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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I didn't know the coupe had one either...must check that out Pete
  2. O.K, just opened the door....no interior light so looks like you've cracked it . I only ever drive it in the daylight so didn't notice the light not coming on. Will sort it out tomorrow. Thanks, Pete
  3. I used to play years ago. We used to go to the local 9 hole municipal course straight off nights at 6 a.m so we didn't have pay . Also my next door neighbours dad was the secretary at the exclusive Vicars Cross Golf Club in Chester so I played that a few times. On my very first round I got around in under 50 (9 holes) and got down to under 40 after half a dozen rounds. Sadly, a combination of divorce, house move, new girlfriend and having my clubs stolen put an end to my promising career . Should mention that my Dad converted part of our large garden into a 6 hole putting green when I was a teenager so I had plenty of experience of putting long before my first round. Pete
  4. Must have been the one I saw in Queensferry a few weeks ago, I had it down as B15 but only caught a quick view. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/104769-3-today-all-in-a-5-minute-period/ The Black coupe I spotted I thought belonged to JonnyTheMod, but I bumped into him in the other day and it wasn't his Zed. Pete
  5. Im not Jetpilot . The boot buzzer buzzes when the boot has been left open for "x" amount of time, x=about a minute or two, on the roadster. Pete
  6. The warning buzzer that tells you when you've left your lights on has stopped working on Caroline's Zed. This also happened during a cold spell in 2013 but cured itself when the ambient temperature increased to a couple of degrees above freezing. This hasn't happened this time. Any suggestions? Thanks, Pete
  7. Prefacelift but higher tax band Pete
  8. Just a thought, doesn't the Anti Knock detector kick in around 5k revs? Possibly faulty, are you running on 98 RON? BTW, wouldn't worry too much about revving over 5k in 6th gear, that's like 140 mph . Pete
  9. Yeah, a sad reflection of society. Pete
  10. Welcome along. I came from a T-Sport too, a long, long time ago Pete
  11. I've got a good idea of what's happening. It's all to do with the way the computer looks at your history. For example, if you drive 4 miles to work and back then reset the computer then it'll estimate the amount of miles you have left based on that trip. So if your M.P.G was say 12 and you have a full tank it'll presume that you only have around 204 DTE or so miles left. So your next journey is a 200 miles round trip journey on Motorways at roughly 30 mpg and what you'll see is the DTE gradually increasing as if by magic . The answer is, don't reset the computer frequently or do as I do and never reset it. I'm far more interested in my long term overall MPG rather than on a trip from A to B. Pete
  12. As Wasso said. I'd estimate that 80% of drivers drive too close of which 20% of those are dangerously close. We have loads of these sort of accidents, pretty much daily on The A55 or its branch The A494, at least 2 yesterday with the road closed for a couple of hours. Problem is that the vast majority of these drivers are not doing it on purpose, they just don't realize. The Welsh Assembly painted chevrons on the A494 and put up a big sign "Keep 2 chevrons apart" but it's mainly ignored. Still, main thing is you're O.K. Pete
  13. I once went to watch Liverpool play Wolves at Molyneux in my brand new Mini. Got there about 3 hours before kick off, parked up on a main road, had a few drinks, watched the match then returned to my car after about 5 hours. Hit the panic button when I couldn't find my keys.....then discovered I'd left them in the door Pete
  14. A couple of things, on Caroline's HR Zed if you unlock the door, by accident or not and then don't open it, it'll lock itself after a couple of minutes. My older Zed doesn't seem to do this. It could be an HR thing, a Roadster thing or the way the key is programmed, don't really know. Secondly, the opposite happened to me, my RS Turbo was stolen (and recovered the next day) but the thieves left all of my stuff in the car, including £15 in notes and a couple of quid in loose change Pete
  15. Yeah, they are so unpredictable. We took in a feral cat and its 2 kittens some 16 years ago and they always got on really well but its a different story with our bengals. Both the kittens get on well but the mother can get quite aggressive towards them, but dad tolerates them quite well. Pete
  16. 20" Axis Penta wheels on my Zed. Some 20" wheels do look too big but I reckon these are just fine Pete
  17. In many cases it's the lifestyle they lived in their younger years catching up with them. Bowie, Frey, and especially Lemmy were well known for the amount of drugs and alcohol they pumped into their systems. Pete
  18. More sad news, this really is a bad start to the year and now its just been announced that Glenn Frey has passed away aged 67. R.I.P http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-35349025 Pete
  19. Look bigger than 20", but not as big as these Pete
  20. Once sold for £175 million, now its closing, used to be my first port of call each morning at one time. http://news.sky.com/story/1625092/friends-reunited-to-close-after-17-years Pete
  21. I'm no longer in the market to buy albums but if I was then YouTube would be my first stop. Back in the day you pretty well bought every album blind so to speak at least on YouTube you can get a good feel for it before you fork out however much a CD or download costs these days. It's really great that you can check out well known, not so well known and totally obscure music. I used to be a HiFi freak but at 66 there has been a decline in my hearing range at the top end and even through my decent MS speakers I can't tell a great deal of difference in quality between my stupidly expensive turntable with an Ortofon cartridge and YouTube through a souncard linked to my PC . Pete
  22. Amazingly we had none despite the temp being just 1C, just cold rain. Hills around here got a few inches though. Pete
  23. Yes, I understand that, but why buy stuff that you can listen to for free on youtube? I never switched from vinyl and the type of music coming out from the early 90's onwards didn't interest me. Not only that a real fan of an old fart (I'm not singling out Bowie here) that's just died has had 25 years to replace his/her vinyl so why the lemming like rush to buy stuff now the artist is dead and won't see any financial benefit. I've read through all the posts with great interest, some good valid points, I remember when Elvis died the guy next door played his records for several days non stop like he was grieving, so I guess that buying back catalogues is a way that some people express their grief. Pete
  24. Could somebody explain to me that when famous ageing pop stars die, eg Michael Jackson, Cilla Black, David Bowie plus others, why do people rush out to the shops to buy albums that have been available for 20, 30 and 40 or more years ? I don't get it . Pete
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