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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Big cat in very small box. This is Tigger!! A couple of pics of the kittens we decided to keep. Simba No name yet Pete
  2. The aero package was a 3k (approx) factory fitted option but there is/was nothing to stop someone retro fitting the kit...providing you can source one , still doesn't make them a Nismo though IMHO. Yes, at least one was imported from new, possibly one other was imported second hand plus the car that Nissan themselves brought over. Had the Nismo gone on sale it would have been priced at 50k. Nobody knows what happened to these cars, one of them was advertised on the "other" forum many years ago but has since vanished. Pete
  3. Got them on my GT Roadster. Early GT roadsters only had 3 buttons but later ones have the full 6. I'm guessing the change was in 2005? Pete
  4. Early roadsters are 100kg's heavier than Coupe's. Later models, 2006 facelifts onwards are 85kgs heavier. Facelifts in general both coupe's and roadsters are 75kg's heavier than prefacelifts.....so an HR roadster would be 160kg's heavier than an early coupe. Adds around 0.3 sec to 0-60 time. Pete
  5. Is that possible? I always thought that a car can only be insured once and by the owner. Anyway, 25 seems to be the dividing line for being added to a policy as a named driver on a Zed and probably on lots of other cars too. When I first got my Zed that was one of the conditions. I guess insurance companies think that young people who actually own the car are a safer bet than someone driving dad's or mum's car. Pete
  6. Not quite, the cut off date was 23 March 2006 and 06 registrations didn't start until March 1st 2006. Plenty of pre facelifts were registered after the tax went up and although sales of the facelift didn't start until April 1st 2006 there are a very small number that were registered early and qualify for the lower tax rate. Probably around half a dozen, mainly cars for the press to test out. Someone on here once owned one of them. It's also interesting to note that a few facelifts that were imported from Japan are also in the lower tax band as sales started there in October or November 2005. Pete
  7. On the back of a breakdown truck this morning heading towards Deeside. Pete
  8. Ian is still around Hasn't been online since mid August, is he serving a ban? Pete Definitely not banned, good question though not seen him in ages I PM'd him a few weeks back and not heard anything ! Hope he's OK Well, I found his Facebook account and there's very recent activity so just taking a break I guess. Did the same thing myself last year. Pete
  9. Ian is still around Hasn't been online since mid August, is he serving a ban? Pete
  10. Better and cheaper to rent an RV. I've done this twice now, for a start it saves having to start searching for motels early in the afternoon in busy tourist areas. Pete The hotel's would all be booked in advance. Have you seen The Hills Have Eyes?! Booking hotels in advance? Well yeah, I've done that back in 2007 when I took my then 18 year old daughter around the National Parks in The West in July...Yellowstone, Grand Canyon, Arches, Mt Rushmore plus many more. I booked in advance because it was July and I knew exactly which route to take and how long to stay in each area, done it many times before. If you've never been before then by booking in advance you lose a lot of flexibility and TBH if you go after the labor day holiday in September then you'll have few if any problems in finding motels. I've been in April, June, July, August and September. The best 2 months weather wise are June and September, July and August are hot (40+C is very common) and if anyone is considering hiring a convertible and visiting Arizona, Utah and parts of California then you'll have little chance to get the hood down, unless of course you like having a hair dryer on full heat 12" away from your head . I prefer June, it's warming up nicely 25-low 30's and rainfall is very low but the best thing is the evenings are much lighter so in effect you get 4 hours of extra light compared with September. Also, although the school holidays in The U.S.A actually start in late June nothing much really happens holiday wise until after 4th July. Finally, motels, car hire, RV hire and flights are considerably cheaper in June. Not seen the hills have eyes BTW. Pete
  11. Luckily for VW they have other interests such as M.A.N and Scania. People will still buy porkers too no matter what. How they handle the recall will also have a big bearing on the situation, the sheer number of vehicles means that the dealers will be kinda busy for months and it's unlikely that they'll be able to supply courtesy cars for everyone which will leave a lot of punters sitting around at dealerships for hours at a time. I would certainly expect a dip in sales for a few months followed by recovery in 12 months time when everyone has forgotten about it . Pete
  12. Well, I'm sure they have enough money to sort it out but it's a complete public relations disaster...how much long term damage will this have done to their reputation? Pete
  13. Better and cheaper to rent an RV. I've done this twice now, for a start it saves having to start searching for motels early in the afternoon in busy tourist areas. Pete
  14. Pretty much the same here, bought mine for 26.5k almost 9 years ago so even if had no residual value then depreciation is less than 3k per annum. In reality though its probably a loss of around 18k....just 2k a year. We paid 17.9k for Caroline's HR roadster 5 years ago, so assuming a value of 10k now then the depreciation is well under 2k per annum. If you're the sort of person who buys cars less than 3 years old then sell them after 2 years then you'll suffer much higher rates of depreciation than someone who keeps their cars for 5 years or more....it's not like the Zed replacement won't depreciate Pete
  15. BBC are reporting that it was the birthday of the 16 year old girl. How awful. Pete
  16. All very young, aged 16 to 20, what a tragedy. Pete
  17. Not surprisingly a new chassis is required and a very busy night for the RedBull mechanics. Pete
  18. The first thing I'd do would be to check on the driving laws in any countries you may be visiting, especially France . O.K, so you won't be visiting the good old U.S.A but luckily for me I read that if you get pulled by the police under no circumstances get out of your car or even reach for your seatbelt, you're very likely to be shot . Yeah, I got pulled for doing an illegal U-Turn Pete
  19. Yes, all cars have to be approved by Directive 94/20/EC. Only cars made before 1999 are exempt from having an EU approved towbar. Pete
  20. Haven't listened to Radio One since Tommy Vance did the 2 hour rock show on Friday nights in the 70's, 80's. Pete
  21. Not long ago I had this realistic dream that my Zed was stolen from outside the house but usually my dreams involve being chased with my legs turning to jelly. Luckily, I never get dreams about falling or crashing. Last night my main dream was about going on a diet . Pete
  22. Ian is usually very active on this forum but hasn't posted in over 6 weeks, would suggest you drop him a P.M and see if you get an answer. Pete
  23. Well, I just checked on BT's broadband checker and my local cabinet has been approved for fast fibre . No date given, let's see what happens. Pete
  24. Must be and it's likely to hinder them even more in the race. Pete
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