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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Ready for a trip down to the shops . Pete
  2. I'm with Axa, renewal premium for this year was £540 up from £480 last year. I've pretty well maxed out on everything, no convictions, have a decent post code have a £300 excess and accepted a few other minor restrictions. Pete
  3. Absolutely Stunning...Lets hope it doesn't all melt in one go Pete
  4. Anyone care to work out how many 350/370 Zeds are in The U.K, 10k or so do you think or maybe more? Pretty good ratio of members to cars even allowing for those who no longer have Zeds.There are some non U.K members as well to swell the numbers. Pete
  5. Welcome onboard Pete
  6. Not too bad here, just a couple of inches although its coming down hard now. The council can cope fairly easily with this amount, some villages around here are 1,000 feet up so and we do get heavy falls from time to time. The councils grit igloo is just up the road and large numbers of gritters are available, big salt mine 25 miles away in Cheshire too...of course, they never come down here, so our 200 yard long lane can get very tricky. Caroline reported that the main roads are fine just the footpaths are dodgy. Pete
  7. Yeah, its the sort of car I'd never buy but as a company car just great Pete
  8. JetSet


    09, Registered in Peterborough......woman driver. Pete
  9. Nissan want an absolute fortune for the disk, must be made of solid gold for that price but there are numerous disks for sale on EBay at reasonable prices. It would seem that not all Nissan DVD's will work in every Nissan but there do seem to be DVD's that'll work with Zed's and other Nissans if you get my drift. I've sent you a PM outlining some of your options Pete
  10. Hmm, could be a partial blockage somewhere. It's possible that if you were very low on fuel then adding more would have stirred up something already in the bottom of the tank. It might work its way through in a day or two. Kangaroo jumping is usually a symptom of fuel starvation and that's probably as good as any a place to start looking. Pete
  11. No, I've been working away at it. So far I've got a Nismo replica rear spoiler, 20mm spacers all round and a Nurrish SatNav . Got a few more mods planned too , you won't recognize it once the meet season starts next year Cheers, Pete
  12. Very funny guy and a brilliant actor. Sad to see he's gone. Pete
  13. That was my first thought too, but you don't get far once you've put it in, a couple of miles if you're lucky. Fairly easy to rule it out though just by smell alone. A common problem years ago was water or rust in the fuel, that would certainly make it splutter. Could be one of many things though, fuel, alternator, battery, belt tension, difficult to pin it down. Have you managed to get the car home? Pete
  14. Lovely part of the world, looks like a set from The Italian Job Pete
  15. Only a couple of centimetres of snow here but incredibly cold. Took me ages just to get my Clio unfrozen and the Zed is well and truly frozen solid . Managed to get in it this morning with some difficulty and ran the engine for a few minutes. No prospect of using it till this cold spell is over though. Pete
  16. Wow, transformation . Where did you get the front spoiler from? EDIT, O.K, read your description, found the spoiler on EBay and ordered one Pete
  17. Next week is going to be interesting to say the least! Prolonged snow in many areas, almost anywhere away from the coast in fact. Wind's going to pick up so there's a strong possibility of drifting and even blizzards over higher ground . Also, temperatures are going to be incredibly low, the Midlands, Wales and The North could see below -10 maybe as low as -15 so check your anti-freeze. I have a weather station here and its already below freezing at 2.00pm and the temperature is falling like a stone . Presently, there's no indication of how long this will last but count on at least another week . Pete
  18. Got about an inch here, main roads are O.K though. Pete
  19. Yeah, did you see that guy digging the snow from around it Pete
  20. A couple of flakes last night. Possible major event Tuesday/Wednesday though for those North of the M4 and South of Manchester, ie Midlands and Wales Pete
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