Easily done , My dad dropped me off outside a shop on Deeside, when I got back I got into the passengers seat my dad wasn't there...it took me 3 or 4 minutes to realize it wasn't his car. Much to Caroline's amusement I briefly got into someone else's vehicle after filling up with petrol in The States...all 4wd's look the same to me
They only made a coupe version and ones that are in excellent condition (like Beavis's Ultra Yellow) will fetch at least as much as a 2008 313GT. thumbs:
What you have to bear in mind is that the bonnets are put on by human beings who will have an allocated time to fit them. In any case I just checked Caroline's car and to my surprise the gap on the nearside is pretty much the same as the one in the photo you posted earlier in the thread. On that basis I'd say its perfectly normal
Fully legal in The U.K . They do look great on American Cars as their number plates are far more interesting than the boring ones we have here and not being yellow helps too . In the U.K though I prefer our rectangular plates.
I would imagine they can be sourced over here, one of the reasons why imports cost more to insure and yes they fit directly. Some aftermarket bumpers come with a square recess like for example the Chargespeed bumper.
The sensible way to alternate would be to fill up with 95RON when it had half a tank of 98RON already in it (and vice versa), keep the RON around 96.5 that way. To run it to empty between alternations would be pointless really.
Looked at a load of photos of 313's from various meetings I've attended. There is a very slight tendency for the gap to be bigger on the nearside, but not as noticeable as the one in those photos. Caroline's roadster has a slightly bigger gap and that has definitely not been in a bump. I had a bulge bonnet fitted to my 55 reg coupe and it took the bodyshop quite a while to get it lined up properly.
Depends how he's driven it really. I've probably put about 10-20% 95RON in over the years, the local garage doesn't always have 98RON and I don't lose any sleep over it but then again I don't often go over 4k revs
I'm not sure. Some years ago my wife dealt with collecting the driver awareness course fees and 90% of them were for just exceeding the 30 or 40 limit. Just recently my ex wife was caught doing 60 in a 50 limit and was not offered the course. This may vary from region to region and bear in mind that North Wales police are usually more progressive in the way they deal with speeding. The driver awareness course is in general to illustrate what can happen if you hit a pedestrian in a 30 zone. My understanding is that there will be at some stage be a compulsory course for those outside of the current awareness speed limits and that these courses will be considerably more expensive too.
I don't think there are many hairdressers who could afford to run a 350Z . Sure, there are plenty of women who drive them but the ones I've spoken to are all like middle management types!
I shave in the bath with a 3 blade Gillette thingy and use shampoo .I haven't cut myself for the 20+ years I've used this method. I used my dad's electric razor once or twice about 45 years ago but hated the way it ripped out what was at the time my bum fluff
25mm on the front will on occasions lightly rub, for example going over a speed bump at anything over 15mph and you'll get some rubbing on very rough or potholed roads. I've got 20mm spacers on mine but the offset on the wheels I've got mean they are equivalent to 25mm. 25mm on the back is fine though.
I have to agree, I watched the replays last night, not 100% conclusive but it didn't look to be a goal. On the plus side at least we gave them a decent game in the last 30 minutes, shocking for the first hour of the game though