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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. That's pretty true they're not as hardy and the same goes for pedigree cats. My mum had 2 Burmese cats and they must have cost her an absolute fortune in vet bills. Anyway, hope things turn out O.K for you. Pete
  2. Welcome along, I'm just up the road from you in Buckley . Pete
  3. I have a set I might consider selling, they've been sitting in my garage since early 2011 just generally gathering dust. Pete
  4. Yeah, shocking weather down in the South West of England and South Wales with at least 2 more Atlantic storms heading their way. This winter has to be the worst continual sequence of weather events in my lifetime. We usually get 2 or 3 Atlantic storms per winter, from December to date we must have had 2 or 3 every week and big storms too. There seems to be no end in sight, the jetstream is locked in place feeding one storm after another right at us, only when the cold air over The States moves back into Canada will things improve and that could be well into March or April . Pete
  5. While Admiral were the cheapest by £20 for my coupe for some reason the renewal quote on my wife's roadster almost doubled, well over £700. Sky were able to cut that quote in half . Pete
  6. Lookers of Chester had a load of these for sale at the end of 2008, by the time I found out all the coupe's had gone and they had 3 roadsters left. You could buy them for in the region of £23k, the coupe's were cheaper £22K. I toyed with PX'ing my 2006 prefacelift with just 5k on the clock against one of the roadsters but they wanted £10k to change, which was a couple of grand more than I was prepared to pay. Pete
  7. Very nice Chris, any idea how much they cost when new? Pete
  8. Just goes to show its well worth getting your cats and dogs micro chipped. This one had strayed 30 miles or so and there would have been very little chance of finding the owner without the chip. Pete
  9. Light panel damage and the car is written off? One way of getting a 313 cheaply I guess. Pete
  10. This is something of a mystery! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-north-east-orkney-shetland-25977638 Pete
  11. These don't come up for sale very often . Although its described as a 296 its clearly an HR. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350Z-GT-3-5-V6-ROADSTER-2008-WHITE-BLACK-LEATHER-35K-MILES-/221351490151?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item338993b267 pETE
  12. Yes, my mistake , I'd plainly forgotten that roadsters are different and early non GT roadsters were indeed button free and GT's had 3 buttons, later roadster GT's have 6 buttons. Not sure when the changeover date was though. Pete
  13. LED rear lights were introduced when the facelift was released on April 1st 2006, all U.K cars prefacelift were fitted with xenons, facelift cars have bi-xenons. The rear led's are a 5 minute job to fit, cost around £300. Fitting Bi-Xenons means removing the bumper but they are plug and play. Cost, not too sure, I think at least £1,000 -£1,500. Pete
  14. Yes, some do which confuses the situation but if you see one without any controls at all then you can be certain its an import as all U.K cars will have at least 3 buttons. There are other things too like the lack of a boot spoiler and a Japanese SatNav (if fitted), but as all parts are interchangeable it is in theory possible to make an import identical to a U.K car (or the other way round I guess ) Pete
  15. The inquest into this accident has just been held. TBH, it doesn't really add a lot to what we already know. http://www.derbytelegraph.co.uk/Inquests-hears-Swadlincote-postmen-died-road/story-20487124-detail/story.html Pete
  16. It had only been out on the road once, on trade plates a couple of days before I bought it and it was bone dry. The only slight downside was that there were a couple of minor marks inside the car where people had been getting in and out but I did get a big discount. There are 2 schools of thought on why it ended up registered in a showroom...firstly the Nissan dealer needed to purchase this car to keep their sales figures up, or it was a cancelled order as the facelift was about to come out...I asked the salesman but he didn't know. Pete
  17. Sort of brand new, this was registered by a dealer on 1st January 2006 and was a showroom car (not a demo) for 13 months. It had 40 or so miles on the clock when I picked it up in February 2007. Here it is the day I brought it home. Pete
  18. No buttons on the steering wheel is another tell tale sign. Pete
  19. It might just be the quality of the photos but the headlights look fogged up to me...last photo. Pete
  20. Chrome lips are just fine, even on cheaper wheels they hold up pretty well although the spokes will still corrode. Pete
  21. Red Bull car failed again . 2014 Marussia Pete
  22. You obviously haven't seen mine then Pete
  23. Yes, really nice but those sort of rims will corrode quickly like this. Pete
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