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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. JetSet

    Road noise

    Having run both types that's my impression too. Pete
  2. Jeez, what a nightmare. Cars get written off far too easily these days, I can remember when they would replace entire body shells. Ludicrously high labour charges, greedy part manufacturers and the CAT scaling all put paid to that. Pete
  3. I'm expecting half the field to break down so depending on where they come to a stop there could be several pace car interludes. Pete
  4. The 107% rule won't be enforced this weekend. http://www.planetf1.com/driver/18227/9210777/Stewards-won-t-enforce-107-rule Pete
  5. I'll stay up tonight to watch 1st practice, haven't decided about qualifying and the race yet. Pete
  6. Yeah, good to chat with you too. I believe the trip you did is known as the Golden Triangle. The first time I went to The States that's basically the trip I did although I didn't go down to San Diego and Yosemite wasn't possible due to The Tioga Pass being closed with snow. It was really only on my 3rd trip that I ventured out of Golden Triangle territory and discovered some amazing places in Utah and on my next trip Colorado. It was all different back then without the internet to research the various National and State Parks, I just planned out my trips from an Atlas . There are some great places to visit in not only Colorado but Utah, Arizona and New Mexico too. There are some great roads to drive, for example Cottonwood Canyon and The Waterpocket Fold a couple of backroads in Utah. It's a shame that most visitors to The South Western part of The States only get to see a small part of what is the worlds greatest collection of National Parks. Pete
  7. I'm amazed that nobody has replaced the reflectors with LED's . Pete
  8. For me, Florida made a pretty boring drive. The Everglades are all fenced off so you can see very little. Drove down from Orlando to The Glades and back all in a day, the only thing of interest were a huge lake and dam constructed and maintained by The U.S army and a handful of alligators . Cape Canaveral was pretty cool though, went there twice and got inside a full size shuttle mockup. Didn't really like the weather either, hot and very humid with a huge thunderstorm every day. Never been to Texas so can't comment on that. I've also driven San Diego to Los Angeles and I've done both the coastal and inland drives L.A to S.F. The best driving roads though are all well inland, lots of great routes in Colorado including the Million Dollar Highway, Monarch Pass and Pike's Peak Highway. Pete
  9. I had an RS Turbo from new 1989-2001 covered 116k and had it chipped to 195 bhp in 1991. No problems with the turbo and the car is apparently still going strong today. On the other side, Caroline's MR2 blew it's turbo in spectacular style and unable to source a replacement from Turbo Technics we had to bite the bullet and get a replacement from Toyota....cost including labour in 2001, £2,300. That was a local garage owned by a mate of mine, goodness knows what Toyota would have charged. Pete
  10. Yes, some confusion about this. As I read it, if your car was fitted with headlight washers at the factory then they must be present and working. However, mine passed the MOT in January 2013 with them frozen solid. I phoned up the MOT station to ask if I should reschedule (as my ordinary washers were also frozen)"No", he said, "we can use some discretion when it's well below zero otherwise during cold spells we'd hardly pass anything". As far as checking if you've ever had washers fitted, this particular garage didn't check but some will. Pete
  11. O.K then 55 reg 18,450 miles, bought in 2007 with delivery mileage. Caroline's Roadster 08 reg 19,500 miles, bought in 2010 with 7,800 miles on clock. Pete
  12. Yes, oil can split into layers after a few months, especially synthetics. Pete
  13. Has it ever worked? CD or DVD version? Have you tried cleaning the disk? Older SatNavs require a remote, do you have one? Pete
  14. Nope, orange stripe down the lights gives it away. However I do kinda like the wheels! Pete
  15. Cleaned both The Zeds on Friday and gave mine a quick "going over" this morning. Pete
  16. They won't lift up more than an inch or so. Makes it a bit awkward to change the blade. Pete
  17. Good to see you back on the road. Another amazing job from the Zed Shed . Pete
  18. Yes, I like them especially the ones in the second picture. Pete
  19. A bit more usage since I sold the Clio, now up to 2 or 3 days a week I guess . Caroline uses her Zed every day for work, 6 miles round journey....I use it at weekends . Pete
  20. Followed one along the sea front in Llandudno about 20 years ago, it had the widest rear tyres I've ever seen, goodness knows what they must have cost. Beautiful cars but that interior......... Pete
  21. Having had both the DE and rev-up models I share that finding entirely +1, but substitute Rev-up for HR in my case. Only driven a rev-up about 4 miles but I'll take your word for it . Pete
  22. JetSet

    New hood

    Indeed, don't need a new one right now but in a couple of years, well maybe. Daughter lives not far away too (Cardiff) so the distance isn't too much of a problem. How long does the work take? Pete
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