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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. And that one certainly does....Congrats Pete
  2. Well, 6k is a pretty good price for a facelift. The only problem with a Cat D stolen/recovered is that the insurance company have paid out for it which means that its been in the hands of a thief for quite a while and goodness knows how its been driven during that time. Still, with the bullet proof reputation of the Zed it may be worth the risk. There is another category for stolen/recovered cars, ie Cat E, these are cars that are recovered quickly but need some minor work to put them right again. My Escort RS Turbo fell into this category as it was recovered within 12 hours and just needed new door locks and a steering column, not sure if this is recorded though. Pete
  3. Or something that escaped from Chester Zoo Pete
  4. +1 Very, Very unlikely to be a cat, they simply don't have the strength or weight to scratch down to the metal and even if they did they can't just open one claw at a time so there would be some evidence of light parallel scratching. Seeing as your car is black there would also be very obvious footprints as well, I can always tell when one's been on my car . Pete
  5. Vancouver....good choice . Looked at Canada a few years ago but after studying various things didn't fancy a 6 month long winter every year . However, Vancouver isn't like the rest of Canada, it has a very similar climate to The U.K, rains a lot in the winter but summers are much sunnier than over here and you get the chance to explore the rest of Canada in the summer too Pete
  6. Yeah, the latest facelifts don't have a satnav cover, so it could be an aftermarket unit? If it isn't then maybe the imports have a cover, which would mean it's completely useless. Pete
  7. Go for it . Nice cars, I like them, but be prepared to be looked down on by owners of 911's, my stepson has a 911 and pulls a face at the very mention of Boxsters, Caymans (and Zeds ) Pete
  8. Looks like its been targeted by someone who knows these cars. Probably in bits now or being stored ready for a "job". Really not a lot you can do to stop a determined thief and this car was locked, alarmed and fitted with a tracker . Pete
  9. Yeah, had disks go into warp mode after about 9 months and 2k miles on my brand new Celica. They fixed it on warranty but the engineer said that lots of rust on the disks can cause them to warp Pete
  10. Yeah, you can get them on EBay. They don't seem to have a name but they come from Poland and cost £85 plus £25 delivery. I quite like them and you can leave your original spoiler on too Pete
  11. You could well be right, but I would have expected a crack of that size to be straight and not elliptical. Of course, photos can be deceptive and it's difficult to get things in scale to but it just looks to me like an entry point at the bottom of pic 2...maybe a Stanley knife? Yes, it could have had a "blowover", but these usually bubble before they crack, any sign of bubbling? That's another clue to its origin, I wouldn't expect cracked paint to lift both the primer and the undercoat to expose the metal underneath, not unless the metal was dirty when it was sprayed. Pete
  12. Yes and No. Cars are painted to withstand tremendous heat, like for example Arizona where temps reach 45 and above and the sun shines for 90% of the time. What you see there most commonly is very faded paintwork. There is however the possibility that this isn't the original bonnet and that its been badly prepared before painting which can cause the paint to split and lift, however, looking at the 3rd picture I'd say a screwdriver was the most likely cause Pete
  13. Yeah, just the one, had my Escort RS Turbo from new, 1989-2000, I think it had 116k on the clock when I sold it. Would have kept it longer but it needed a lot of work doing to it to get it through the MOT. The guy I sold it to fully restored it, must say that when I saw pics of it I was longing to have it back! Next longest is The Zed which I've had for 4 1/2 years. Pete
  14. Yeah, reminds me of many years ago, back in the days of Windows 95 I bought a copy of routemaster on CDRom. It worked well, planned quite a few routes with it . However it had a very strange anomaly , if you worked out a route along the English/Welsh border then it threw out some weird routes. If for example you chose your start point as Chester and your destination as Oswestry, then it would completely avoid giving you a route that crossed the border into Wales which added a good 20 miles to what is a 30 mile journey. It did the same for Welsh towns along the border completely avoiding any roads in England . Pete
  15. As Stew has suggested, a lot of so called high value demo's are usually cars driven by someone senior in the dealership usually the sales manager. I doubt very much that they would give a brand new 370Z to a salesman to thrash to death , that was certainly the case at The Nissan dealer close to me. Pete
  16. Doubt that, I had left school and had been working for a couple of years when "Arnold Lane" came out and I'm nowhere near 70 Pete
  17. Welcome to the forum . Very nice car, Sunset Roadsters aren't that common in fact I don't think I've ever seen one in the flesh. Pete
  18. Stick a bulge bonnet on it and nobody will know the difference Pete
  19. Have just been quoted £1,800 for both Zeds and the Renault Clio through Admiral. Caroline was quoted £790 for her Zed if that was the only car insured. I'm seriously considering this as my 22 year old daughter will get full cover on The Clio, currently she only gets 90 days a year at £2.10 a day on top of the £300 or so that I already pay. I've been unable to find a company that would insure her as a named driver for 365 days a year for under a grand In fact, looking at the figures all 3 cars work at at £600 each, not bad at all Pete
  20. Only available in America (sadly) Pete
  21. Unfortunately, I had a lot on this week or I'd have joined you. If you fancy popping in your way home though we could have a mini meet here Pete
  22. JetSet

    Wheel Spacers

    Have a look here http://www.rotawheels.com/wheels.asp?wheelid=70 If these aren't the ones then go through all the wheels, offsets are in there Pete
  23. By this seasons standards it was quite a poor and predictable race really, although Lewis did his best to lift the gloom. And yeah, team orders suck . Pete
  24. Dropped these too . Pete i did look at the lexus SC430 nice cars Amazingly cheap these days too, 12 or 13k for a 2005 model, considering they were £50k new. Pete
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