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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yeah, Each main refinery supplies raw petroleum to a specific area. Around here, Shell Stanlow is the supplier, Fawley supplies the South etc. Additives specific to a manufacturer will be added at smaller terminals if needed. The only exceptions would be Supermarkets who are supplied from The Netherlands via a terminal in the south. Pete
  2. Yeah, the gearbox takes a bit of getting used to. From my experience and from what I've read here, first to second is very notchy and clunky, especially from cold. The rest I find O.K, but not great. As far as the burning oil goes, what sort of smell was it? Gear oil has a completely different smell to engine oil when it burns. Welcome BTW . Pete
  3. +1 Yes, that one gets my vote as well. Amazing car, what a shame its going to be broken up Pete
  4. Welcome and congrats on the purchase, looks really . Pete
  5. A good service history is essential. Don't touch it if whoever you're dealing with claims that its been lost. Pete
  6. Welcome to the forum. Good to see another Roadster here . Pete
  7. Hmm, RAF Valley, helicopter, just how well do you know William . Welcome onboard Pete
  8. Had my renewal through from Axa yesterday, gone up another £50 to £532, could have been a lot worse I guess Pete
  9. Not often that you see one off the main roads around here but I spotted a clean Black 350Z by Ewloe School earlier today, got a wave too . 54 or 56 plate (blinded a bit by the sun). Pete
  10. Ho hum, Looking Good 8/10 Chav Rating 2/10 Pete
  11. Not what they told us last night . How did they contact you? Just checked my E-Mail and there's nothing there from Heaves, I'm pretty certain its booked in my name. Pete
  12. Welcome, lovely looking Zed, hope you get it sorted soon. Pete
  13. Nice car and pics, well chosen background too Pete
  14. Yeah, Caroline was getting a bit concerned as they hadn't contacted us, which originally they promised to do. Anyway, she gave them a quick buzz and both confirmed our booking and that they wouldn't be contacting us again, so presumably they won't be needing a deposit . Good news is that I've convinced Caroline to drive her roadster up there, so that's one extra Zed Pete
  15. Just an excuse to hike the price of an MOT. Most of those new regulations are completely unworkable, the only one Zed owners should be concerned about is 4.1.6 for those with after market front bumpers. I will contact my mate who has 30 years as an MOT tester and garage owner to see what he knows. Pete
  16. Busters lights look like the 06 onwards facelift cluster covered in film. Those smoked lights on EBay look like 06 replicas or maybe a variant of the 06 look, they're very nice, not too dark , that company also does them in plain. I'd like to see some pics of these fitted (smoked or plain) if anyone has them. Pete
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