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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. In that case, I've no idea if and when ethanol is added at Stanlow. All refined gasoline will have to be approved by the lab before it leaves Stanlow. This is fairly straightforward if you are only supplying for one customer but if you are supplying 5 or 6 customers with different specifications it means extra storage, extra lab technicians and higher costs. It was industry standard when I worked there for U.K refineries to distribute exactly the same stuff to different petrol stations, it may have changed but I somehow doubt it. Pete Maybe the different ingredients only exist in the marketing brochures? This was certainly true in the 60's and probably well into the 80's. The thing is, the specs for gasoline and indeed diesel are very tight and there's not an awful lot of room to make any real differences. As far as additives go, I worked on the original detergent that went into Shell Optimax and the treatment level was so incredibly low that you only needed 1ml in 40 litres of petrol. The main differences/problems in the 70's were water or rust in the underground storage tanks at petrol stations. This had a huge influence on drivers choice of which brand of fuel they filled up with or where they filled up. Another thing these days is choice, it's 30 miles from our house to my step daughters house in Winsford, dual carriageway and A roads all the way, number of fuel stations....just one. Coming back from Telford a few weeks ago I drove 30 miles before I found somewhere to fill up. Pete
  2. Just looked this up as I'd never even thought about it, I just assumed that if they're safe to drive then you can test in them, apparently it's to do with the examiners visibility. Convertibles and panel vans aren't allowed... although I wonder what would happen if you turned up in a convertible on a hot summers day and said don't worry the roof will be down so you can see? More info here anyway: https://www.gov.uk/p...r-driving-tests The roadster also exceeds the weight limit ! Pete
  3. In that case, I've no idea if and when ethanol is added at Stanlow. All refined gasoline will have to be approved by the lab before it leaves Stanlow. This is fairly straightforward if you are only supplying for one customer but if you are supplying 5 or 6 customers with different specifications it means extra storage, extra lab technicians and higher costs. It was industry standard when I worked there for U.K refineries to distribute exactly the same stuff to different petrol stations, it may have changed but I somehow doubt it. Pete
  4. Well done, it's not that common for people to pass their test in their own car and in a Zed is quite amazing and possibly unique. Just looking at the regulations, the 350Z coupe only just squeezes in to what you can take your test in.....in theory at least, the roadster doesn't . Pete
  5. Correct, I should add that the Stanlow terminal supplies pretty well every garage in North Wales and the North West of England through a reciprocal agreement with the other major oil companies. Just the additive packages are slightly different. I also worked for Shell in a past life . Pete
  6. Caroline nodded off before EastEnders started tonight so I didn't have to suffer it. It's not that I watch it when its on, but its the racket of the constant arguments that gets me down. Pete
  7. Well, a lot will depend on your age, To be fair I know a couple older drivers who drink and drive and are alcoholics I don't know that many under 30's since I retired. I've never been pulled either as a youth or an adult, although TBH I did take a few liberties when I was in my late teens, very early 20's. I would imagine that most police pulls are after dark when the police can't tell who they are pulling over. In any case youngsters (to me anyone under 40 ) that I see driving commit stupid offenses which get them pulled over, for example how often do you see a pensioner using a mobile while driving, tailgating or taking a swig of coke? I like stats so here's some more. So 86% of drink drive fatalities are in the age range 21 to 44, that even surprised me. Pete
  8. Figures don't support this. From 2012 here are the convictions for drink driving. 30-39......... 13,442 40-49..........10,519 25-29..........9,490 21-24..........8,496 50-59..........5.497 17-20 .........4,550 Over 60......2,811 Under 17....131 Add together the 2 groups 21-24 and 25-29, miles ahead of any other 10 year age group (and 21-29 is only a 9 year group). Also, Males account for 45,754 convictions, Females 9,010. Pete
  9. If it's a genuine Nismo then its a steal and a bargain even it's a replica. Pete
  10. No, at least one person on here has over 2,000 views (and it's a male ) Pete
  11. I'm 66 and still own a Zed. I was 57 when I bought it. Pete
  12. Yes, the HR's, a better car and more limited in numbers will hold their prices quite well. White ones in particular . Pete
  13. I got a slightly different version of these from Halfords a couple of years ago, fits in the cubby behind the seat, well worth it. http://www.ebay.co.u...ps=true&ff13=80 Pete
  14. The word on the street is that 2016 will be the 370Z's last year of production, in fact production has already ceased for the Japanese market. In view of the small number of 370's sold in The U.K my guess is that good low mileage one owner examples will retain their values much better than similar 350Z's and that the only sub 10k ones for the forseeable will be high mileage, poorly maintained, Cat C, etc. Pete
  15. Absolutely, drink driving means a criminal conviction (fingerprints, DNA, mugshot) and will show up in any DBS check. My step daughter has 2 convictions, 9 years apart, just over the limit both times, and she is having to disclose this to potential employers now she is looking for a job as a teaching assistant. Just not worth it. Pete
  16. Yes, still have the original Bose in mine, in my case I don't have any CD's and never got around to converting any of my 2,000 vinyl LP's to mp3 format so I just listen to radio 5. I've never used the tape either, has anyone? Pete
  17. Yes, it also has the small wheel arch extenders, looks like the real McCoy to me....and welcome to the club. Pete
  18. About 3 years ago on bonfire night I found a Chinese Lantern no more than 50 yards from my house . There's been a couple of incidents in Flintshire, a farmers barn burnt down and one landed on a house 2 miles away that caused some light fire damage. Pete Have those things not been banned now, I could understand a few years ago thinking those things are safe but with all the publicity nowadays anyone who sends one up should be prosecuted, so dangerous. They won't get banned until a few people lose their lives I'm afraid. Here's what they can do. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-birmingham-23123549 Pete
  19. The HR has a very dark blue colour called Midnight, not that many around but Pearl White is the rarest. Pete
  20. You make a very good and valid point. Had we not interfered would things have been that much different though? Well, the entire Middle East has been a tinder box waiting to set on fire for as long as I can remember, long before the current troubles started we had the bomb attack at Lockerbie in 1988, The Munich Olympic massacre in 1972, the Arab Israeli wars of 1967 and 1973, a conflict that continues to this day, we had multiple airlines hijacked by Arabs in The 70's, Lebanon civil war, Iran,- Iraq war, Iranian revolution, Iraqi Islamic uprising, the conflicts in Aden, Afghan war of 1980 and I can just about remember the Suez crises ... the list goes on and on sadly . Pete
  21. About 3 years ago on bonfire night I found a Chinese Lantern no more than 50 yards from my house . There's been a couple of incidents in Flintshire, a farmers barn burnt down and one landed on a house 2 miles away that caused some light fire damage. Pete
  22. No. it'll run O.K on normal unleaded but you'll lose 2 to 3% of your power. You'll also shorten the engine life especially on the DE engined cars. It's O.K to put the odd tenners worth in if you can't get 98 RON fuel as long as you keep the revs down to under 4,000. The DE revup engine introduced in 2006 has been known to have issues with oil consumption but in general all of the engines are pretty reliable The differences between the GT and the non GT are confined to the interior, electric heated leather seats and a "better" Bose stereo system. Non GT HR's are not too common and a much higher proportion of HR's have SatNavs which look nice but are quite low tech. Welcome along and good luck with the search. Pete
  23. Yeah, I got a cheap 12v one from ASDA, won't pick up anything heavier than a grain of sand so complete waste of money really . Used to use a rechargeable dust bug but that was only O.K for getting fluff and very small stones up (it wouldn't pick up the sunflower seeds that I dropped on the floor) and it wouldn't fit down the sides of the seat where most of the rubbish seems to gather. Pete
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