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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Maybe, but we should all know the rules and expect to suffer the consequences. Anyway, I think the money from fines goes to Central Government not to the councils. In any case its not the fines that hurt, its the penalty points, that's why wealthy celebrities spend thousands to avoid a £60 fine....so, if we drop the fines but keep the points what will the whingers say then Pete
  2. I was hoping that the opposition would be able to overthrow him on their own . Unfortunately, although I'm not a fan of military intervention I feel that now its started we have to see it through. My main concern is that it'll end up as a stalemate with Libya split into 2 parts. Pete
  3. I usually wait till the light comes on then put £40 worth in, with my mileage that's about once a month . Caroline does the same only about twice as often! Pete
  4. There's several of those flashing signs not far from where I live, the effect was instant you could see cars hitting the brakes as soon as they flashed . The downside is that after being there for a few months they are pretty well ignored now, they're almost constantly on and no one even bothers braking any more. Pete
  5. The one on Autotrader looks O.K. As soon as I looked at the Pistonheads advert I had a bad feeling about it. A bit of research showed the same contact number being used to sell a BMW X5 in Scotland with a different contact name. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/s ... ogle.co.uk There may be a valid reason for this but my gut feeling says avoid! Welcome to the forum BTW Pete
  6. Sure, but to be weeded out you have to commit 4 offences in what, 3 years? In the last 39 years I've committed just one, yeah speeding ....not telling you about the first six years though, just let me say I don't like paying fines Pete
  7. One major point overlooked in the statistics of road deaths / camera introduction point is the advancement in the vehicles on the roads, both in terms of occupant safety and pedestrian impact safety. We have curtain airbags, bonnets which pop up to try and cushion pedestrian impacts etc etc... Thousands of advancements. NCAP ratings for occupant and pedestrian safety ratings have mor than doubled in some cases for comparable cars over the last 20 years. Good point. I guess you can manipulate these figures as much as you want but I'll point out that there are probably twice as many vehicles on the road today compared to 1990 and half as many accidents reported to the police. Let's look at The U.S.A, a country with very few speed cameras, 42,700 deaths in 2004 , modern up to date cars with arguably higher standards of built in safety, good roads, yet a death rate that's at least 3 times higher than ours . Pete
  8. Just something that you should keep in mind. Pete
  9. Some food for thought... UK Road Stats for 2009 2,222 dead 24,690 seriously injured 195, 234 slightly injured U.K road deaths in 1966 (the year I started driving) were 7,985 and they have fallen steadily since then. In 1990, when speed cameras were introduced there were 5,217 fatalities. There have obviously been many changes in the law since 1966, Seat Belts, Crash helmets, Drink driving laws, etc, but no major legislation since 1990, so you can draw your own conclusions as to why the death rates have more than halved in the last 20 years. Pete
  10. Extreme care has to be taken while removing the rear OEM spoiler. There's loads of gritty particles that lodge underneath the spoiler and it'll scratch your paint if you're not very careful. The spoiler is also bonded on and needs levering off . The body shop that did mine made a right mess of it first time around, lots of scratches, a small dint and a badly damaged Nissan burger badge. They did however fix it for me in the end. ChrisS removed his own OEM spoiler, took him several hours I think. Pete
  11. Wow, that looks like a really interesting trip. Only thing that would concern me would be the quality of local petrol Pete
  12. Looked at a few on EBay and the prices are pretty well in line with what they are asking. Pete
  13. Yeah, I loaned him the money to buy it so at least he won't have to pay off a finance company. I haven't spoken to him but I'm guessing he'll want another one, they're cheap enough to buy these days. Pete How much do you reckon? 2k? Sickening! He paid 5.5k for it last June, I guess after you take off the excess you're looking at 3.5k Pete
  14. Just a couple of comments...First off, both these Zed's look like they are GM and not silver? Secondly, the first Zed mentions full service history, the second one doesn't. There's one other thing that's worth mentioning, I'm pretty sure the 2006 model is actually a 2005 pre facelift car registered in April 2006, that means you'll pay £430 instead of £230 car tax . Pete
  15. Yeah, I loaned him the money to buy it so at least he won't have to pay off a finance company. I haven't spoken to him but I'm guessing he'll want another one, they're cheap enough to buy these days. Pete
  16. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. octet 4. Tarmac 5. ChrisS 6. Chesterfield 7. 350Russ 8. Stew 9. bladesgrant 10. JetSet
  17. They're Greddy copies, mine is out by almost half an inch . Pete
  18. Yeah, I've got one of those front lips on mine, really poor fit, mine's actually a worse fit than yours . I'm also looking to replace mine sometime this year with one that fits properly. Pete
  19. Welcome . Nice to see Greeny's car has gone to a good home Pete
  20. I remember when they first came out they ran an ad campaign on TV for them and I thought "Wow, a grown up Audi TT". Sadly, I'd only just bought a brand new Celica T-Sport and couldn't justify changing straight away, had to wait almost 4 years . It was the looks coupled with the legendary status of The Z series that did it for me..plus the added bonus of Japanese reliability Pete
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