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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Hmm, mainly short journeys on Caroline's Roadster, reset 6,287 miles ago. Pete
  2. Was 50 degrees in needles also when I was there. It's like jumping out into an oven when you get out of the car Though, san francisco is pretty cool in summer. Indeed, already pushing 40 degrees in Needles and yeah, San Fransisco is pretty cool, as Mark Twain once said "The coldest winter I ever saw was the summer I spent in San Francisco". Pete
  3. If you're going in the summer then a convertible isn't really the great option you might think it is. The heat in Arizona and Nevada has to be experienced to be believed, it's windows up and A/C on full blast during daylight hours...50 degrees C in Lake Havasu City when I was there, 46 C in Vegas couldn't even leave the motel . Great choice for The California Coast though where it's around 25-30 C most of the time Pete
  4. Yeah, seems everything was O.K (see my edit) Pete
  5. I think someone bought a disk from there a few months ago. EDIT...Thought so viewtopic.php?f=31&t=45604&p=671669&hilit=satnav+disk#p671669 Pete
  6. Mine was reset when the battery was changed 3229 miles ago. Pete
  7. JetSet


    I noticed some surface rust underneath mine too, not to worry the metals about half an inch thick Pete
  8. Good bloke was Henry. Remember reading about the Triumph Stag he owned...never used it in the rain. Pete
  9. Yeah, good riddance....buried at sea, wonder what that means Pete
  10. O.K, The Red Zed looks pretty stupid to me, I mean its undriveable like that . The wheels aren't my favourites but look quite good on the White Zed actually. Pete
  11. Yeah, I've seen them from time to time on EBay varying from £30-80. I have a feeling that the Bird View is installed in a few other Nissans so it's worth checking compatibility. Pete
  12. A few members have imported custom boot spoilers for the roadster from The U.S.A. and they're not too pricey. Don't know which site they got them from but I found this site while browsing around http://www.cardata.com/spoilers/nissan_spoilers.htm Pete
  13. I've had this too on a previous car just the once and it cleared itself within 5 minutes. At the time, I put it down to an air lock in the fuel system as I'd filled it up with fuel about 10 minutes earlier Pete
  14. Yes, it's not that bad really, as you say might be worth giving it a go Pete
  15. The official list at the top of the page isn't being updated by the looks of it. The more detailed list at the bottom of the page was updated by Colin yesterday. Pete
  16. Spotted parked up outside DFS on The Greyhound in Chester this morning. Also followed an R8 into Currys/PCWorld car park Pete
  17. She's very photogenic and has a lovely smile . She's one of those women who would look great in a tatty pair of jeans and a baggy cardie Pete
  18. PM'd . The bigger the wheels the choppier the ride is. Bigger wheels will require lower profile tyres and the lower the profile the stiffer the tyre walls are, that's my experience with the 20 inch ones I've got on anyway. Pete
  19. Stunning and a real head turner , just wish I had the nerve to do something like that . My only nitpick is that the bonnet looks to be quite a bit out of line. Pete
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