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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Watched the weather forecast on CountryFile this evening, probably the most reliable as its direct from The Met Office. Signs are pretty good, showers should die out on Thursday then dry and 14-17 degrees over the weekend with Saturday being really pleasant Pete
  2. O.K, Caroline and myself will meet you all at point C. Pete
  3. Just looking at the latest 10 day forecast things are looking up. Saturday looks to be a reasonably decent day, cool at 15 degrees but dry with long sunny periods. Sunday, a bit cloudy but dry Pete
  4. Jeez, 11 degrees max, must be coldest midsummer day since records began Pete
  5. I like them . They seem to suit the azure better though. Pete
  6. Yeah, it does, make sure it's not a Cat C or D, could be that it's had a major accident at some stage. Pete
  7. I'm seeing 14 degrees and partly cloudy on The Friday and 15 degrees with showers for Saturday, temperatures more akin to mid April than midsummers day. Although the signals are that this cool and wet period will last well into July and maybe beyond there are hopeful signs that there will be the odd decent day next week or weekend but too early to tell which days these will fall on Pete
  8. 1. Vik54 +1 2. Paulie +1 3. The G Man +1 4. NeilP+1 5. Ricey + Carla 6. Garetgax + 1 7. JetSet +Caroline 8. Toyboy + 1 Being a railway fanatic can't miss out on this Pete
  9. Wow!! Love the basketball from the tower block trick Pete
  10. I wouldn't read too much into that, Jack Brabham did exactly the same thing at Monaco in 1970 Note the pit crew standing on the road and photographers in near suicidal positions Pete
  11. I'm amazed you can find anywhere to park! I drove round the car park a few times including the multi storey before I got lucky and found a space, what a nightmarish place Pete
  12. Just around the corner from where Ricey works in The Bank Of America car park. An 07 GM coupe and an 05 Blade coupe, must pay well there as several Porkers, TT'S parked up as well. Pete
  13. Yeah, didn't like the crew and all the wires. Cleggs face was a picture though Pete
  14. Some info on the last time this happened. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maunder_Minimum I've never given a lot of credence to the global warming theory. It really boils down to the sun and its output...sure, it only varies by fractions of 1% but the climate of the world is so delicately poised that even tiny amounts make a huge difference. The general feeling among climatologists is that we are living in a "warm" period, but these are usually short lived and "cold" is the norm for planet Earth. The main concern would be that melting ice sheets would alter ocean currents and The U.K would no longer be under the influence of the warm Atlantic current, without that, we'd be looking at a climate similar to Alaska . Little is known of the timeline of Ice Ages, but if the Gulf stream was disrupted it'd be pretty quick, last time it became disrupted was about 11,000 years ago. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Younger_Dryas Pete
  15. According to U.S scientists a mini Ice age looks to be on the cards within the next 10 years. It's all down to reduced activity in The Sun which apparently ties in with a similar period in the middle ages. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/06/14/ice_age/ Sadly, this summer is starting to look like being a non event (4 years on the run here) there's no sign of any settled weather until at least the first week of July, that's as far as the models go out to!! Pete
  16. Nothing much as I tend to avoid DIY, but in my first house I was changing a light socket and thought that simply turning the light switch off would isolate it. Imagine my surprise when I grabbed hold of one of the wires and was thrown over the room. Wouldn't have been to bad but I was standing not on a pair of ladders but on a bar stool which collapsed under me. Pete
  17. Button is one of those drivers who on his day is brilliant. Yesterdays romp through the field was one of the greatest drives ever seen in F1 certainly in the same class as John Watsons drive from last on the grid to first (in the dry) back in the 80's. Pete
  18. The gear change problem is well documented especially when cold. I'm pretty sure all 350's have this clunk when changing from first to second so nothing to worry about. Pete
  19. Has to be the best race for years and years, still waiting for my heart rate to come down Pete
  20. Been watching on and off all day, only 12 hours to go Pete
  21. Very strange, according to that list one of them was reg'd as late as 2008 . If there are 5 missing I wonder if any of them were sold in The U.K, for example Northern Ireland but were bought by owners from The Republic. It's also possible that a couple bought on the mainland ended up in the Channel Islands (or The Isle of Man), I don't think these are registered at The DVLA Great link BTW Pete
  22. Reminded me of this , nobody injured luckily Pete
  23. You mean they could only muster 64 of the 100,000 sold in The U.K Pete
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