I guess the noise frightens them away. I also have no problems with neighbours...my nearest one is a good 400 yards away and there are only 2 other houses within 3/4 of a mile. Pete
  13. Well I guess I'd better show you the rest of it then . These 2 tabbies are sisters, 8 years old now but until recently we referred to them as "The Kittens". Puddles or as we call hers Puds. Cuddles. Somewhere along the line Cuds has lost one of her top fangs so it can look like she's scowling. Pete
  14. Tragic, I watched his win at Monaco this year on the Sky F1 channel which he won by a huge margin. I also didn't realize until I read the BBC report that he was the son of Guy Edwards an F1 driver from the 70's. Pete
  15. I believe you are correct and that all 350's came with Rays as standard from 1st January 2006, this will of course include the last of the pre facelifts. I can't 100% confirm this but I have the original invoice for my Zed registered 1st Jan 2006 and while the GT pack and mudflaps are invoiced there is no mention of the Rays alloys which were fitted. I suppose that it could have been an oversight by the dealer I bought it from though . Pete
  16. I should add that both Vic and Vicky were already neutered and that the other two, Angel and Poppy are now also sporting the neutering scars from their visit to the vet . Vets will now neuter kittens once they reach 1.5kgs. Pete
  17. When we took our kittens back to the animal rescue centre for their final injections we just couldn't resist these 2 cuties. They are Vic and Vickie, brother and sister. Vicky was very shy at first but managed to get stuck 40 feet up a tree after a few days. I did get her down O.K though. Feeding time can be chaotic at times. The black cat is Sooty who is 14 years old and doesn't seem bothered by the new arrivals. Pete
  18. JetSet


    Even NangKangs of that size will set you back £160. Pete
  19. I had a Renault Clio 1.2 until I sold it to my daughter earlier this year. Economical, reliable and the couple of problems I had were cheap to fix. Had it from 2006-2013, drove it down to Cardiff many times. Pete
  20. This is what the met office had to say about the daily express article. http://metofficenews...-the-headlines/ From the daily express "Bad" winters in The U.K occur when there is blocking to the North either over Scandinavia or over Greenland (or both), blocking to the South is either over The Azores or over Spain/The Med. Southern blocks bring mild mushy weather to The U.K as Southerly or South Westerly winds run around the side of the block . In any case, it's far too early to predict what's going to happen in January, most models only go out to 10 days. My guess is that these predictions are based on 2 things, the law of average says we will have a bad winter sooner rather than later and that The Suns output is at a 100 year low. Pete
  21. Indycar racing is far more dangerous than F1 and that's despite all the efforts that have been put in to making the cars safer, You basically have 3 different types of tracks, The Ovals, The street circuits and the standard racing tracks . Ovals are very dangerous, high speeds, concrete walls, catch fencing and banked corners, cars 2 or 3 wide slipstreaming at 230 mph, a recipe for disaster. The street circuits are pretty dangerous too, made even more so by the vast differences in driving standards. You have some F1 rejects, some guys who weren't good enough to make F1 and a load of locals and rich South Americans. The racing is a great spectacle though if you can get through the constant yellow flag stoppages and the American commentator saying "wow" every few minutes. Franchitti was indeed lucky to get out of that crash but after Dan Wheldon's accident they redisgned the rear end of the cars so they shouldn't really launch themselves like that, Pete
  22. Wolverines are awesome creatures, not much bigger than a badger they can bring down elk and caribou. I heard a story that one killed a Polar Bear in a zoo somewhere when they were put in the same enclosure, could be an urban myth though as they avoid bears, mountain lions and wolves in the wild. Pete
  23. Red Panda Koala Bear Meerkat Prairie Dog Cute animals in general. Pete
  24. Yes, low milage one owner DE's are getting thin on the ground now. Pete
  25. Saw a couple of Austin Healey 3000's at the top of our road a few weeks ago and its quite common to see unusual and old cars around here as North Wales is a magnet for car clubs . Pete
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