I've followed F1 since the 60's but when I took a closer interest in 1972 there were just 12 rounds, 8 in Europe and 4 flyaway races. It used to be the case that you could hire an F1 car for a specific race, for example Dave Charlton a British born South African would hire a Lotus 72 and just run a couple of races or you could build a Cosworth kit car, for example Trojan, Token, Lyncar, Ensign etc and simply enter the championship....those were the days. You could turn up at Silverstone on the Thursday before the GP and watch the cars being unloaded and in some cases see the drivers close up, not any more. It's true that F1 is big business these days, more professional, fitter drivers, highly developed cars but is the racing any better? Well, IMHO it's nowhere near as good as it was in the 70's or even the 80's when they just got in the cars and raced the full distance without resorting to tyre changes and employing tactical geniuses. Of course F1 was more of a niche sport back in 1972, the first event I attended at Brands Hatch had the most beautiful weather you could imagine and a race day crowd of around 35,000.
Yes, I still follow F1 but I no longer stay up all night or set my alarm, I just record the early morning races and watch them when I get up.