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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. O.K, I see it now, only on screen for a few seconds though. Pete
  2. The only popups I get are usually for surveys, I got one from the BBC the other day and on a test run on EBay just now I didn't get any. There is an option on Google Chrome to block popups and I noticed than mine was set to block popups, it's in the advanced settings under privacy so worth checking that you have it turned on. If someone can direct me to an EBay page that has popups on it then I'll run some further checks. Also, keep in mind that there are 2 different versions of AdBlock, one of these is AdBlock plus which is a completely different program. Pete
  3. I've been using the free google extension AD Block for a couple of years...so far it's blocked 196,896 adverts and pop ups!! Starting using it to save having to wait while useless adverts were interrupting my YouTube viewing and waiting for ads to load on my 2.5 meg line was driving me crazy. Don't know if it stops the EBay Popups, rarely use it these days, worth a try though I would think. Pete
  4. That's interesting seeing how much trouble they take to pick up rubber from off the racing line to add a few kgs of weight. Pete
  5. For those of you who have only recently joined, before the forum was updated we did have locations and joined date under the avatars but they vanished with the update. I did request at the time that they be reinstated but nothing was done and no reason given. Pete
  6. I believe the SatNav's were fitted in the factory and weren't a dealer option so I don't think they can be retro fitted without a lot of work TBH. Pete
  7. Only for the DVD version which I think is 2005 onwards. Nissan will charge you a not so small fortune for the latest version but you can get it from online sellers at a decent price. Just double check you get the right version. Pete
  8. 350Z doesn't have auto wipers like for example the Z4 (If they have I've yet to find them) and they're not an option either. Can only think someone has wired in a kit somehow or maybe your Zed is an import as they did have gadgets that The U.K cars didn't. Pete
  9. 5 years ago, Alex Salmond was all in favor of an Independent Scotland joining the Euro, indeed I think this is still their long term aim. http://www.telegraph...dependence.html "joining the euro will be a vote winner" Pete
  10. Me..................................................30 years ago . Pete
  11. An immediate ban would be in order. Little point in making the floods worse . Pete
  12. Good news, can see Williams doing very well this year. Pete
  13. You have to ask if anything has been learned from the George Bush debacle over Hurricane Katrina. The government have been very slow in their response to the severity of the floods, it took several weeks for them to dispatch a minister to The Somerset Levels and the more cynical will say they only started taking notice when the conservative heartlands along The Thames got flooded out....not that it would have been any different under Labour TBH. I have however been quite impressed with Camerons leadership now he's grasped the seriousness of the situation and I can see several heads rolling once things get back to normal (in May ) . However I think he may live to regret his "Money is no object" proclamation. Pete
  14. Nope - if anything it simply will give fodder to the YES camp - "Look at Westminster making all the decisions again" - TBH - my view would also now highlight the notion that if Scotand is not part of the GBP then neither can they be expected to participate in UK debt solving I agree entirely, the yes camp must be jumping for joy or in Salmonds case leaping . My own opinion is that if you want a divorce from the rest of The U.K then it must be complete and in any case what's wrong with the euro,? The only other country attached physically to The U.K uses it. If Scotland becomes independent then it should mean that it should be in exactly the same position as The Republic of Ireland, its own police force (with no powers in the rest of The U.K and vice versa) it's own DNA database, etc, etc. What I don't want to see is a Scotland which is still partially integrated into The U.K. Pete
  15. Not too bad here, roof felting ripped off the shed and various bits of garden furniture strewn around together with rubbish from the overturned wheelie bin. Pete
  16. There seem to be a lot of sinkholes opening up just lately. http://news.sky.com/story/1210658/sinkhole-swallows-corvettes-in-kentucky Pete
  17. It's more often than not caused by bow waves from vehicles coming the opposite way. Someone on here succumbed like that last winter. Pete
  18. What were they thinking? Im invincible no doubt! Day after day it's drilled into drivers not to enter a deep flood, it's not like its rocket science or anything I wouldn't be surprised if insurance companies stop paying out if you knowingly drive into a flood. Pete
  19. Here's an interactive flood map. You can zoom in and adjust the sea level height and watch as your house either vanishes under the sea or in my case becomes an Island (I'm 102m above sea level) . It covers the entire world so you can watch Florida vanishing or The Netherlands for that matter. http://flood.firetree.net/ Pete
  20. Really bad here tonight, wind is frightening and has already caused some minor damage. Some flooding as well but nothing to get worried about. Pete
  21. That's a very impressive job . Pete
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