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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Apart from the things already listed, I'd love to drive to Long Island, looks really nice Pete
  2. Some lovely cars there . Quick question, how do you define a supercar? Is it on Marque, speed, cost, looks? Pete
  3. Tanker drivers making a killing right now with all the overtime they're getting in Pete
  4. Just noticed tonight that Caroline's facelift has illuminated controls on the steering wheel, my coupe doesn't Pete
  5. I would always be prepared to pay more for a low mileage car, especially a one owner example. Going back a few years it might not have been such a good idea as historically cars driven for short distances would mean extra wear and tear, but engines are built to much higher tolerances these days, and seem to warm up a lot faster than they used to. The number of owners is also important, as the number of owners increases then the odds of one of those owners running on 95 RON or abusing the car also increases. Pete
  6. Not much you can do other than contact Nissan, I presume it is a 350Z? They should be able to sort you out but it won't be cheap. If you have a JDM then I've no idea really Pete
  7. Yes, mine did exactly the same a couple of years ago. I never actually removed it from what I remember, just took a few of the holding clips out and put them back in again and that cured it. Pete
  8. are you joking ??? its a 2006 with 20k, You'll be lucky to find a 2004 with 30k for that........ +1, I would have thought in the region of 10k. Pete
  9. I did it half a dozen times and the route was slightly different every year apart from 1994 when they used a completely different course that ran through the Duke of Westminsters estate, which was pretty cool . Not sure where the hills come in, its pretty flat around Chester (bit of a hill round Huntington though I suppose) Pete
  10. Shocking, a big fine and a 10 points deduction hopefully. Pete
  11. JetSet

    who's who

    I did too, it was only when I saw that 90% of the names were new to me that the penny dropped Pete
  12. I did the very first Chester half marathon back in the early 1980's, the company I worked for entered a team of 6 (out of which I finished last ) and raised over £800 for a children's charity on The Wirral. It was also the very last half marathon I ever did back in 1994. Good luck and of course I'll support you Pete
  13. +1 Indeed, it starts breaking down at 125C and once its started to oxidise it will break down at lower and lower temperatures. Pete
  14. Found this while one of the local rags. http://www.wirralnews.co.uk/wirral-news ... -30637030/ My stepdaughter who lives in Cheshire also reported big queues at several petrol stations and I noticed the queue at both ASDA and Tesco was longer than usual, although to be fair they're always busy. Anyone else spotted this? Pete
  15. Looks like they've closed the high rental shops. Of the 2 closest to me they've kept open the one in Broughton but closed the much busier Chester one. No surprise really as Chester has the highest rents outside of London. True enough, why go all the way to Chester or wherever and pay through the nose for parking when you can buy it cheaper from Amazon Pete
  16. What's the problem with it? Pete
  17. I can't comment on what its like in the cities and towns but we're like 4 miles away from civilisation and we get an average of 3 to 4 letters, mainly junk mail, delivered every day. It'd be difficult to reduce costs out here as although the amount of stuff has dropped they still need a van and a postie to cover the area. Lets face it, it doesn't matter if there are 10 letters to deliver to my house or just one, its going to cost exactly the same . Alternate day delivery would cut the costs for sure but would in effect end the current first class/second class system. The P.O around here have cut the number of local sorting centres from 4 to 2 and almost all the post offices have closed. Buckley had 4 some 25 years ago, since then it has tripled in size and lost 3 of its P.O's. The sole remaining P.O never has more than 3 counters open at any one time, this for a town with a population of around 25,000, it's a nightmare . Pete
  18. Might stop a lot of junk mail though Pete
  19. It'll be more economical at 60 than at 70, but not by much. Once you start pushing over 75 then the fuel economy will start dropping off. I recently drove 35 miles each way on a dual carriageway, up to Motorway standard, at 65-70 on the way there I averaged 30.3, on the way back at around 75-80 it was 25.8 (I was in a rush, long story ). We may all find ourselves having to drive more economically in the next few weeks Pete
  20. It's been retro reg'd for some reason. Temper Orange wasn't available till 2007 Pete
  21. Looks in the photos. Never actually seen one in the flesh though, seen every other colour so I guess this may be the rarest of them all. Pete
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