Nope - if anything it simply will give fodder to the YES camp - "Look at Westminster making all the decisions again" - TBH - my view would also now highlight the notion that if Scotand is not part of the GBP then neither can they be expected to participate in UK debt solving
I agree entirely, the yes camp must be jumping for joy or in Salmonds case leaping . My own opinion is that if you want a divorce from the rest of The U.K then it must be complete and in any case what's wrong with the euro,? The only other country attached physically to The U.K uses it. If Scotland becomes independent then it should mean that it should be in exactly the same position as The Republic of Ireland, its own police force (with no powers in the rest of The U.K and vice versa) it's own DNA database, etc, etc. What I don't want to see is a Scotland which is still partially integrated into The U.K.