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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Welcome A one off, he's been trying to sell it for a while. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/NISSAN-350Z-G ... 500wt_1413 Pete
  2. Plenty of water in Wales , most of it owned by Liverpool and Birmingham councils Pete
  3. I was running a batch of 460GTX cards but they were costing me a small fortune to run. I found a Dixons/PcWorld overstock shop selling 240GT cards for £29.99 and replaced the lot of them. Very little noticeable difference on the games I run which are hardly bleeding edge though. My daughter said that on The Sims 3 she noticed no difference, although that will run O.K on a laptop. A good budget card is the 240GT, it uses very little power and is as fast a 9800GT. I've been running one 24/7 on an old 300w PSU I had knocking around for several months now. Pete
  4. Point of order....They look like Bi-Xenons to me! Pete
  5. It's been very dry here for the past couple of years at least. Not so dry up the hills of Wales where our water comes from though and I wouldn't expect any kind of restrictions just yet. Looking at those reservoirs down south then a long hot dry summer (and surely we are due one) could pose a few headaches for the water companies, not to mention their customers. Pete
  6. Great news, congrats on the new arrival Pete
  7. As long as you have a SATA drive to recycle then there's no problem. If you have one of the older IDE drives then be aware that most motherboards no longer have an IDE interface. I just ran into this problem when I upgraded. Pete
  8. I've got a couple knocking about, I'm in the Chester area. Pete
  9. I have a feeling that the fuel computer calculates using the the current mpg . I put £40 in mine last week, it was reading empty and it went up to 216 miles, I put £30 into Caroline's roadster and it only went to 106 miles, so sounds about right to me. Pete
  10. . Very nice Will, look forward to seeing it in May....I think you owe me a drive too Pete
  11. I've just bought a couple of the new AMD Bulldozer 8 core CPU's. They run at 3.6ghz's but are unlocked and although I haven't tested this out will run at 4.0 on air, even higher on water. There's a popup when you bootup asking if you want to overclock, much easier than the old method of fiddling around with multiplier speeds. Pete
  12. You're right, there's a very real risk of major damage using petrol . Half a pint of Kerosine to a tankful of diesel when the temperature drops to -10 is what you need, or a commercial pour point depressant which is mainly kerosine anyway. This works with heating oil as well Pete
  13. Thunder Grey, is that an import colour? Pete
  14. New Mercedes, taken this week at Silverstone on a shakedown run. Pete
  15. 225 Tyres on the rear will throw the rolling radius out by 2.7%. Although I wouldn't be happy with anything over 1.0%, I think the limit is in the region of 5.0%. If it was me I'd get some new tyres ASAP and put the 225's on the front when your others wear out. Pete
  16. There's a pic of one at one of The Wales meets...before my time though. Pete That was an import, just cannot remember who the owner was. Yeah, you're right Perhaps this will refresh your memory..or someone else's Pete
  17. I may be on rocky ground here but I'd hazard a guess that you'd have to replace the entire front console to fit a cubby. The ones with the integrated satnav look to have a lip above them, the ones without don't have that lip Pete
  18. There's a pic of one at one of The Wales meets...before my time though. Pete
  19. Looks like I'm the only one who likes these so far. Pete
  20. What sort of mileage had it done? Thanks, Pete
  21. They have done that, a diesel nozzle is larger than a petrol one and doesn't normally fit in a petrol car. Have they changed the nozzle sizes in the past few years? If not, I wonder how Caroline managed to fill her old Citroen up with Diesel, circa 2000 . She was in Green Flag who brought it home for us, but it took me a couple of days to clean out the tank and all the fuel lines, it didn't go to waste though, just threw it into my central heating oil tank. Pete
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