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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yes, we put some old tea towels down for them . We have several luxury cat baskets but they prefer high places for some reason . Pete
  2. JetSet

    Wheels are on

    Yes, lovely wheels, silver would have been my choice too. Pete
  3. JetSet

    Nismo side skirts

    Aye, they're a great fit an easy job for a body shop. I don't have a side on photo so this'll have to do. Pete
  4. Yes, that'd be the ginger one, she's destroyed several entire rolls so far . Pete
  5. Kittens are growing up and settling down nicely Pete
  6. Very similar, yes. The main difference seems to be that she did not seek immediate medical assistance, in fact the paramedics who attended were sent away. Also, I'm pretty sure that she was not wearing a helmet. Pete
  7. Doesn't sound good to me I'm afraid. With this sort of injury the next 24 hours will be critical, let's just hope he can pull through. Pete
  8. Avast for me. As Fodder said Norton And Macafee hog resources and are too intrusive. Pete
  9. JetSet

    How wide

    Without lowering, 11J with ET 10 and 285/30/20's will fit on the rear. For 12J you'll need some arch work. Pete
  10. If you only ever do one mod to a pre facelift Zed it's fitting the rear LED's . Pete
  11. Aye, we have a disused quarry at the back of us and the level of water has risen to the point where there are streams of water popping up out of nowhere. We have at the moment a flood right by our back door, our septic tank is full it just can't cope with all the water so flushing the toilet means that crap comes up onto the pathway at the back of the house. I have been actively engaged in heated discussions with the council with a view to pumping some of the water out of the quarry (it's about 80 feet deep now) but the owners of the quarry have gone into liquidation so no one really knows who has responsibility for pumping it out. Currently, there is no pump in situ but most of the piping is still there. So from now on every time we get a bit of rain we have a flood right outside the back door, which takes 72 hours to clear. Our lane is a disaster with a permanent stream on each side of the road and the only drain in the lane, which belonged to a now demolished cottage, is completely blocked. Even if they started pumping tonight it's going take several weeks before they get it down to an acceptable level. Yes, the joys of living in the country indeed. Pete
  12. Without hesitation Caroline replied Christmas Carol, for me Raiders of The Last Ark. Pete
  13. Alright here, there's a small section of the U.K without a weather warning....I'm in it . Got another warning out for Friday though, we're in that one . Pete
  14. Sure they didn't murder anyone but the driver has unlawfully killed his 2 passengers and these idiots are very likely to kill other people going about their business. I have Zero sympathy with them, they knew the risks, they paid the ultimate penalty. Pete
  15. These 3 will obviously never learn but seriously young drivers especially males feel invincible.....they aren't the first and won't be the last sadly. Pete
  16. Very nice, Don't think I've ever seen a facelift Chilli. Pete
  17. I only use normal unleaded when I can't get V-Power and only put a tenners worth in. I've done this maybe 15 times in the 7 years I've had The Zed. Pete
  18. That's a very rare Zed, I only know of one other low tax band facelift ! Pete
  19. Perfect Whatever you do don't attempt to read the oil when it's dark or even gloomy without a decent torch at hand as you'll struggle to get the dipstick back in and might even damage it....I had to learn this the hard way Pete
  20. Another possible cause is overheating as fan failure is quite common on the Zed. However, lack of lubrication is probably the biggest engine killer out there and there's no doubt that running a Zed on nothing but 95 RON will shorten the engine's life and considerably shorten it if the car spends a lot of it's life above 3k revs. One of the reasons I think we are seeing more engine failures is that many Zed's are now on there 4th or 5th owner and as the number of previous owners increases then there's a higher chance that one of those owners has let the oil run low, missed services or run the car on 95 RON..... I've yet to hear of a one owner Zed in The U.K having an engine failure, even high mileage ones. Pete
  21. Around mid day, a GM or Twilight 350Z heading into Winsford town centre. Pete
  22. Looks O.K to me but there's at least one better looking 350Z in Kidderminster . Pete
  23. Carla, Don't bother with jump starting it. Once a battery that's more than a couple of years old goes flat, it'll fail again even if you manage to get it started so as Choptop says you need a new battery. I can't help today but I'm free tomorrow if you want me to help you out . Pete
  24. Yes, some of the 300's can burn oil, it's pot luck really. The older 276's are getting a bit long in the tooth now, many will have had 4 or 5 owners and astronomical mileage. A 313 with 30k can be picked up for 10.5-11.5k depending on the year, a higher mileage version will be close to your budget. Pete
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