Caroline had a double fracture of the ankle when she slipped off the edge of a step at 10.00 pm on Christmas Eve 2005 . Her foot was at right angles to her leg . Phoned for an ambulance which rushed her to Chester Countess and after a quick X-Ray a couple of doctors straightened her leg, plastered her up, provided a pair of crutches and sent her home, but not before making an appointment for the 27th. Sadly, the ankle required further surgery and metal plating which they did on the 28th and The NHS helped her through her recovery including several sessions of physio at our local hospital. Everything went fine, the only downside were the absurd parking charges.
Since then, the situation has changed a bit. Because The Welsh Gov't runs the devolved NHS, they don't like you going to Chester Countess, even if it is the closest hospital, sending you instead to Wrexham, a well known MSRA hotspot and a dump of a hospital.