Aye, we have a disused quarry at the back of us and the level of water has risen to the point where there are streams of water popping up out of nowhere. We have at the moment a flood right by our back door, our septic tank is full it just can't cope with all the water so flushing the toilet means that crap comes up onto the pathway at the back of the house. I have been actively engaged in heated discussions with the council with a view to pumping some of the water out of the quarry (it's about 80 feet deep now) but the owners of the quarry have gone into liquidation so no one really knows who has responsibility for pumping it out. Currently, there is no pump in situ but most of the piping is still there. So from now on every time we get a bit of rain we have a flood right outside the back door, which takes 72 hours to clear. Our lane is a disaster with a permanent stream on each side of the road and the only drain in the lane, which belonged to a now demolished cottage, is completely blocked. Even if they started pumping tonight it's going take several weeks before they get it down to an acceptable level. Yes, the joys of living in the country indeed.