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Everything posted by JetSet

  1. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-17697328 Pete
  2. Well, my father was born in Overton on Dee. Although his family lived in Worthenbury Cheshire, Overton was the closest maternity hospital. Most of my ancestors seem to have arrived in Merseyside via Ireland though Pete
  3. That would be Boundary Lane then as it's the only road that I'm aware of that has one half in each country. Pete
  4. I had one of them, a 72 K reg. Great car, paid £1250 for it, sold it for £1400 2 years later, when it was 5 years old. Only real problem was the body rot, the top of the door had to be filled and repainted and the boot wouldn't close as the area around the catch had rotted away and there were several sprouts of rust in other random places. Mechanically very good though and felt pretty fast for a car with around 100 bhp. Mine was an American export model, converted to RHD by the Triumph factory so it was probably a few bhp down and had a few non U.K standard engine parts. Pete
  5. Just keep your old lights handy Pete
  6. I have to say it is rather eye catching...but after spending all that money on the bodykit you would have thought he'd have put some LED rear lights on it Pete
  7. Out on my travels today spotted my first Temper Orange on a 57 plate just outside Oswestry at around 11:30. Striking colour Pete
  8. I'm not far away from Chester and am free for most of the weekend Pete
  9. I'm also with Admiral. Pete
  10. twobears, being a woman you'll see a lot more of this than the average Zed driver. Also, if Caroline's experience is anything to go by you'll get a lot of middle aged men in BMW's, Audi's, Range Rovers, etc, who will try to bully you by pushing in front of you and/or not letting you in the flow of traffic, in short they'll do anything to prove they are superior to you. Its just a man thing sadly. Pete
  11. Oh dear. On a 52 plate but claimed to be a 55 reg, more than likely an import then. Front bumper is ghastly as is the rear "spoiler". It's a good lesson into how to make a Zed look like a boy racers car. Pete
  12. Very nice .Good one owner 350's are getting harder to find but that looks like a real beauty. Pete
  13. Yeah, I hit a pheasant years ago in my XR3i a couple of miles away from the Evo Triangle. Was doing about 40 and I was very lucky that it hit square in the middle of the plastic grille which was easily fixed. Bloody pheasant just flew off . Luckily, that's the biggest thing I've ever hit, in a car at least Pete
  14. Washers and a self levelling system are a legal requirement for Xenon headlights. The new MOT rules were going to stipulate that the associated parts of the xenons must be present and working for the MOT. Obviously it'll depend on how generous/friendly you are with the tester. The rules are.... As AK350Z says , a lot of this will be down to the guy who does the test. If I had to present my car to an MOT station I would remove all traces of the washer system and plead ignorance Pete
  15. Always bear in mind that the mileage on imports will often only reflect the mileage that the car has done in The U.K. As Japanese cars come with odometers that read in Km's they quite often get Zeroed out when they are converted to miles. Pete
  16. Welcome along Yes, 52 plate would be an import unless its retro registered. There was a 52 plate Silver Blade import for sale on EBay a while ago that had U.K front and rear bumpers, wonder if its that one? Pete
  17. I leave mine parked outside Pete
  18. 1. Cats 2. Car Keys 3. Laptop Pete
  19. Just checking my stats on World Community Grid . There's a Sandra Bullock movie in the background and I spent the Afternoon watching The Cycling on Eurosport, seeing as the site was down Pete
  20. JetSet


    Totally agree, I was a bit apprehensive when I went to my first meet but I was made to feel very welcome and with it being a 2 day event, 3 if you include Friday afternoon when most people arrive, there's plenty of time to get to put faces to the names Pete
  21. They look different to me But I'll confirm in the morning . EDIT......As I thought, they are a different shape. Pete
  22. Yep, I reckon they would fit but those tyre sizes are miles out Offsets are slightly worse than standard Rays, you'd need 20/25 mm spacers. Pete
  23. Epic story , welcome to the world of Zed. Pete
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