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Everything posted by JetSet
1 Lack of signals 2 Tailgating 3 Dangerous speeding 4 Using mobile phone 5 Lack of courtesy 6 Amber gamblers The biggest thing that really bugs me at the moment is the complete failure of some drivers to understand traffic lights. At the top of the lane I live in there is a crossroads with the main road, it's on a bit of a bend and was the scene of a few bad accidents a number of which were fatal. So they put traffic lights in a few years ago with filter lights from the main road onto the lane, You wouldn't believe the number of drivers who turn across the red filter lights into the lane or even more dangerously decide to do a U-Turn when the lights are on red . If they ever decided to put cameras on the lights they'd make a grand + a day easily. Pete
I had a go in an S2000 a few years ago, did about 10 miles on mainly country lanes. At that time I had a Celica 190 and it certainly had a lot more poke than that, although I didn't push it as the owner was sitting next to me . I thought it was a pretty good car, miles better than the 180 Audi TT Caroline used to have. Pete
Just an American thing from what I've read. Interesting thing is that 98 Octane fuel can be difficult to get hold of in many parts of The States especially rural areas, could make a difference to how the engine runs and to the oil consumption but I don't really know From an American Forum Octane ratings are worked out in a different way in The States, 91 Octane is around 95 over here. Pete
The silver one was described as a 350Z S-Tune GT, but unless you can see the plaque inside it then yeah, it could just be a copy. I have a feeling that the version that was very difficult to import into The U.K was in fact the NISMO Type 380RS, I recall a post about this some time ago. I'll see if I can find it Here it is viewtopic.php?f=3&t=38669&hilit=380rs Pete
Here's a pic of an LHD version, the paintwork looks to be the same but the front bumper is different, however this one is an earlier version from 2004. Pete
Very nice, for a modded U.S.A Zed that one actually looks like it can be driven on the roads. In certain States you need front plates although TBH I'm not sure how stictly this is enforced http://www.worldlicenceplates.com/usa/US_XLPR.html Pete
Contrary to what I previously posted the one that Nissan brought over was indeed registered (and taxed) Pete
Doesn't really say much more other than only 20 were produced each month. There is a site posted somewhere on here that's now slipped my memory that had details of every car taxed in the U.K for every year since 2001 and I saw no mention of any Nismo S-Tune ever being registered in The U.K, so its possible that the one brought here by Nissan was never actually registered and it may no longer be here?? http://www.seriouswheels.com/cars/top-2 ... une-GT.htm Pete
Some great photos there Pete
Well, I have Sky and the sports package as I'm a fan of many sports, in fact have had it for many years . What upsets me as a long standing F1 fan is this will set back the sport in this country by 30 years which is roughly the length of time all F1 races have been shown on TV. The first Grand Prix I went to at Brands Hatch in 1972 had a crowd of 55,000 over the 3 days, they probably get than many for practice these days and you can't blame the weather for the attendance, not a cloud in the sky for the entire 3 days and there was only minimal TV coverage. It's very difficult to estimate what the 2012 viewing figures will be, they had increased to 6/7 million but I'd be surprised if Sky got 1.5 million, more likely around the 1 million mark and the races covered by the beeb will also most likely see a bigish drop. I'm pretty sure Sky will do a good job, they have a lot more money to throw at coverage than The BBC but seeing as I hate adverts I'll probably only switch on just before the race starts when its only on Sky If I didn't already have Sky Sports then I wouldn't get it just to watch F1, I'd just watch the "delayed transmission" on the BBC. Pete
When I was a kid back in the late 1950's my next door neighbour had one of these, not only that I can still remember the reg...AUS 405 . Pete
This is the problem, they live in a part of the world that just cannot support the sort of populations that exist there. You help to sort them out and within 10-15 years you're back where you started. I hate to see young children dying and suffering in this way but donating money to drought stricken parts of the Horn of Africa just prolongs the cycles of agony. Controlling the population should be the number one priority but this would seem to be a taboo subject if you mention it to any of the aid agencies Pete
Looks like they've tidied The Heaves up a bit Pete
Absolutely......sadly, I'm not very optimistic that much can or will be done, bringing the army in is possibly the best option?? Things will become a bit clearer when we hear what the COBRA meeting decides. As for Theresa May, she usually talks a lot of sense but that interview she gave was actually quite depressing. Pete
Trouble now reported in Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol. Just looking at an absolutely massive fire at the Sony centre in Waltham Point in Essex...shocking. I seriously expect this to spread not only to other parts of the country but to other countries too. Pete
Another massive fire reported in a shop with houses over it opposite Debenhams. This is absolutely disgusting and the worst thing is they'll probably get off with community service . I'm hearing from reporters and witnesses on the scene again and again, no police in sight, they just didn't see this coming . Let's hope that Cameron shows some leadership in the morning, come on lets get tough. Pete
+1 Restaurant owner now saying that Ealing shopping centre is on Fire. Christ, this is getting completely out of hand......... Looting on Old Kent Road and Tower Bridge, won't be much left in the morning. Pete
Maybe it is naive but its exactly what I predicted, 33,000 sounds a lot but bear in mind only 5% are riot trained. I'm sure they could have handled this better but police moral is very low, why should they bother . I've always been against cutting police numbers, you can cut other public services, but the lesson that should have been learned from Thatchers time is that you don't cut police numbers especially in a recession, it just sends out the wrong message. Pete
There aren't any water cannons on Mainland UK (sadly) Organised looting now going on in Debenhams, no police in sight, cutting numbers to save money doesn't look too clever now Pete
Thats not bad then! Cheaper than a new clutch. I had the same thing in my old golf. I was driving along and bang, clutch pedal to the floor. The actual pedal had snapped. I drove the 30mile home with no clutch. Dead easy when you know how by rev matching. Then had to get some replacement plastic bits for a few quid from VW and reweld the clutch pedal myself. All in all cost me pennys, but could have been an expensive job had the clutch actually went. Something similar in my Lotus Europa, big bang, clutch straight to the floor, had to drive home about 35 miles without a clutch, quite easy in that particular car actually. Got it down to my mate's garage and it turned out that one of the engine mountings had snapped and the cable had simply popped out. A quick weld later and I was back on the road for a tenner Pete
Holy Moly, that's faster than Pole position for the 1964 Grand Prix . In fact the last GP held there in 1976 had a pole time of just over 7 minutes although there may have been a few changes since then. Pete
Thanks for the info , I've seen a few on earlier plates so these must have been imports. Pete
Has anyone had one of these from new? Just curious but how did you get hold of these, when I was looking about for a brand new Zed back in 2006 and again in 2007 there was no mention of Pearl White in the brochure, were these a special order and did they cost extra? Thanks, Pete