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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yes, after reading through some of the threads here I expected a lot more. The 25 point check was fine, just an advisory on my rear tyres. http://i912.photobucket.com/albums/ac32 ... 212010.jpg Pete
  2. Had mine done a month ago, cost me £253 at the Nissan main dealer in Chester....however I believe that in some areas especially the south of England it costs a lot more. Pete
  3. Not only that but they have to be filled with Nitrogen . Apparently, insurance is invalidated if you run standard ie non run flats and a set of tyres is around £1,500. Just running through some of the figures on the GTR forums I'm guessing you're looking at 3-5x the running cost of a 350/370, everything seems to cost a mind boggling fortune. If I'm reading this properly, you need a service every 6k at £680 and Disks and brakes every 12k at a mouth watering £1,700. The big service has to be done at 24k. On the plus side, insurance is not that much higher than a 350/370. Pete
  4. Ah, but this is Queensferry, gateway to Wales, famous for its massive traffic jams in the 60's and its Ice Rink where The Who once played . Pete
  5. O.K, I'll go for that one then . Looked at a few others, either out of the 50k range (Audi R8) or common as muck (Merc, BMW) Pete
  6. Rather dirty looking 350 Blade on a 54 plate on the Queensferry roundabout around 13:00, actually waved at me too . Pete
  7. Hmm, need to think about this . Pete
  8. Toyota FT-HS 2007. The new Supra? Pete
  9. JetSet


    Hmm, my 55 reg lasted 30 days, just about started...after leaving it for 3 weeks a couple of months later it needed jump starting and wouldn't hold the charge after that. Pete
  10. I've not bothered on mine. Dealers regard extended warranty as money in the bank and will do anything to wriggle out of it...just my experience from a previous car (a Ford) when I missed the mandatory service by about 1.5k, I'm sure they would have found some other reason anyway. Pete
  11. Well, Chris has managed to eradicate most of the damage done when the spoiler was fitted. One or two of the scratches were too deep even for Chris's magic touch but the vast majority of the grit marks have been removed. Chris also gave my car a thorough clean, and I mean thorough . After watching Chris in action I now realise that my cleaning techniques are about 30 years out of date and my equipment 40 years , the car that I thought was reasonably clean turned out to be pretty grubby in reality. Anyway, thanks Chris, looking better than ever now. A few pics to follow soon. OMG, What's this? Chris in action Almost done, just the tail pipes to polish Pete
  12. Yep, looks like another cold one in prospect. Wasn't too bad here last year, cold but not that snowy. Probably our turn to get it . http://theweatheroutlook.com/twoother/t ... pr&id=1774 Pete
  13. Incredible footage.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dU4VzC6dT6M Pete
  14. Welcome to the forum . Whereabouts are you located? Pete
  15. Looks like the roof was an afterthought, the whole thing looks Tonka Toyish to me. And the Spyker, fairly obvious they've bought a reject design from GM, circa 1966 Pete
  16. I don't have anything to swop, but if you're giving it away free then seeing as I'm just down the road I could pop in and pick it up . Cheers, Pete
  17. Biggest ever increase in car insurance, especially for young male drivers. Interesting article, seems that we're all suffering because of it. That does sound like an extremely high quote though. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-11526311 Pete
  18. Just 2 mods for me so far.. 1 Nurrish SatNav 2 Nismo V1 Replica Rear Spoiler. Next up in 2011 will be 3 Spacers 4 Rear Light Cluster After that Front Spoiler or Splitter? Rear Bumper? And that leads me to a quick question, are there any front bumpers other than the originals that have the headlight washer holes cut in them? My understanding is that its a legal requirement to have them on any car with HID lights, not sure if its an MOT requirement though??? Pete
  19. Since when has a U.K car been LHD? Put me right off it . Actually I find the interior to be complete yuck Pete
  20. Yes, same here, no oil needed in 9k on my 55 reg. Pete
  21. Whoa, that's pretty neat. Not that keen on the enormous rear spoiler but the rest of it looks great. Unfortunately, just about everyone has the CD jumping problem. Welcome onboard, Pete
  22. Yes, it's always in the back of your mind. I'm fortunate to live in an isolated spot, so isolated that delivery companies can't find us, I have my own private lane and I can park right outside my back door . When I'm out I'm careful where I park, I have "safe areas" in most places I visit regularly...no guarantee though. My wife has to park her roadster in a supermarket carpark close to her work, she parked her Z4 there for 2 years without problems, but it's a worry of course. I used to be a Chemist working in the oil business, but now I'm retired . Welcome to the forum BTW!! Pete
  23. Had a crap day today but that really brought a smile to my face. What a lovely moment and thanks for sharing it with us . Pete
  24. You are pressing the clutch at the same time? Pete
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