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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. A bit of research shows that the U.K didn't get its first Datsun until 1969 and just two models were sold, The Sunny and the 1400. The main thrust started in 1971 with the introduction of the Cherry so presumably the 2000 was never sold in The U.K as it was discontinued in 1970. If there are any here they would most likely be imported LHD cars from the continent or The U.S. In any case only a few thousand were produced and the most desirable ones made in 1967 are worth an absolute fortune. That Cadillac on the same page is really something to behold http://www.thefancy.com/things/25630950 ... a-Roadster Pete
  2. Heading North on the A470 About 5.00 this evening. Pete
  3. Reminded me of the TR5/6. Really nice car but I don't recall ever seeing one of these before, where they ever available in The U.K? Pete
  4. I was pretty lucky with my neighbours in the 5 years I lived in a semi. The first ones that lived there were a very quiet couple without any children and they both worked shifts, the only time they made much noise was at night funnily enough mainly when the husband was on nights . After a period of the house being empty another youngish couple moved in with 4 kids, all girls. The girls often made a racket when their parents were out and a on a few occasions I had to go around and sort out their arguments. Amazingly, I don't think I ever saw their dad in the two years they were there, he was a DJ and was out till all hours apparently. Pete
  5. Yeah, there's a lot of mobile cameras here in North Wales and I've yet to see a police car accompanying one, so that pretty well confirmed what I thought Pete
  6. JetSet

    07 oem bulge bonnet

    , that's where I got mine from. Pete
  7. I'll make a start 1 Bryan Adams Don't know of any others Pete
  8. Yes, I was able to delete one of the cars, but not the other for some reason, thanks. Pete
  9. Think we need a delete button, I've managed to create 2 entries O.K, found it Pete
  10. Could do with some scroll bars as there's only room for 5 cars to be viewed, but yeah really good O.K, forget that, just discovered the browse garage button Pete
  11. That's very good . Just needs some spacers to fill out those arches a bit . Also, could you post a close up of the petrol cap?, kinda looks like the arches partly cover it. Pete
  12. Hmm, low flood damage at least Pete
  13. No, but I know a few people that have and have heard that it is interesting. Just remember you have to pass the course, showing disinterest could cause you to fail in which case you'll get the points. Pete
  14. I never had much time for her, didn't like her music and hated her train wreck looks. BBC showed a video of her before she started mutilating her body and she actually looked quite acceptable . That doesn't mean that I don't feel sorry for her parents in particular who tried their hardest to get her back onto the straight and narrow again and her record company apparently spent 10's of thousands of pounds trying to get her off the drink and drugs all to no avail. It's difficult for me to comment on her addiction as I decided when I was 18 or so (and seeing many of my friends popping purple hearts) that I wasn't going to do drugs because frankly I was scared what it would do to me but some people just have to try them don't they?. The woman obviously had talent but at the end of the day her addiction just took over her life...this was only going to end one way. Pete
  15. Low flood is a pretty loose description, it could have been under water for 10 minutes or 3 days and the water could have been relatively clean or full of sewage. I found this explaining why you shouldn't touch one. http://www.helium.com/items/1085344-why ... amaged-car Pete
  16. Yes, a very good race, looks like the top 3 teams are really close now. No penalties to either, just enough fuel in Alonso's Ferrari Pete
  17. Yeah, this happened at Chester Zoo a few months ago. http://www.ellesmereportpioneer.co.uk/e ... -26281694/ Pete
  18. A lot of money for not much car IMHO. I'd rather buy a couple of 370's or Elise's (or get a 911) and have loads of cash left over. £100k, which I believe is the list price is just ridiculous really Pete
  19. Can't say I'm surprised really. Pete
  20. There's a black facelift 350 up the road from me, a member on here, then there's Jolly Ranchers GT4, works at Corus (or whatever it's called these days), spotted a bog standard one parked outside Comet in Chester recently and there's a black roadster always parked outside DFS. You need to get out a bit more Ricey Pete
  21. I'll stop when I no longer feel that I'm safe to be on the road. Pete
  22. Caroline spotted this one, she thought at first it was me driving her car, she's using the Clio this week. . Heading towards Mold on the A494, Reg MC 05 ***. Pete
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