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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yeah, but he'll knock £10 off if you pick it up in person Pete
  2. Here's mine taken decades ago Pete
  3. Yes, it would seem that you are correct, there's a Silver Zed parked outside there but it isn't the same one unless he's modded it since then http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/place?hl= ... wQnwIoADAA The latest google map shows a Boxster parked outside there, could be a customers car.....but I've visited that small industrial site several times in the last few months, there's a wheel refurb company 2 doors away, and didn't see any sign of a Zed there. The mystery deepens Pete
  4. There's one that lives opposite the Peacock pub (boughton) I've seen a few times, again an import. Don't want to be slating anyone on this forum but the modded one I saw looked pretty daft with the bigg-ass spoiler. Nice rims though I'm hoping to put the deposit for 'mine' down on Monday so will hopefully get a wave from you soon Ricey I'm in Waverton by the way. S. Yeah, I've seen this one twice both times in Saltney, Veilside front end. Can't for sure say what sort of spoiler is on the rear, as it was coming towards me both times I spotted it. Only thing I did spot in my rear view mirror was that it had a rear bumper like the one below....it's the yellow one in the distance (Chesterfield's car) best photo I could find in a 5 minute search Pete
  5. I know its OTT, I know that it's rated as one of the 50 ugliest cars of all time, but I just love these Pete
  6. Their not currently recruiting, they are in fact cutting jobs. I got a position on the waiting list for the next intake, but Cheshire Constabulary are not having one for a long long time! Best try North Wales She'll consider any area in The U.K, (except London) but she is looking at other career options too. If she can't find anything suitable then I fear she'll do a PhD next Pete
  7. My daughter is considering The Police force once she gets her MA next year, she already has an BSc hons. Looks to be a good career and the only people they seem to be taking on are graduates. Pete
  8. Well, the thing is if they're based on career average then you're going to loose out big time. I don't have any problem with this but I don't thing it's fair to advertise a job with one set of pension rules then change them at a later date, new teachers will be aware of the pension rules, fair enough, but to change the rules after you've done 20 or 30 years is blatantly unfair and I'd apply that to any work pension, private or public. People who think that a career average isn't that bad should bear in mind that the salary of a classroom teacher in 1976 was £2.5k a year, just imagine how much a few years of that sort of salary is going to drag your pension down Pete
  9. Those are the ones that catch the unwary out. Pete
  10. If you think that's bad then this is next up. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/ ... month.html Just in The States for now, but expect it here soon. Pete
  11. Yeah, we need more young people to pay for the pensions of older people and then we'll need even more young people when the youngsters of today get old and so on. Within about 4 generations we'll have a population of 100 million, 6 generations 140 million, just not sustainable. Last year alone the population increased by 470,000 Pete
  12. The thing about pension funds is that the money doesn't sit there in the bank, it gets invested. Bad investments and the recent financial crash meant that pension pots shrunk by huge amounts. This is just one of the factors involved. Pete
  13. The problem is that if you starting paying into the teachers pension scheme before 2007 then the pension is based on 1/80 and not 1/60, makes a 5K per year difference for a teacher with 40 years service on 30k. I sourced this info from the teachers pension page so I'm sure its right. My ex is on about 50k so despite earning about 10k a year more than me (when i was working) her pension will be about 2k less than mine and we both paid in roughly 7%. Pete
  14. My ex wife is a head teacher so I know just how many hours teachers put in. She's over 50 so she won't have to switch to a career average pension but she will have to work till she's 66 as her birthday is a couple of months past the cutoff date for retiring at 65 (April 2020). Incidentally, Caroline is just 4 years older than my ex but will get her state pension next year! Teachers pensions as they stand now are already poor compared with industry they are based on 1/80ths mine is based on 1/60ths. I don't have any problems with them going on strike, but I really don't think a one day strike is going to make a lot of difference, its really up to the teaching unions to come to an agreement with the Government on a way forward. Pete
  15. "What are you chuckling about" says Caroline from across the room Pete
  16. Yeah, they're all like that. FYI, there's only one reversing light, Nissan decided to save us all a few bob Pete
  17. A common problem, read this thread for more advice viewtopic.php?f=9&t=44982&p=663185&hilit=fairlady+insurance#p663185 Pete
  18. Yuk, looks like its got a cheapo body kit fitted, the rear end is a disaster and this from the same company that makes the beautiful DB9. Pete
  19. Doesn't have a cambelt to change Pete
  20. This worked perfectly for me on both 55 and 08 Zed's. The procedure also works in reverse, if the anti-hijack is enabled pressing both the buttons will remove it. I know from previous posts that this procedure simply wont work for some owners, imports for sure but some U.K cars don't seem to want to play ball. Possibly it's an undocumented improvement and just won't work on earlier cars Pete gutted i think mine doesnt work, anti-hijack really annoys me lol There's several threads about this including this one viewtopic.php?f=35&t=10931 At a guess I'd say that the change was made when the GT4 came out in 2005. Pete
  21. I remember some years ago I used to buy loads of motoring magazines including Motor, Autocar, etc. Although the exact details escape me I do recall an article in one of them in which 2 identical cars were driven across France, one was given the brief to drive sensibly, stick to the speed limits, etc, the other one was to drive in a spirited manner. Over 300 or so miles only 15 minutes separated them at their destination. At the Wales II meet last year, together with Darren who was acting as rear gunner, I got stuck behind 2 slowish moving vehicles while the other Zed's roared away into the distance, I didn't see any of them after mile one till I arrived back at the hotel, they'd been there for a whopping 2 minutes and TBH I just plodded along for 60 miles or so. Colin was leading the main bunch so they wouldn't have been hanging around Pete
  22. This worked perfectly for me on both 55 and 08 Zed's. The procedure also works in reverse, if the anti-hijack is enabled pressing both the buttons will remove it. I know from previous posts that this procedure simply wont work for some owners, imports for sure but some U.K cars don't seem to want to play ball. Possibly it's an undocumented improvement and just won't work on earlier cars Pete
  23. Living close to both the now closed RAF Sealand and the old De Havilland (Now Airbus) sight at Broughton, Chester we used to see Vulcans close up quite regularly back in the 70's and 80's. I don't think they ever landed but what an awesome sight they were as they flew over at a couple of hundred feet. Definitely the best of the V Bombers Just looked up the Vulcan on Wikipedia and was pleasantly surprised to see that 20 or so are in museums and apart from the one that's airworthy another is capable of moving under its own power Pete
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