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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. I'll have a word with her Pete
  2. Whoever owned it also went 17 months from 2005 to 2006, however, I spoke to the Nissan dealership about this and they weren't really concerned about people like myself who do well under 3k miles a year having it serviced every couple of years, what they don't like are people that do say 15k between services, so I just get a P3 every 2 years . Pete
  3. Other than the fact that the tyres are Nankangs there's still plenty of life left in them...about 7mms sadly, they must be rock hard . Pete
  4. Never had anything more than a couple of inches of kerbing before so it looked pretty major to me , the worst of it is out of shot where there are a few smallish lumps missing, don't have the keys to move the car to get a proper picture though. The rims are just normal, those are dummy bolts and when they were refurbed back in April it cost £40 plus VAT per wheel, so not too bad. Pete
  5. JetSet


    O.K, the only thing you have to fit the right way around are the studs, they have to go in tapered end first, not really a mistake you could make unless you fitted them when it was pitch black Pete
  6. Caroline was forced into the kerb by a boy racer who didn't give way to her, now got some major damage to the outer lip of the front nearside wheel. Only had them refurbed in April as well Almost 50% of the outer rim has damage Pete
  7. Not even a GT and that mileage looks dodgy. Pete
  8. JetSet


    Hubcentrics will only fit one way, the only way to fit them incorrectly would be if they were not torqued on properly and he'd spotted that one of the nuts was loose. When I got my new wheels earlier this year one of the nuts holding the spacer on had come loose, in fact it fell off when I removed the wheel . With Rays, you can actually see the nuts through the wheel and its worth taking a peek now and again My spacers were torqued on correctly BTW, I watched each nut going on and being double checked so goodness knows how it worked loose in 1,800 miles Pete
  9. I tend not too worry about other people getting caught speeding but yes, they run the risk of getting caught, they must think its worth it TBH, in my limited experience of these compulsory speed signs on Motorways, you'd be lucky to reach the limit, by the time they switch them on the traffic is down to crawling pace Pete
  10. They come up for sale on here now and again. Pete
  11. Like these? If so these are Nissan spats/mudguards, an arm and a leg from your Nissan dealer Pete
  12. Well, most of the freeways or interstates are only 2 lanes and lane discipline is fairly reasonable but as you say around the cities where the number of lanes increase its so dangerous and the more lanes the more dangerous. Having driven through Denver in the rush hour, which lasts from about 6 in the morning to Ten at night you need to know exactly where your turn off is, in fact its best to just stay in lane 2. As for it being safer, I couldn't say for sure but the death rate on Motorway type U.S roads is astronomical compared to The U.K, but this could be due to other factors. For example in Colorado no need for bikers to wear crash helmets and the police can't stop you for not wearing a seatbelt, even though its the law to wear one Also many, many deaths on Freeways/Interstates are caused by drivers falling asleep Pete
  13. Looks like an aftermarket exhaust to me, don't know which one though. Pete
  14. JetSet


    I've got a Silver one, not too far away either PM me if you're interested Pete
  15. I usually blow my horn at them and gesture for them to move into the inside lane. Pete
  16. Take an umbrella . Actually it's the greatest circuit in the world and I'm pretty jealous. Not too sure about viewing places, much of the circuit doesn't seem to have any viewing facilities. Pete
  17. Welcome, Silver's the best Pete
  18. Yeah, an MY07 import, not many facelift models were imported, that's only the second I've heard of. Good price, should be worth 5k in 3 years time, providing there's nothing too drastically wrong with it. Pete
  19. That's one way around it. There are other cheaper options too if you don't mind listening to streaming in Dutch or Italian, etc . Anyway, who watches all 20 races live, I usually record at least half of them and watch them in the evening, especially the 5 o'clock in the morning ones. Does mean you can't switch the news on all day though Pete
  20. Wouldn't be surprised to see Wimbledon going to Sky next, followed by The Tour De France which is currently free on ITV4, there'll be nothing left on free to air soon Pete
  21. Not good, Planet F1 and Autosport have gone into meltdown and I don't blame them. Looks like another case of the poison dwarf lining his pockets again to me. We really need further details as this was obviously announced in a hurry, but from what I have gathered there will be no ads during the race or qualifying on Sky and BBC will cover all the races online. What covering half the races on BBC HD, the so called "important" ones, means is anyone's guess Pete
  22. JetSet

    Next gen 911

    Yeah, the looks don't change much, you sometimes wonder how much further they can go with the 911 but I guess there's a bit more life in it for now. Pete
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