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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. JetSet

    Riceys Sunset Zed

    Looks really tidy . Pete
  2. Looking at the roadsters I imagined that they wouldn't suit a spoiler but I changed my mind today when I saw this thread. viewtopic.php?f=56&t=38818 Pete
  3. I'd me more concerned about the damage he's going to do to the underneath, "4 WHEEL DRIVE RECOMMENDED", just look at the size of those rocks Pete
  4. If anyone is staying up to watch The Japanese GP Qualifying then you might want to watch The Bathurst 1000 on Motors TV which is being shown live in its entirety. Coverage now on, race starts in a couple of hours. Pete
  5. I'm almost sorted. Caroline starts talking XMas around July 23rd, the day after her birthday, so I usually give in around October. Here's the list. 1 350Z, Gave her the 4k needed to to make up the PX Difference. 2 Samsung Netbook, really handy and I can use it too . 3 HP Laserjet Printer, something she "needed" for her cardmaking hobby. 4 Still need something for her to open on XMas day, I'm open to suggestions .(should I get her something for the Zed? ) Pete
  6. Welcome, and good luck with your search. Pete
  7. Yes, just the 2 buttons on the key fob. As far as the keys go, check through all the cubbyholes once you pick it up. We thought we only had one key but we discovered the other one together with some documents in the lockup behind the passenger seat. I can't really figure out why anyone would lock in there though . Pete
  8. Hmm, showing up here O.K, actually it doesn't look to bad from that angle or am I being too kind . Pete
  9. O.K, thanks for the help. Took it all apart, applied a touch of grease, removed clips, reassembled, had a quick drive and squeak is gone. . Pete
  10. Yeah, it's the 120A, they were sold here as Cherry Coupes. Definitely not Datsuns finest hour . Hardly sold any of them, which isn't a great surprise. Here's the rear end view. Pete
  11. Started making a high pitched squeak last night when going over bumps or rough roads.. I've almost certainly identified it as coming from the rear strut inside the boot, I've found that I can replicate the squeak by simply pressing down on the silver "Z" part of the strut which looks to just be a cover. Is there anything that could possibly squeak underneath there or could it be the cover that's making the noise? Thanks, Pete EDIT, Could the extra weight of the spoiler that's just been fitted have anything to do with it?
  12. Yeah, I'm always on the lookout for Zed's to wave at and seem to spend most of my life in B&Q right next to the Ice Rink . Pete
  13. Looks really tidy, great colour too. Congrats on the purchase . Pete
  14. Sounds like normal condensation. You probably haven't noticed it before as the dewpoint has been too high to form condensation but now the temperatures dropping you'll get more and more of it. It always goes to the windows because they are the coldest place. No real cure, but I used to place silica gel in various places inside the car to soak up the worst of it. I got mine from work, but I do remember buying some that was in a vented container, designed for wardrobes where there is poor air circulation . Once the gel was saturated, you just dried it out and put it back in the car. Something like this would do it. http://www.airandwatercentre.com/superd ... 9-details/ Unfortunately, although these absorb a lot more water than silica gel, they don't seem to be reusable. Pete
  15. Differences shown here. Bumper swap needed . Pete
  16. Welcome to the forum, you're just along the coast from me . Pete
  17. This was the van, sorry coupe version these were pretty rare back in the day.
  18. Yeah, its a beautiful place, really unique and the most famous landmark in this part of Wales. You have to admire the people who built this, it must have been quite a job without any of the building tools we take for granted these days. I've walked it a few times and its just as scary as it looks, popular place for suicides sad to say. Pete
  19. On further inspection this morning I've noticed some gouging to the Nissan badge on the boot. You can see it on the 5th photo I posted, I'm guessing that they used a long screwdriver to lever up the OEM spoiler, resting it on the badge as just above the badge is the deepest scratch of them all. Looking at the old spoiler, you can clearly see in several places damage to the bonding caused by a screwdriver or something similar. I'm still weighing up my options, problem is I'm a non confrontational sort of person and on top of that there are other, shall we say complications, that I don't really want to go into at this stage. I have phoned them up and spoken to them but they replied that the damage was already there when they removed the OEM spoiler, so basically they are denying responsibility. Not really much I can do, getting into abusive arguments isn't in my nature and I'm pretty certain that's what it'll come down to. Caroline is absolutely furious, she knows how well I've looked after this car since I bought it in 2007 and once again, for reasons I won't go into this could make things complicated. Unfortunately, this experience has really put me off any further modding, for now at least . Thanks for all your messages of support BTW, I appreciate it. Pete
  20. Yeah, these sort of things happen in The States quite a lot. A combination of long straight roads, huge gaps between rest areas, driving on your own and the fact that towns are often hundreds of miles apart. Driven there a lot and tiredness has got me too, a few times I've felt myself starting to go. Even worse in the summer, wind the window down and you are greeted not with cool U.K air but with a hot blast that makes you even more sleepy. Looking at the damage on that car I'd say he was lucky, very lucky. Pete
  21. I understand what you're saying but this is a professional body shop. They charged me more for fitting than the cost of the spoiler itself so I expected a better job. I'm not really sure I can trust these people to repair the damage so I may well finish up taking it somewhere else and just put it down to experience. . Cheers, Pete
  22. I watched the guy taking the colour code from the plate under the bonnet. I agree though, it doesn't look to be quite right. Having said that, a lot depends on the angle that you look at it, from the back it looks to be darker but if you view it from by the driver or passenger door then it looks to be a reasonably good match. Pete
  23. Just had my replica Nismo spoiler fitted. Unfortunately they didn't take sufficient care in removing the OEM spoiler and left the car with several deep scratches and a small dint. I'll be taking further action in the morning. Looks good from here Here's a sample of the scratches, you can just make out the dint in the last photo. You can also see from photos 2 and 6 that it hasn't been fitted square to the bodywork, out by an eighth of an inch or so, consequently the end of the spoiler is touching the bodywork on the passenger side. Pete
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