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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I guess this'll only apply to people who've owned both but here we go. Since I've owned my DE Zed the only time the computer has been reset is when I've changed the battery (twice now) and my MPG has changed very little, it's been a good mix of roads, only a dozen or so runs of 100 miles or more on Motorways but mostly round trips of around 7-10 miles. My average has been pretty rock solid at between 25.8 and 26.0. Now today, I've changed the battery on Caroline's HR ,which is the first time since we've had it that the computer has been reset. When we got the Zed back in 2010 with 7k on the clock the computer read 21.1 and 21k miles later it had only inched up to 21.3, a lot of those miles driven by me. So, I took the opportunity to take it for a fairly gentle run today. 40 miles in my normal "economy style", changed gear at 2.5 to 3.0k and no heavy traffic, result 22.3 MPG. Now I know that the facelift roadster is somewhat heavier than my old DE coupe(and I suspect 95 RON fuel has been added ) but I did a similar run when I last changed my battery and got 30.3 MPG. Anyone else noticed this? Pete
  2. Today in Mold, Black coupe, MC 05 --- Flashed and waved, no response and yesterday in of all places Buckley, Silver 04 coupe, got a wave from this one Pete
  3. That's good to know, Caroline's original battery failed this morning and even though I was really careful getting the clips out I broke a couple of them and dropped one into the engine bay. I guess they go brittle after a few years. Pete
  4. I once had a guy ask me if I'd built my VXR220 myself! Well, to be fair they do look a bit like a kit car Pete
  5. Very low depreciation (if any) on Morgans, when I was a young lad the guy who lived next door to me had a Morgan 3 wheeler probably worth a fortune now. Pete
  6. Just called Midnight in The U.K, although most refer to it as Midnight Blue. I've not seen or either heard of a roadster with Frost leather so pretty rare.but a quick google brought this up, not Midnight but Silver, also has the rare Blue roof. http://www.2040-cars...nterior-926140/ Pete
  7. That would be a good time! You'll probably be quicker than you think though......Reading is one of the fastest half-marathons She's aiming for under 1:30 That's a really good time, when I used to run there were only 4 or 5 women in Flintshire who could break 1:30, Pete
  8. Yes, there's a fair few of those 3 way major junctions in The States, I can't think of anything similar in The U.K. Thinking about it though, those Freeways and Interstates were planned and built 50/60, even 70 years ago and of course The U.S has plenty of space to build these sort of junctions. Pete
  9. All my PC's are on Windows XP, only my laptops, 4 of them, are on upgradeable machines. I still have some old PC's with either Win 98 or 2000 on them. These are no longer used but should still work Pete
  10. Nice video.....dreadful music. Pete
  11. Knocking noise could just be from the exhaust cooling down, Handbrake isn't much cop really, even when the car is brand new it won't hold it on a steep hill. Pete
  12. Very rare to see a facelift on the lower tax, was this a Nissan press car by any chance as U.K sales didn't start till April 1st 2006? Certainly a good buy for someone. Pete
  13. Same here, I'd like to get the seat back a tad more and I'm only 6ft, but we're all different, my mate is 6-2 and put the seat forward a couple of inches . I've only been on one long journey since I've had the Zed (320 miles in a day) and didn't suffer with leg ache or back ache that I've had driving similar distances in rentals. Pete
  14. Looked up the regulations on exhausts. They are perceived to be a hazard if they protrude beyond the bodywork, just about legal I think but somewhat unsightly Pete
  15. Not an urban myth at all. Pete
  16. JetSet

    Do Wings work?

    To create anything more than token downforce a rear wing needs to sit in the air stream like this Or this Pete
  17. Have a word with Darren (someone here will know his forum name). He works for Red Bull F1 and is an expert on Carbon Fibre. Pete
  18. The thing is, how can The North be turned into the powerhouse it once was? What made it into a powerhouse, Coal mining (finished) Steel making (terminal decline), Ship building (a shadow of its former self), Mills (long gone), Railway engineering (went elsewhere), Heavy Industry/Automobiles (Destroyed by Thatcher/Unions). It's very easy for Osbourne to talk about a Northern Powerhouse but somewhat harder to put it into practice. Take for example HSR2, they've been talking about it for years but so far.....zilch. Yeah, they've drawn up plans London to Birmingham which is of course in The Midlands, then when they do that it'll be extended to Manchester/Liverpool (just about in The North and should be ready in 2035), then there's vague plans to extend to Leeds, no mention of The North East or Scotland. That's one of the reasons I'm very cynical about British politicians, they sure like talking, filling in expenses forms, looking after number one but when it comes to tough and often unpopular decisions like extending Heathrow they're more than happy to order yet another enquiry. Pete
  19. I would have bought a HR but wanted the Azure blue which wasn't available for some reason. its They changed nearly all of the colours when they introduced The HR. I think Black was the only colour retained. With most of the colours its fairly easy to see what the replacement was, ie, GM became Twilight Grey, Chilli Red became Rosso Red, Blade Silver became Universal Silver and so on. With Azure though the replacement was presumably Midnight which is quite different to the old Azure. Pete
  20. Interesting, could well be, otherwise seems an oddly long time for one to be sat around unregistered. They do seem to hold their prices really well. £7.5-8k still seems to be a key price to get anything decent. But yea I won't be spending £12k on one! This car was originally sold by Glyn Hopkin, a very busy main Nissan dealer in South East England (Its where Caroline's Zed was first registered) so I very much doubt that it would have been standing around for 2 or more years on their forecourt, so almost certainly originated in Ireland. Quite a number of these about, Lookers in Chester, who incidentally brought Caroline's Zed up from Glyn Hopkin in Colchester, had quite a few of these for sale around October 2008, 20 coupe's and 3 roadsters they told me. The only difference in spec is the speedo/mileometer which would be changed before sale in The U.K. Pete
  21. When you live in the so called "Powerhouse North", you know, the one with the 12 fastest declining towns in The U.K then it makes little difference being run from Westminster or from Brussels. You could say the same about Wales, being run from Cardiff sucks if you live in North Wales, especially the English speaking North East that borders England. I guess you could say the same about most capital cities in the world, the further away you are the less they care about you. If we do leave the EU then I can't see things changing for the better, the country will still revolve around London and The South East. As far as being in charge of our own destiny anyone would think that The EU makes every law and every decision for this country. It's nowhere near true, we still make the big decisions like High Speed Rail 2, new motorways, The NHS, Heathrow Expansion, Trident, Schooling, income tax rates, Prisons, etc. The problem I have is that politicians of all parties seem to be more interested in political dogma that getting things done, The French have built an integrated High Speed Rail network covering most of France with extensions into Belgium and Germany while we still have railways built in the 1860's apart from one small High Speed section serving London and The South East. France had no North Sea Oil or Gas to pay for it and we just squandered most of ours on what? I would consider voting to leave if I thought that the £30 million a day (or whatever it is) would be put to good use like building hospitals, replacing clapped out schools, getting policing levels back to were they were, having a proper army, navy, air force etc but it'll probably just finish up as more tax breaks for the rich. Pete
  22. It gets ingrained into the leather seats, just like cigarette smoke does, takes quite an effort to get rid of it. Pete
  23. The accident I recently witnessed was to some extent caused by running alongside, although the other driver should have double checked his mirrors before he changed lane. That's the reason why I never undertake and leave a reasonable gap if I'm on the inside lane and a car is lane hogging the outside lane. Even where its legal to pass on the inside like on slipways leaving a motorway you should always keep in mind that somebody will decide at the last minute they need to exit the motorway too. These days everyone should be aware that dashcams are recording every move you make and The Police can and will prosecute on dashcam evidence alone. Pete
  24. Lane discipline in The States is much better than you would imagine. It's only when an Interstate or major highway passes through a big city that you get a free for all. For example, The Interstate 70 which passes through Denver is in places 5 lanes and with something like 20 exits you get tons of people weaving so they don't miss their exit. Turning left on red could be useful in some places but in The States with the streets laid out in blocks there isn't a visibility problem like for example the lights at the top of our lane where traffic is approaching at 60 on a bend. Pete
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