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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. Yes, Roath it is , my daughter is in the process of finishing her Master of Arts degree at The University of Wales in Cardiff, she should be done by July....that is if she decides not to do her doctorate Pete
  2. I'll use this for reference Height 5'2" to 5'5" Skin colour any Hour glass shape Medium boobies Nice Ass Hair Colour any, but I prefer girls with straight hair Size 12-16, you've got to be realistic at my age Two other things.....no tattoos and no body piercing (other than for a set of earrings) Pete
  3. I'll start with a Blade Silver 55 reg Non GT Roadster spotted in the Roth area of Cardiff today at about 1.30 pm. It was just around the corner from where my daughter lives and its been on the forecourt of a garage for sale for a while. Today it was outside the garage on the main road and I spotted it filling up at a supermarket 15 minutes later. Next was a very shiny Black Roadster on a 53 plate on the A483 just outside Oswestry around 4.30 and this was followed a few minutes later by an Azure Coupe AY56 XXX right on the roundabout by The Moreton in Chirk Pete
  4. What impressed me was that this was her everyday car about 10k a year average. The guy who knocked up 3 million is just an attention seeker Pete
  5. Did a bit of reading and discovered that the previous owner ChrisUUC retro fitted the leather seats. So what we have here is a non GT in Pearl White but with Rays and Leather on an N.I plate. This would seem to be a very well looked after and pampered Zed Pete
  6. Good spot, advert says one owner though, probably telling porkies though. Pete
  7. Don't know the car, it's an odd one though. Advertised as a GT but only has 3 buttons on the steering wheel and doesn't have heated seats either . I don't know enough about the GT spec on the 313's to comment any further but it looks to be a nice car. Pete
  8. I'd like to see some proper photos, ones that aren't taken indoors with varying degrees of artificial lighting and possibly photoshoped. Does look good though Pete
  9. Indeed, if those figures are to be believed he's done 1 million miles in the last 8 years, that's an average of almost 350 miles a day Pete.
  10. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-17603598 Pete
  11. A bit of snow, nothing to write home about, just cold and windy with leaden skies at the moment. Should clear up for easter Pete
  12. Lookers in Chester had a white roadster on the forecourt about 2 weeks ago. Window price was high though. They've got two, the white Roadster 10 reg with 1,680 on the clock (24k or so) and a Black Rose Coupe, 12 reg, P.O.A. Pete
  13. http://www.stratlab.co.uk/stratlab/valu ... ?ic=RH1042 Having read through the blurb it seems that they won't supply individuals with it, sorry. However, you can get it from E-Bay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Toluene-99-55 ... 1e64fa2041 Pete
  14. I don't really like it . Much prefer the Blue Ferrari or the GTR. Pete
  15. I was thinking that... but peeps are saying not to bother... If the Octane booster will WORK... I'd prefer to spend the cash and get it in the tank. Gonna be £44 mind! As it is a £22 bottle for each 50L ... but I'd prefer to pay the money IF they work; and have peace of mind, as Mcgoo suggested. A 2.5 L bottle of Toluene (Ron 111) will set you back around £8. Pete
  16. Joking aside, I believe that some owners have had quite a struggle to get their knobs off Pete
  17. That's interesting, I always thought frost grey was only available on the 2007 facelifts. However, that is a U.S car. Pete
  18. Quick thinking from the breakdown driver Pete
  19. Congrats on the purchase, nice low mileage too Pete
  20. Clip on mine broke first time I touched it Pete
  21. Just inspected Caroline's....looks brand new. I'll see if I can get a pic. Pete
  22. I might just go to that . Good warm up for the Canadian GP which is on in the evening Pete
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