Some younger drivers think they're immortal and often drive well beyond their limits, it's only a matter of time with some of them. Young lads are a particular menace they're easily distracted and just don't have the sense of responsibility that older drivers have. We've had several fatal accidents around here involving young men, what's noticeable is that they like to show off to their mates and especially to young girls. It's often the case that when they have fatal accidents...1, there are no other vehicles involved and 2, they are quite often the only survivor as they are the only ones in the car wearing a seat belt. I believe that a curfew for under 21's who've recently passed their test is or has been under consideration.
Just generalising here, but older drivers, well, younger and middle aged men tend to be more aggressive, driving too close, cutting you up, women and van drivers are the worst offenders for using mobile phones, and just about everyone, young and old. fails to use signals these days. Jeez, when I took my test I had to do hand signals