Took me till 2005 to get any form of broadband, having been on dialup since 1993. I'm 7k from the exchange and my broadband was initially 0.5 megs. BT have now upgraded the old wires and I'm now getting 3 megs. I'm lucky though my nearest neighbour has a different exchange and he only gets 0.25 megs, BT won't switch him onto my exchange because he would become an anomaly as he lives 75 metres over the boundary...
yeah the BT engineer said the wires were of terrible quality too, he was surprised i got anything actually. I would have cried if i didnt
Well, I know that when the wires were renewed, circa 1970, the price of copper went through the roof so they used a cheap alternative probably aluminium, most of the line was upgraded a couple of years ago so it's pretty well as good as it gets now. There's a roadmap somewhere detailing which exchanges are to be updated in the future but ours isn't among them and unfortunately I'm the furthest property from the Buckley exchange.