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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I was a keen runner many years ago and one of the few who enjoyed running in the heat. I ran in The Brussels half Marathon in 1991, temperature was 35c (mid 90's F) and believe me it was a struggle, 1,500 starters, less than 200 finishers. Had it been 42c then I wouldn't have started, too dangerous. Its true that people will run in Death Valley in the height of summer with temperatures around 50c but they have support vehicles and run at a pretty slow pace around 8 mins per mile. Pete
  2. Just read this on the BBC Website, very sad. Pete
  3. My mobile is a pay as you go and several years old, £10 lasts me several years . I just find them too fiddly and too time consuming and I'm at home most of the day anyway. While I still get bombarded with nuisance calls, phone blocker takes care of this and I only know when I scroll through the display that I've actually been called. Pete
  4. Jonny lives just down the road from me in Flintshire, North Wales. Pete
  5. Not all Rev-ups have high oil consumption but its more common than on the 276's or 313's. Some of the 276's have high oil consumption too, generally high mileage ones. Pete
  6. Yeah, the problem is that lots of these programs/toolbars will install without you really knowing. Things are often embedded into legit programs that you download...Java is a good example of this. I must have removed a dozen toolbars or search engines that Caroline has unwittingly installed. Pete
  7. Pretty much the same as I used to be, 1.83m and 64kgs but it took 50-60 miles a week of hard running to maintain that, my BMI was not far off the bottom of the chart and I used to eat like a horse. I'm a much more healthy 78kg's these days and down from a peak height of 1.83 to 1.82. Pete
  8. I think you'll find that Silver will come out very high on this list even though it's probably the least popular colour. Hard to work out why there are so many around when for the first 4 years of production you had to order your Zed and wait for it for 3 months. I can only think that the original owners who forked out around £30k considered Silver to be a "safe" colour. Pete
  9. I can think of several, MadMarkey for example from Blade to Orange, at least one 350Z has been sprayed Pearl White another guy from the North East, Matt Bowey has had his sprayed dark green, there's others too. I've seen several wrapped Zeds at meets and TBH I'd rather pay the extra and get it sprayed. Pete
  10. Yes, I'm obviously behind the times, it has been a few years since I researched this. http://www.theguardian.com/technology/blog/2011/mar/01/microsoft-virus-scam-continues Pete
  11. Looks a lot better than previous incarnations. Pete
  12. Probably and hopefully nothing. What I understand is that to prove there is a problem they ask you to open the control panel, open the administration applet then the event viewer. This shows all the errors and believe me there'll be hundreds of them even on a healthy computer. They then offer to clear this mess up for you with some completely useless anti-virus program...not as bad as ransomware its more like scareware really but its a scam, originates from India. Pete
  13. "Monitoring is a long-term commitment that accompanies the development, operation and post-closure management of all landfill sites." That'll be it . I spent an hour googling things like "mystery pipe sticking out of the ground", drew a complete blank though . Pete
  14. Now we may be getting somewhere....landfill but not an old one, the quarry this is near was earmarked for landfill, approved but now planning permission has elapsed and the company behind it have gone bust. Could be test drillings by the environment agency to see what's down there in which case they would have been drilled in 2012, no idea why it should be locked though. Apart from the people who put it there I'm probably the only person who knows this exists but maybe its locked to stop people dropping things down it Pete
  15. I've had these phone calls from the Microsoft Widows help department, oh, maybe 10 times in all. In fact my phone number must be known to every marketing company in the world, used to get 4 or 5 calls a day from PPI Claims, Industrial Deafness, Injury lawyers, Sky protection, Lifestyle surveys, Charities, etc..... I just zapped them with a Phone Blocker, now all is peaceful, best £50 I ever spent. I sometimes scroll through the numbers that have attempted to call me and google them. This week, 5 calls from a company called EMCAS and one from The Roux Brothers Childrens charity. Pete
  16. Ah, very high water table around here. As far as shale goes, this is certainly an area they are looking at but no licences have been granted. Also isn't shale really deep down, that would need a lot of drilling and would have created loads of spoil and there doesn't look to be any. Keep in mind that the only vehicle that could get to this spot would be a helicopter, no roads, no tracks even. Pete
  17. Could be, 2 of the 4 are fairly close to disused quarries another one is about 40 feet from a stream but 15 feet above it, the 4th one is close to a disused farmhouse. Maybe there is some equipment in there that they come and change the batteries every now and again like for example seismic monitoring or my other thought was it was something to do with the O/S. I've no idea how far they go down but they are all embedded in concrete. They did some test bores just a couple of hundred yards away from the one I photographed about 10 years ago, there's certainly some coal in the area but AFAIK not enough to justify getting it up. The local mine about half a mile away was closed in 1936. Getting equipment to the one closest to my house without me noticing would have been just about impossible and there's no sign of any tracks or new fencing anywhere at all. Pete
  18. Seems to be a chronic problem with The Zed, I can only recall this happening on one other car I had and that only happened twice. The Zed must have frozen up 20 or 30 times since I've had it. Pete
  19. I recently discovered this (and 3 other identical ones) while out searching for a lost cat...now found. They are all in remote places that very few people would know about and they weren't there in 2011. There are no markings and the tops are all locked so I can't peer into them with a torch. Non of them are near any utilities, water, drains, electric or telephone and there is no gas in this area. I'm completely baffled as to what they are and what their purpose is . They are about 2'6" tall and 6-8" wide. Pete
  20. Found this, don't know anything about them though http://www.vividraci...heels_H4wzk.php After looking again I see this is a U.S company shipping to The U.K. Thinking about it the Axis Penta wheels I have were shipped in from The U.S so this may be the only way of getting them these days. Pete
  21. JetSet

    Toyota FP-1

    Hmm, quite nice, reminds me of something...60's Marcos??? Pete
  22. Quite shocked really, he seemed a really nice guy. Pete
  23. Most (but not all) of The JDM's I've seen don't have the aero kit that is fitted as standard to U.K cars...rear spoiler, front chin lip. Pete
  24. Seeing as he's not been on here for more than 4 years I think all of his posts will have been archived. If you go to the search facility at the top of his page and navigate down to "forums", you can then search through his archived posts, just click on archived on that page. Sadly, I couldn't work out how to search all the forums in one go so you have to search through each forum and sub forum one at a time. Pete
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