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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. My daughter usually asks for money. Caroline always asks if we can go to Next. Pete
  2. Not really but I prefer the coupe. I did seriously consider buying one of the last 350 Roadsters back in 2008 and TBH if they'd have offered me a decent P/X on my 2006 Zed I'd have gone for it, they wanted 10k plus my car, 9k was my limit. I should really have thought it through properly and bought it for cash and sold my Zed privately Pete
  3. Nothing, depending on when said shed was built. The extra resistance to detonation of 97RON over 95RON would be wasted as the car would not run as high a compression. So the car would always fire the spark before the fuel to reach det prematurely. So unless it has higher compression and can alter ignition timing then its pointless. If it can use it then you'll get slightly higher MPG as the fuel is burnt more efficiently than 95RON. With todays technology it should be possible to get a car running efficiently and safely on a fuel that it wasn't designed to run on, well in theory at least I remember when they switched over from leaded to unleaded, the number of garages selling leaded diminished each week until there were none. I think there was a fairly simple fix to convert leaded cars to run on unleaded. BTW, When they were selling leaded and unleaded at the same time they changed the size of the petrol filler so you couldn't put the wrong fuel in. The leaded nozzles were massive....its a shame they didn't do that with diesel too, would have saved a few heartaches. Pete
  4. You can get 93 (at least) over there, which is the same as our 98 roughly. You can find 93 and in some cases even 94 in the big cities or near to refineries but the areas I've been to its usually 91 max. Would be interesting to know what engine this came out of, I would imagine the high rev 06 and onwards engines would be more likely to have this problem. I'd also like to point out there are more things that can blow a hole in a piston than duff fuel Pete
  5. Chris, it would seem that in Japan 100 Ron is the standard for high performance engines. There doesn't seem to be anything sold between 95 and 100, so the 100 Ron recommendation makes sense to me now Pete
  6. No, they use Aki ratings in the States and the maximum AKI available is 91, the equivalent of 95 Ron. No idea about Japan though
  7. In The States which is the largest market for Zed's in the world its extremely difficult to find anything above 95 RON and if you do it costs $7-8 a gallon. 95 is the premium grade there. In some of the Mountain States for example Colorado you'll struggle to find anything above regular which is 91 Ron .Maybe this is why so many U.S owners had engine problems on their MY06's . In Japan, the home of The Zed 100 Ron is recommended Pete
  8. I've been looking to buy a new watch, now almost every site I visit is throwing watches at me. I've also been the 1 millionth visitor an unbelievable number of times, just lucky I guess Pete
  9. Just Tea for me, and lots of it. Can't remember the last time I had a cup of coffee. I even take Tea bags (and Marmite) with me to The States, American tea is diabolical and they haven't got a clue how to make it. Pete
  10. I liked my worst mod, turned out to almost be a major disaster though . Bought a set of gauges for my Sunbeam Stiletto, Vacuum, Water temp and Oil pressure. The first 2 went well, but the oil line that came with that gauge wasn't long enough to reach where the engine is. No problem, I obtained an identical piece of pipe and joined them together using a small length of plastic tubing. Went well until one night I hit a stretch of road that was under repair at 60mph and the pipe became undone. Spotted it straight away, stopped and switched the engine off. The thing was though that the join was inside the car, under the carpet in fact and boy did it make a mess. What made it worse was that the carpets were a sort of fawn colour, had to get them dry cleaned in the end Pete
  11. An incredible mixture actually. Most of my machines run XP SP2 32 bit, I've got Vista on 2 of my Laptops and a cut down version of Windows 7 on my Netbook. Some of the now obsolete machines in my loft have a mixture of Windows 98, ME and 2000. I've not updated from XP as I'm not really impressed with either Vista or 7 and in any case it'd cost me a fortune. I was lucky enough to buy a corporate version of Windows XP from a computer shop that went broke for a very reasonable price . Tried Linux out for a while but couldn't really live with it, too techy for me. MSDos was where I cut my teeth though As far as Mac's go, my experience is limited to a one day course several years ago...don't know why they sent me as our department only used PC's and mainframe computers Pete
  12. Skipping CD is apparently caused by condensation, so obviously its worse in the winter months. I've stuck a number of silica gel bags around the cockpit which helps a bit, I certainly don't get that much condensation on the windows any more. Also,it might just be my imagination, but the skipping seems worse on my home made CD's, in fact I still get the odd skip when the CD player has "warmed up". You could always of course use one of these on your CD Player http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/12V-Hairdryer ... 547wt_1396 Pete
  13. Check out the lambo picture, its unreal Pete
  14. Nice photos , Nice and quiet too Pete
  15. O.K, This is the site that Caroline uses. Its applicable to the whole of The U.K. https://nextstep.direct.gov.uk/Pages/home.aspx To get you started go to The "Planning your career" box near the top of the screen and then the "skills health check" box. This will take an hour to fill in apparently . You will need to register on the site before you start I think. The English equivalent of Careers Wales is called Connextions, however, the service varies from area to area, some offer adult guidance, some don't. Pete
  16. 245/35/19 and 275/35/19 tyres will keep the rolling radius to within 0.8%, the other combo is 1.3% out. I went for the 245/275 tyres but I'm pretty certain that the 265/285 mix is favoured by others. Pete
  17. +1, Easily missed if you don't know the car. Pete
  18. I've had a quick word with Caroline who is a careers and training advisor for Careers Wales. She deals with adults who are in the same position as you so she's going to gather some info which I'll post shortly for you . Although she only deals with people who live in Wales she also has contacts with the English equivalent of Careers Wales. That's because she works on the England/Wales border. Pete
  19. Yuk, 11k for a 9 year old import. What exactly does this mean in the description? Pete
  20. To be pedantic it's 54k or 5 years . The reason for the 5 year interval is I would imagine to stop the plugs from seizing up in their sockets? I did a little research and kept coming up with a figure of 105k for the plugs and that it seems is what is recommended in The States , together with a 3.5k service interval Pete
  21. Seeing as you already own the car, simply post a few pictures up. We like piccies here . If you're concerned about security then blank out or swirl your number plate Pete
  22. . Not quite how I remember it . It was a hole dug by a utility company, about 3 feet deep, but wider than a car (on a dual carriageway) . Some joker had removed both the warning signs and more importantly the lights that surrounded it. The whole front end dropped in it, blowing out my 2 front tyres . As luck would have it the next car along was also a mini who I frantically waved down, unfortunately his mate who was following behind him ploughed into the back of him. There were enough of us to manually lift the front end of my Mini van back onto the road and the guy in the mini loaned me his spare wheel. It was exceptionally foggy, very dense, all of 43 years ago and I've not seen another fog like that since then. Pete
  23. That's absolutely true, the very best players at the peak of their careers have never played here, but there's huge strength in depth, always has been. One of the problems with attracting the very best players here is the climate, I remember seeing pictures of Ronaldinho's villa in Spain and thinking there's no way he's going to come here Pete
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