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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. What a wonderful Christmas present . Congrats! Pete
  2. Luckily for everyone on the road, very few , but in a survey 9 out of 10 them would like one . Nah, not for me don't like the thuggish looks Pete If you come up my way there's quite a few that have em. One of the youngsters is on his 5 car @19 and it's an evo fq400, just recently wrote of a 56plate m3 convertible also. How on earth does he get insurance and afford to run it? The ones you see around here are driven by guys 30-55 ish. I did briefly consider one when I bought the Zed but my homework said that they suffer huge depreciation, need a lot of servicing and attract the attention of both thieves and cops. It was really the look that put me off though, I've no doubt that they're great cars to drive. Pete
  3. Finally got them to retract, used a hair dryer at first but I started freezing up . Then I filled a jug from the hot water tap...then another, etc, eventually they just went in Pete
  4. I think its only there to prevent you putting the rear wheel on the front?? Pete
  5. Luckily for everyone on the road, very few , but in a survey 9 out of 10 them would like one . Nah, not for me don't like the thuggish looks Pete
  6. I think orange and white would be good Pete
  7. Welcome to the forum . We've all seen pics of the car before but a few more won't hurt Pete
  8. Welcome , there's a few members from both the North and South of Ireland here. Any pics you can show us? Pete
  9. Yes, Once the snow gets to a certain depth then grip levels increase. This is because in say an inch or two of snow the wheels compact the snow down right to the road and ice forms underneath the wheels. In deep snow the wheels will not compress it right the way down, it gives the tread a chance to bite, that's why you see tread marks in deep snow.... Pete
  10. That's one of the reasons why there are so many bumps, nobody should be zooming by at the moment. I couldn't care less if I got overtaken by a Yugo right now, as long as I get there in one piece . Pete
  11. O.K, I added some windscreen screenwash yesterday, yikes, it was nearly empty . I'm not expecting it to thaw out any time soon, it was down to -11 last night and its only at -5 right now. Caroline finishes work today for a couple of weeks so I'll try a liitle gentle heat on them tomorrow. Very rarely get beyond The Greyhound and Caroline uses The Post House park and ride when she goes. Pete
  12. That's a lovely MX5 . Can't see that staying around for long. Pete
  13. I've had a couple of the enclosures fail on me without warning. With some of them it's easy to take the enclosures apart with others you need brute force. First of all, when you plug it in stick it by your ear and listen to the disk, is it spinning up, is it making a clicking sound? Try the disk on another computer, if that still doesn't work remove the disk from the enclosure if possible and connect it up inside another PC. Does this disk need a power supply? If it doesn't then it's likely to be a 2.5 inch drive which makes things a bit awkward. You should also have a look at the disk using Control Panel/ Administrative tools/ Computer Management/Storage/ Disk Management and see if any issues are highlighted. I feel its unlikely to be corruption more likely either the HD or the electronics unit in the enclosure has failed, hopefully the latter. If I'm right then software recovery probably won't work. I do have some specialized diagnostics software available if required . Pete
  14. According to the Countryfile weather forecast for the week, Thursday will be a nightmare, good chance of blizzards up in the North East . Could be difficult to get there in any type of vehicle Pete
  15. O.K, Cheers, Just read through the thread, thought it might make it worse if I poured water on them so I've sprayed them both with WD 40. Pete
  16. Just noticed that the Headlight washer covers on Caroline's Roadster are stuck in the out position. We think that she may have inadvertently pushed the button when she filled up with petrol yesterday. I given them a gentle push but they won't go back in. Bearing in mind its -4 here, is it just best to leave them or should I apply a bit of heat to get them back in? Will leaving them out attract grit, salt and dirt? Thanks, Pete
  17. It'll be the 280 bhp version. Welcome to the forum and the world of Zedding Pete
  18. What a bummer, damn roads are treacherous and it's only December. Hopefully there's not too much damage and you can get it sorted quickly. We haven't had much snow round here but the council has used half of its grit already and because the Rock Salt Mine at Winsford is running at 100% capacity the council have imported some, which is now stuck in Cardiff, great I guess its the same all over the country but as soon as the roadsides bins get filled up someone comes along and takes the grit or even the entire bin! Pete
  19. I remember seeing the original, at the time state of the art graphics, can't wait to see the remake Pete
  20. We seem to miss out on the snow, last decent fall here was February 2007, the day after I got my Zed funnily enough. There's enough to make it look wintery, not enough to disrupt everyday life. Pete
  21. Not a lot here, about an inch but it was enough for Caroline's roadster to get completely stuck. I drove it past the drive to turn it round and the slight incline by our house proved too much for it. I was getting further and further into difficulty, finished up on a piece of waste ground, hemmed in by trees...oh dear (now retrieved). My Zed is free to move, I hope, as it's on a slight downhill, but our lane is completely iced over, bloody nightmare Pete
  22. Yeah, sorry to here that, this snow's a nightmare for low speed bumps, talking of which.... Daughter phoned up from the snow capital of Wales, "Can you pick me up tomorrow"...."from Cardiff". That's like a 320 mile round trip. Now I'm an O.K driver in the snow, but that's pushing it a bit too much with more snow forecast. Main problem for her is that there are no trains on line up through Hereford or Birmingham. Don't really know what to do, can't ask her mum to go and pick her up as I think she's down with the flu. Pete
  23. Really bad conditions in Cardiff right now. My daughter has just phoned me, they've got a foot of snow, trains cancelled,etc. You may have to leave it a while Pete
  24. Virtually nothing again here, driest place in The U.K Pete
  25. Yeah, I've got a Clio too, flew through it's M.O.T yesterday . Insurance was awkward, I wanted to put my daughter on it who was 18 at the time, but the very mention of the words "18" and "Student" pushed the premiums to like 4 times what I pay for the Zed .Eventually, I found a company called Fortis who have a policy that allows young drivers who are named on the policy a maximum of 90 days insurance a year. This got the first year premium down to £350 and now I have 3 years NCB it's down to about £220. My daughter is 21 now but the best quote we've had so far is £1100 for her to drive it without any limits. I find the Clio to be ultra reliable, I've had it almost 4 years and have only had to put tyres, a new battery and wiper blades on it. It's a petrol engine, 1200cc and does 40 to the gallon, paintwork is excellent too . Pete
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