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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yeah, took a look at pictures of the new McLaren and it doesn't look too radical, let's see how it goes in testing. Apparently Ferrari and Lotus-Renault have had to abandon the ride height adjuster they were working on when the FIA declared it illegal after first saying it was O.K. First test start next week, wonder if Sky will have any coverage? Pete
  2. That is correct, you can only get 6 months or 12 months tax. If you were to tax it for 6 months on the 29th February you would only get 5 months and one day. This also works the other way, if you surrender your tax on the first of the month you will only get a 5 month refund as they only refund the full months that remain unused. To clear up the 15th of the month rule Regarding the law on untaxed vehicles and MOT test Pete
  3. My daughter has first Dibs on it, it was her car before I bought it off her...long story. If she doesn't want it, or more likely can't come up with the cash (Deadline Jan 2013) then I'll MOT it and sell it for about 2 grand I should think. I paid her £3,500 about 3 years ago with 16k on the clock. Pete
  4. Yeah, but factor in the OP may have had to go out and buy the tools, then waste 30mins to an hour of his own time... that £127 ends up looking not too bad! I've not done anything other than change oil, filter, plugs and wiper blades since the 70's. Every car I've had since 1976 has been brand new or less than 12 months old and other than The Escort RS Turbo and The Zed, none have been in my ownership for more than a couple of years. In my early motoring days I would tackle almost anything but (a) as you've said I don't have the tools and ( I don't want to get by back into spasm again, I am in my 60's don't you know Pete
  5. JetSet

    Wheel referb.

    Gold or Standard . Black just doesn't suit a GM car IMHO, Red too extreme and white too cheap looking Pete
  6. Either of those options should be O.K. How much negative equity is there on the car? Pete
  7. Welcome . It seems that the CD for the earlier 350Z is quite rare, I've been unable to unearth one. However there are several SatNav disk specialist companies that might be able to help you out, but you'll need to contact them first. The one below charges around £40 for a disk.....BTW, Nissan charge £495 for the DVD http://www.satnav-updates.com/ Pete
  8. Welcome to the forum I personally like the Red ones. Hmm, tricky. He needs to clear the finance and show you the documentation before you hand over any money. You should speak to the seller and see what he proposes first though. Pete
  9. My days of grubbing around under cars are well over Pete
  10. Yeah, we went down the Admiral route this year. The policy for 3 cars, 2 Zed's and a Clio actually worked out slightly more expensive than staying with the existing insurance, all 3 were with different companies. So why did I change, well the policy on The Clio only covered my daughter, aged 22 for 90 days a year, this one covers her for the entire year. In fact the Clio worked out at £600 with my 4 years NCB , the Zed's roughly £500 each with max NCB. Pete
  11. Yeah, they replaced the entire driveshaft, so effectively £130 for a ring . Seems to be a common problem with Clio's, I've spoken to someone else who also had to have the entire assembly replaced. Pete
  12. Wow, just 9 crimes in my area and 5 of those were at the 24 hour Shell/McDonalds complex on The A55. just one burglary and zero drug offences. Pete
  13. I sold my entire collection of "Autosport" on EBay, only missing 3 from 1971 through to 1992. I also had a few from 1968-72. Put them on EBay expecting or hoping to get £25 for the lot of them. In the end 2 guys had a bidding frenzy and I finished up getting £150 . Guy drove down from Nottingham to pick them up, they weighed an absolute ton. Sad to let them go but they were taking up a crazy amount of space. When I moved house in 1978 I made a bonfire with all the other magazines I'd collected over the years, they included MotorSport (monthly), Autocar and Motor and gave away the 1,000 or so football programs that I had Pete
  14. JetSet


    I quite often drive Caroline's 08 Roadster at night and the improvement is fairly modest TBH, but they do look a lot better Pete
  15. viewtopic.php?f=9&t=39575&start=105 Looking at that list from September 2010 you can see that only a very small number of members 350 Zeds had under 10k on the clock and not that many with less than 20k. Probably very few left with less than 20k now. Pete
  16. 2 or 3 times for fog on the front in 40 years, back ones maybe 20 times. However I've also used them in falling snow a few times and the back ones frequently in heavy rain. Got pulled in the 70's for having the ones I'd fitted switched on when it wasn't foggy or snowing . Just too many drivers have them switched on all the time for the police to do anything about it nowadays I guess . Pete
  17. Happy birthday from me and Caroline Pete
  18. Protected no claims maybe? Pete
  19. +1, what a crazy world we live in. Try and adopt a child and you face nothing less than The Spanish Inquisition, endless checks, visits, interviews . Knock out 6 or more kids yourself..no problem . Pete
  20. BT07 ***? Saw that one near Sainsburys Chester on Tuesday and I'm pretty sure I've seen it in Waverton too. S. No, Just BT XX, that's right, a 4 digit registration number (and the XX part of the reg was a number below 20 ). Pete
  21. Yeah, just looked at the bill and it was actually £130 for the part, he told me that sometimes they can be repaired but this one was completely rusted through. Still, he passed my 350Z with no advisories Pete
  22. 1 No Sunroof on the Authentique 3 Yeah, broke one of them too, right at the bottom it was snapped off, that was spotted at a previous service. 5 Engine is remarkably smooth, starts first time even after it stands for 2 or 3 weeks, will check that ECU shroud in the morning, thanks. This wasn't the car I would have chosen as a second car, I reluctantly bought it from my daughter who needed the money to complete her University course....She is supposed to be buying it back from me at no doubt a much reduced price , she completes her Master degree next month and with a bit of luck will stop bleeding me dry Pete
  23. http://www.motyourcar.co.uk/ Just up the road from me. 1.2 Authentique It was a full service, oil plus brake and clutch fluid and whatever else they do. The ABS problem was down to the cog rusting away, Renault don't sell that part, you have to buy the complete drive shaft. Thanks for the info. Car had 14k when I bought it, previous owners were Bank of America and a district Midwife. I'm very light on the brakes, the distance I leave to the vehicle in front is legendary, but I guess I've driven it about 10k, my daughter about 3k and Caroline around 1k...I also loaned it to my ex wife who drove it to Cardiff and back, she breaks every car she gets Pete
  24. Have owned this for 5 years (its a 54 reg) and its sailed through the MOT every year with no advisories. This year however its cost me £700, including a service, to get it through. I knew there was an ABS fault but the part for that alone cost £180, then the handbrake needed adjusting, track rod ends had gone, the suspension needed new bushes, there were also some "boots" , whatever they are that needed replacing. Advisories on the passenger seat belt, not returning quickly enough and pitted disks and apparently only another 3k of brake pads left means that its becoming rather expensive to keep Wouldn't mind, but it only has 28k on the clock so it has to go Pete
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