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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. That's a Pre Face lift 2005 model registered in 2006, could be higher tax rate if registered after mid March 2006 . If I was going to pay the extra tax then I'd go for a facelift model. Forget that, it is a facelift model (need eye test) and looks pretty good to me. Pete
  2. Spoiler seems to suit Black very well. Interesting choice of rear light clusters there...look surprisingly good actually Pete
  3. Yeah, lighting is a weak point, they are just about adequate really. Facelift lights are better, but not by much. Pete
  4. Any photos of what they look like on the car? Pete
  5. No, they're not for me, I'm just the mug that buys them. Pete
  6. I use them every time I go shopping, much faster than standing in a queue, I'm in and out in under 5 minutes. The only annoying thing is having to get certain items approved by the till person. O.K, alcohol I can understand, but why do fibre drinks need approving Pete
  7. The Silver one is very striking and must be a local car, possibly an import. Greeny still has his car but apparently it's sold. Pete
  8. JetSet

    What do you think?

    No preference here, they both look good Pete
  9. Saw this one again today in Saltney. Personalised number plate (probably illegal spacing). Also spotted Greeny's Zed parked up near Aerospace in Broughton . Pete
  10. Drove up to the top of Pikes Peak a couple of years ago, 20mph was well fast enough for me though, it's pretty scary on the dirt road section. You have to take your hat off to the skill and daring of the guys who can go up it like that. . Pete
  11. I could write a book about my Lotus Europa. Brake pedal fell of while approaching a roundabout at 80 mph, don't know how I got away with that. The split pin holding it on had broken Entire gear lever came off in my hand in Chester. Engine mounting snapped in half and dislodged the clutch cable 50 miles from home. Boot caught fire when the engine backfired through the carb. Repaired boot blew clean off the car in a gale My mate ran into the back of me on the way back from The British Grand Prix, another boot repair required Accelerator pedal snapped in half But the scariest thing of all was when The Police knocked at my door and interviewed me regarding a Murder in Leicestershire when the female victim was last seen getting into a Lotus Europa Pete
  12. Doing a service on my mother in laws Nissan Micra and overtightening the oil plug, splitting the sump Pete
  13. The ideal size is 245/35 and 275/35 on 19" rims This will keep the rolling radius to within 0.8% I believe. Pete
  14. JetSet

    350z seats

    Looks like the double button passenger controls are to be found only on roadsters. Here's a pic of a pre facelift model. Probably something to do with the hood operation as I've noticed that the seat on the passenger side tilts forward when you press the hood down button. Pete
  15. JetSet

    OEM Sat Nav

    Welcome to the forum . Good luck with your search too Pete
  16. It would seem that they can. EDIT. It would seem that in most cases if they don't stop you and issue you with an on the spot fine then they take no further action as the only data a handheld records is your speed. Pete
  17. My previous car...had it for 4 years. Pete
  18. The computer resets itself, so you lose mpg average speed etc. Don't think the radio is affected. Pete
  19. JetSet

    350z seats

    O.K, Thought I was seeing things but I've just popped out to check, both cars have 2 knobs, the roadster has 2 electronic controls for the passenger. Either it's a roadster feature or it was introduced in 2008? Pete
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